
"Counsel," Noble whispered, committing the word to memory.

"My Lady?" The man straightened his back and slowed Kosi's pace to hear the woman better.

"What game was Theo referring to? And why is it dangerous?" Noble could tell from Theo's emotions that the words were a warning born out of concern mixed with disapproval.

"I believe the Captain thinks you chose poorly in binding me to you as your counsel. There were certainly others more qualified than a former slave like me. Everyone knows I only earned my freedom because of the kindness of your family. In Theo's view, I am too cavalier. I have heard him say that I will lose my head before the year is complete. I count it as jealousy." Counsel's shoulders shook as he laughed.

Noble passed the water back. "Do you wish I had chosen someone else?"

Without seeing his face, the professor could feel her companion's mood become somber. "What I wish does not matter. All that matters is what is best for the kingdom."

"Duty is important," Noble answered. 

Most Awakened in the waking world felt at least some sense of duty to protect others. With power came responsibility, or at least that is how things seemed to work.

But there was a word that Counsel had used in his explanation which stuck out.

'He said I bound him as my counsel. Does that mean that he had no choice in his role?'

Had Brenna decided to put this man in this position in her life in order to free him? Or enslave him in a different way?

If it were the latter, then the man had fallen for his captor. It seemed more likely that the lady had done what she did out of compassion or even affection.

Which meant that being a Counsel was a great honor Brenna had bestowed. Clearly, this man was held in high regard by the lady whose place Noble had taken.

Kosi bounded down the streets. Wary of being crushed by the creature's massive paws, the citizens of the kingdom scurried to the sides of the streets.

Most were clad in simple tunics, but a few were wearing regal robes of emerald or clean military uniforms of violet.

All bowed as she passed.

All but one. A man hidden in the shadows of a building looked at her fiercely and turned away. His dark hair and eyes were punctuated by a long scar across his right cheek.

'Someone doesn't like me.' When she looked over her shoulder to see the man again, he had disappeared between the buildings of the market. Noble tried to commit his emotional signature to memory in case she saw the man again. 

The professor looked ahead of her once more and her eyes opened wide. "I thought you said I should get changed first." 

"You'll have to change at the palace, of course. Her Majesty had all of your clothing moved from the family manor to your new residence last week. I assumed you knew." Counsel pursed his lips. 

Perhaps she should know, but having come into the Nightmare less than an hour ago, this was news to Noble. 'Queen Bee is now living in a palace? Who says the Spell doesn't have a sense of humor?'

The structure before them was grand. Unlike the alabaster walls, which had been constructed more recently, this building was made of grey stone and looked as old as time itself. That is not to say it wasn't glorious in its own right. The seamless towers rose to the sky and flags waved from every pinnacle. 

But Noble was drawn to one place in particular. Beside the garden courtyard of the castle and above the entry, a beautiful stained glass window depicted a scene of the sky bathing the verdant ground in a heavenly glow. The pink and yellow flowers made her feel like she was walking among them.

"It's stunning!" 

"You say that every time we come this way, My Lady," Counsel chuckled. His laugh set her at ease.

'At least something about myself and Brenna is the same.' 

In truth, the two must have had quite a bit in common for the Spell to place Noble in her role. But what exactly was this role she was playing?

Somehow Lady Brenna had gotten involved in a situation that needed solving. 

It didn't take much imagination to guess that the situation would involve the Queen. 

Turning away from the main gate, Kosi found a side entrance manned by two guards. 

"I would be most grateful if Her Majesty did not hear of our late entrance. Or that we left the castle grounds at all," Counsel said pleasantly. 

"I would not lie to Queen Emira if my life depended on it," the soldier shook his head.

Noble noticed her companion slip a small bag into both men's hands. 

The soldiers exchanged glances before standing a little straighter. "But I see no reason why Her Majesty would ask us at all." 

A special knock preceded the door being opened to admit them. Noble noticed how small Kosi had to make himself to fit through but he did so effortlessly. This was not his first attempt doing such a maneuver. 

"Where shall I wait for you?" Counsel asked after they had made it across the courtyard's lawn and into a side door of the palace. 

"Would you accompany me and then escort me to dinner?" Noble could see immediately she had spoken amiss. "Forgive me, you need to change out of the dust-covered clothes as well."

Noble tried to think of how to find her way through the palace on her own, but there was no need.

"Can you make it up the stairs on your own or shall Kosi carry you?" Counsel offered.

The large creature purred softly before bowing.

"I am a bit fatigued." Noble once again climbed on the monster's back. 'How did Counsel hold on again?'

The creature did not wait for her to remember. 

"Whoa!" The floating Awakened was forced to lean forward to keep from falling off.

"I'll be waiting for you here, My Lady."

Noble barely heard Counsel's words as Kosi bounded away. She dug her hands deep into the creature's mane and held on for dear life. 

The golden Symncus leapt up the stairs a dozen at a time. Soon Noble found herself outside a door at the end of a grand hall. But Kosi kept going. He pushed into the room before sliding to a stop. 

"Welcome back, my lady," a servant curtsied. "May I help you get ready for dinner?"

Noble blinked a few times at the woman in the maid's uniform. She was completely nonplussed by the sudden entry.

'Is this normal to her?' 

"Yes, please." Noble lowered herself to the floor. A dress was already laid out on a cushioned seat. The floating Awakened gathered it up in her arms. "But first, I need the washroom."

Noble headed through the closest door and shut it. Dismissing her armor, the professor looked down at yet another ruined outfit. 

'I really must invest in those bodysuits like the military has, I guess.' 

She slid the shift dress over her form before stuffing the ruined clothes into a crevice behind the bed. The professor would find a way to dispose of the cloth later that evening. Placing her wedding ring on a string, she looped the makeshift necklace around her neck and tucked it into her dress. 

There was a knock at the door. 

"Who is it?"

"Lenore, My Lady," a muffled voice said from the other room. 

"I am almost finished. Come in." Noble had expected to see the same woman who had been in the antechamber before. 

But another girl with splotches on her cheeks and tears in her eyes entered instead. 

"I'm so sorry, Lady Brenna. I'm so, so sorry..."