Shall We Dance?

What was there to decide? Were they simply talking about her forced confinement, or something more? 

And what good would the 'old guard' be able to do against the Queen? From what Noble had experienced, Emira was a totalitarian leader who did not consult anyone. 

Before Noble could try and discern Gavin's meaning, the Queen finally felt full. She dismissed the food–more than one person stuffed their cheeks to bursting before their plate was snatched away–and rose from her seat.

Music played, and the guests collectively moved to the Grand Hall.

Most of the elder Nobility watched and gossiped from a large balcony, but a few of the younger members took to the dance floor. 

'I suppose this is the second ball I have ever been to...' Noble realized. 'And I never thought I would say this, but I much prefer Valor...'

While at the Valor Ball, everyone had ignored her. She was a no-one in a room full of important people. 

Now the roles were reversed. Except for the Queen, Noble was the center of everyone's attention. Guests eyed her and whispered, some more covertly than others. It reminded her of the first time she had entered the Dreamscape as a professional. 

'Well…this is awkward.'

Just when Noble could stand it no longer, an Awakened guest came and bowed before her.

"May I have the honor of this dance?" 

"Lord Alyx," Noble had heard the man's name earlier in the evening, "I was not planning on dancing this evening. I am just recovering from being ill." 

"Strange. It was Her Majesty who asked me to come and find you." Alyx shot a nervous glance over toward the Queen. 

She looked their way and gave a gentle nod. 

"Oh?" Noble hadn't seen the two speak. "I would not want to dismiss a request by my aunt so easily. Very well, just one dance." 

A fleeting wave of anxiety passed through Noble, but Alyx's confidence was more than enough for both of them. Fortunately, the steps were easy and Noble was able to pick up the movement like it was one of her battle styles. 

The young man stared at her with delighted eyes. Had he never danced with Brenna before? 

Noble cleared her throat and searched for conversation. "So, Lord Alyx, where were you in the fighting today?"

"Me? Fight? Goodness, no! I had more important things to be doing than scavenging for food." Alyx laughed, tossing back his luxurious hair. "Leave the scrounging to the professionals, I always say." 

"Even the Queen was with the troops today," Noble narrowed her gaze, but Alyx was not flustered. 

"I respect Her Majesty deeply for going out among the riff-raff. She is truly a peerless leader. I will support her in whatever way I can." The man nodded as he spun her in and out. "As for me? My place is here." 

"But you are an Awakened! Surely you must feel some sense of duty to protect the city. Today the barrier nearly broke. What would you have done then?" Noble watched the man's face break into a wide grin.

"Ha! The barrier could never break. That is funny, My Lady." Alxy's expression softened into some sort of concern. "Oh, When you said you were ill, I did not realize you meant you were suffering from an illness of the mind. But I suppose it makes sense. Why else would you go out into the battle like a common footsoldier? I look forward to your full recovery soon."

'I knew dancing with a stranger was not as exciting as movies suggested,' Noble rolled her eyes internally. 'This man is no one's prince charming.' 

Setting aside the unflattering thoughts, Noble tried to make the best of things. "I see we will not agree. Let us find a new topic. Tell me about your day." 

Perhaps he would give her some vital information on the Kingdom.

"Oh it was the usual. Work, work, work. We people with too much wealth never get a moment's peace, you know. I do envy the poor in that regard." Alyx was oblivious to his own callousness. 

'Can this man be any more insufferable? Surely there is something useful I can get from him...' 

"Does all of the Old Guard have as much money as you?" Noble felt the man's amusement at her question.

"Ha! They would if they weren't so stupidly generous. They think giving to the poor helps others. Really it just lets the poor continue to be lazy. Thankfully the Queen still has the Hopefuls. Most of them use their wealth to further the kingdom in ways that actually matter. Spending money on what artisans make is a far better investment than passing out food. The economy..." Alyx droned on. 

Noble hid her frustration as best she could, but as the evening wore on, her patience wore dangerously thin. Other than the information on different groups within the Queen's court, the man had been wholly self-centered. 

And somehow Lord Alyx had managed to wheedle his way in between her and every other dance partner. 

'I must be a better actress than I thought if this man cannot see that I cannot stand him,' Noble kept her face neutral. 

"Forgive me, but I think I am almost done for the evening. This will be my final turn about the room with you," Noble asserted. 

"I see," Alyx frowned. 

His next step was unusually clumsy, mashing Noble's foot into the stone floor.

"Oh! Are you alright?"

Somehow, Noble found a way to internalize the cry and keep the watering in her eyes in check.

"If you'll excuse me," she said through gritted teeth. 

Alyx took her by the elbow gently. "Let me help you find a seat. I can wait with you while you recover."

"No need," Noble pulled her elbow from his grasp. Scanning the room, she caught Counsel's eye and silently indicated it was time to go. 

Counsel immediately stepped between the former dance partners.

"Lord Alyx, that is seven dances this evening. I must protest. Lady Brenna requires rest," he told the pompous lord. 

"I was just about to escort Lady Brenna to find a seat..." Alyx began to argue. Then his eyes went wide. Sweat formed on his brow, and he pulled at his collar. "But it is quite late. Until next time." He bowed.

Relieved, Noble curtsied.

"Thank you," she told her protector as they exited the hall. "I was beginning to think I would never escape." 

"If that man had his way, he would have kept you dancing all night," Counsel spat.

"I think he might have stepped on my foot on purpose just to keep me from dancing with anyone else." Noble's foot still stung from the short impact with the ground.

Counsel balled his fist. "I will not let this stand." 

Panicking, Noble held up her hand. "I take it back. I am sure it was an accident."

The protector did not seem convinced, but there was not much he could do. He sighed. "It is too bad the one who has your heart is not here to rescue you from such impertinence." 

"That is indeed a shame..." Noble felt a blush come to her cheek. 

Counsel's face hardened. "Kosi and I will keep watch outside your door this evening. I would hate for him or any other pompous fool to disturb you." 

A short while later, Noble tethered herself to her bed as she contemplated what decisions she needed to make going forward. 

One such choice she made quite easily. 

She would never dance with Alyx ever again.