
"Where have you been?!" a frantic voice startled Noble as she climbed in the window. 

The floating Awakened abandoned her flight and overcompensated, landed on the sill with a thump. Thankfully the ledge of the window was not considered ground, or Noble would have felt more pain than just the shock of the fall.

Recognizing the voice, Noble quickly dismissed the Fraudulent Facade. 

At the same moment, a lamp lit inside her room, revealing Kosi and a worried Counsel. His agitated eyes searched Lady Brenna for answers. 

Noble pursed her lips at Kosi. "I'm pretty sure I told you not to let anyone in."

The creature whined softly. 

"I'm not just anyone!" Counsel defended himself. "Pen awoke to Kosi's whimpering and knocked to check on you. You didn't respond and the rascal would not allow the door to be opened. She and Lenore panicked and woke me. It took all my powers of persuasion to get Kosi to obey." 

The Symncus's ears pressed back against his head. Noble's heart softened. 

The poor thing had been upset that she left! How long did he wait before growing anxious? 

Filled with compassion, Noble held out her hand. "I'm sorry that I put you in that position."

With a purr, Kosi moved forward and rubbed his big head against Noble's legs. The action almost knocked the woman out the window. 

She giggled as she steadied herself. "Does that mean you forgive me?" 

"I am glad you are so concerned about him!" Counsel blew out his cheeks and ran his palm through his blond hair. "Where have you been?!" 

Noble couldn't help but smile. She felt like a teen being grilled by her parent for breaking curfew. 

"Didn't Kosi tell you I would return?" The woman asked a little too innocently. 

"He told me you left on your own or I would have called out the palace guard immediately. Do you have any idea what would happen if Her Majesty found out you were gone?!" The protector paled. 

"I trust you won't tell her and neither will the girls." Noble refused to give in to the man's panic. 

If any of them had wanted to betray Lady Brenna, they would have done it before she returned. Now they were all in the conspiracy together. 

Counsel began to pace. "That's beside the point. You put us all in danger. At least tell me what was so important that it made you so reckless! If the man who has your heart made you do this, I will deal with him myself." 

Noble stroked Kosi's head gently. 'I have never seen him this worked up.'

Counsel was outright scolding her for her actions, which admittedly had been poorly planned. 

His deference towards her was gone. Frustration permeated his whole being. 

Taking a deep breath, Noble sighed. "It had nothing to do with the man I love. I had not meant to leave the castle at all. But the intruder came back, and I tried to catch him myself. He went over the I chased him." 

Counsel's anger shifted. He raised his eyebrows in disbelief. "You... chased after someone that Kosi was unable to catch?" 

"Don't look so shocked." Noble wrinkled her nose. "I am faster than you think." 

'Also, I can fly and track people based on their emotions…'

"That is...I don't even know where to begin. After all, we have worked for, you go and chase a phantom in the night!" Counsel pinched the bridge of his nose. "What were you thinking?!"

"For a protector, you aren't being very protective right now," Noble had a hard time keeping the edge out of her voice. 

She had to remind herself that if anything had happened to her, Emira would have eagerly lopped off the man's head before the day was done. He had every right to be angry. 

But that didn't mean she needed to like his tone. 

"I am being protective of the future! Of our–YOUR future." The word 'your' came out of the man's mouth like a missile. 

The misstep pulled back the curtain on Counsel's jealous tantrum.

That was the real reason he was upset. Noble had done something without including him. 

'He is concerned with my future...' Noble turned the words over in her head. 'But the only future I want is one in the arms of Fort. What Counsel wants...well, I cannot give him.'

That was one of the difficulties of the Nightmare. 

This conflict had taken place and been resolved in some way that Noble didn't know. The characters had gone on to live–or die–and time had moved forward. This was all an illusion. 

When Noble finished this trial, she would return to the waking world and her family. But Counsel...what would happen to him? Would he cease to exist? Like Kosi and Emira, he was just a creation of the Spell, wasn't he? 

If this were so, their goals could never truly align beyond taking down the Tyrant. It would be cruel to lead him on about a life that would never be.

Noble placed her cheek against Kosi's fur. The warmth calmed her swirling thoughts enough for her to address the issue at hand. "I did not mean to upset you. If I had known the stranger was going to come tonight, I would have told you to wait up with me. I did not plan to leave the palace." 

Counsel stopped his pacing and closed his eyes. He swallowed. "I understand," he answered at last. "I should not have assumed the worst." 

Noble quirked an eyebrow. "And by the worst, you mean?" She paused and her eyes opened in realization. "Oh! You thought I had run away again..." 

The protector nodded. 

"I am sorry I worried you. I will do better in the future." The lady wished she had thought about the consequences of her actions sooner.

"Did you find him?" With the anger having finally drained from his system, Counsel seemed ready to discuss the event.

"I did. He was a bit of a broken man. I do not think he will bother us again." Noble hoped he wouldn't ask anymore.

"He was a lunatic, then? I am glad you are not hurt! Please never put yourself in harm's way again." The handsome man bowed his head.

"At least until we face the Tyrant, you mean?" Noble smiled.

Counsel pulled his lips to one side. "Let's do our best to keep you out of too much trouble then too. And speaking of staying out of trouble…"

The man pulled a book with a yellow cover from the table. He dangled it in the air.

"You may want to return this as soon as possible."

"Oh!" Noble took it from his hands with a guilty expression. "Did you read it?"

"I skimmed," Counsel admitted. "Fascinating stuff, but that book looks suspiciously like the one you said Emira told you that you couldn't read." He smirked.

"What? No scathing lecture about this misdeed?" Noble crossed her arms. "I should be lecturing you. What if that had been full of my private thoughts!" 

"I would have shut it immediately then." Counsel lied. "And as for your first question. If this gets us closer to answers, I am all for it," the man shrugged.

Noble felt a little funny about his 'end justifies the means' mentality, but she could not deny that they were both in agreement about one thing.

They needed answers soon.

The hundred-year celebration was drawing near and one way or another, Noble would have to get the Queen to join her in her quest. She looked down at the book. 

'Back to the library…'