A Hundred Year War

Noble forced her palm to run along the velvet for a few seconds. When she could not stand it any longer, she pressed even harder into the cushion. The fabric was indeed soft as she suspected.

And the pain from the action was intense.

"Ah!" Noble inhaled sharply and pulled her hand away. Sweat formed on her brow. 

Every muscle in her body protested. Her soul felt like it would come unraveled. 'I might have overdone it,' she admitted belatedly. 

"Lay down immediately!" Bramwell's calm exterior broke. He rushed forward with a speed that belied his age and took the woman's wrist firmly. 

"I...alright," Noble hovered over the couch as she stretched across it. She felt lightheaded in more ways than one. 

Pen brought a basin of water and a cloth. She dabbed at the woman's face with a frown. With the sweat cleared from Noble's forehead, the servant quickly backed away.

Branwell knelt, taking in the sudden change in his patient's demeanor. He placed his frail hand across her head. 

"Close your eyes. Take some deep breaths. Feel the energy run through your body." His voice was calm but firm. 

Noble found she could not help but comply. Shutting her eyes, she slowed her breathing and relaxed. 

"That's it. Let the pain melt away." 

The professor's head felt warm against his palm. As she circulated her essence, his hand continued to grow more hot. But the essence leaving her head felt cool and refreshing. 

Bramwell was purifying her essence! Or at the very least, he was filtering out the damage she had done to her soul. 

By the time the healer was done, Noble had to admit she hadn't felt this amazing in years. 

"Thank you," she said when the man removed his hand from her head. 

"It is my pleasure, My Lady. I must admit you had me worried for a moment. I have never seen a condition intensify quite like that." Bramwell wiped his sweat on his sleeve. "I am glad I got here in time to help."

The man smiled, and his face looked even more cracked with wrinkles than before.

Noble frowned. "Does healing me hurt you?"

"Not at all," Bramwell assured her. "I give up a bit of my youth but it doesn't cause me pain. Don't you worry, It reverses slowly while not using my Aspect."

'Must be very slowly…' Noble suddenly felt bad for stealing part of his life to heal her self-inflicted wound.

Healer Bramwell seemed to care very deeply about his patients, and the professor's trick had cost him more than just the walk to her quarters. 

"Does the Queen give you ample time to recover?" Noble wanted to know. 

"I am sure she will someday," the old–if he was old–man seemed unconcerned with the prospect. "Will there be anything else? You should have a hearty soup sent up to help reinforce my treatment."

Bramwell glanced at Lenore, who curtsied and exited. 

"Uh, yes." Noble hesitated. "Before you go, could you take a look at Kosi? I know creatures may not be your area, but..." 

Unlike the professor, the Symncus was a real patient. It would be nice to know that her protector had a clean bill of health. 

"Ah, I did hear that your friend had a problem last night. I wonder why you didn't call me then." 

"We should have." If Noble had known to contact him, she would have. 

"Counsel did not think it was necessary," Pen put in as she helped Noble sit up. "He saw no reason to disturb the healer after he got Kosi calm." 

Noble considered the servant's explanation. Counsel likely did not want anyone else to know about the poison. 

'Does he not trust Bramwell?' Noble would have to ask that question another time.

For now, all that mattered was making sure that Kosi was well.

"May I?" the Healer held out his hand. 

With a tentative sniff of the man's fingers, the golden creature nodded. 

"There's a good little whelp," Bramwell looked at the Symncus's eyes, nose, and oversized mouth.

Noble had to look away as the man placed his head deep inside Kosi's razor-sharp jaws. Beside the couch, Pen was also exceptionally uncomfortable. 

"Be careful," the servant chirped. 

Ignoring her, Bramwell looked at the rest of Kosi's body, ending by listening to the creature's hearts and lungs. 

"A perfectly beating heart and three fully-functioning lungs," the healer announced with a grin.

"Whatever was wrong, he seems perfectly fine right now." 

The professor released a breath she didn't know she had been holding. "Thank goodness!" 

"He could probably use a bite to eat. Hopefully, your maid will bring enough food for the both of you." Bramwell rinsed off his hands in the basin that Pen provided. 

"If not, Lenore will have to make a second trip." The servant was already mentally berating her younger counterpart. 

"Healer Bramwell!" A young boy in a palace uniform pushed on the cracked door.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Pen cut her eyes at the boy. 

He slunk back into the hall, knocked, and entered a second time. "Healer Bramwell," he repeated. 

Noble suppressed her grin. The child reminded her of Brock when he was super excited to give news. Whatever the young servant had to say, he was willing to forgo etiquette to do it. 

"What is it Roki?" Bramwell viewed the boy with the tolerant smile of a master viewing his overeager apprentice. 

Roki hopped up and down and pointed. "They're here already. You are needed out in the field immediately!" 

"Field?" Noble could feel the fear rise in the healer and her servant. Kosi's ears went back as he lifted his head.

"They should not have been able to move so quickly. We spotted them only an hour ago." Bramwell furrowed his brow. 

"They surprised us. I was sent to get you by the Queen's envoy." Roki seemed both elated and terrified at the prospect of having such an important mission. 

"One cannot ignore Her Majesty's orders," the healer sighed. "I will come by this afternoon to check on you, Lady Brenna. Until then." 

Bramwell made a courtly bow and headed to meet his apprentice at the door. 

"What field are you going to?" Noble could not let the man leave without at least getting the answer to her question. 

Turning, Bramwell paused and gave her a confused look. "Where else, My Lady? The battlefield." 

"Battlefield? We are at war?!"

"We have been for the past hundred years. Are you sure you are feeling better?" The healer was torn. Part of him wanted to do a more thorough check of the Queen's niece while the rest knew that Emira's orders were absolute. 

Roki was confused by his lack of urgency. He grasped his mentor's arm. "Please, Healer Bramwell. The creatures from the mountains have already descended on the troops. We must hurry. I heard the clash with the royal guard was particularly fierce." 

Pen dropped the basin in her hands. "D-did you say the royal guard?" Her face was very pale. "Counsel is with them!