The Noble Queen

Kosi walked the aisle in front of Noble with his head held high. The members of the court bowed in his imposing presence, with the reverence of the Beast God's name on their lips.

Noble overheard one of the Hopeful's furtive whispers.

"What does one have to do to get a gift like that from a god?"

"Sh," the other answered, "I heard the Beast God treats his own like children. Best not to anger him!"

Noble wondered what exactly made Kosi one of Beast God's 'own'. Or was it Brenna who was the one who was blessed in such a way?

Emira was confident that Kosi would not hurt her. Maybe the royal family was under the god's protection.

'Add that to the pile of mysteries.'

At the appropriate moment, Noble took her first step. Floating forward, she felt that time seemed to stand still.

Sarai was waiting for her in the front of the room and Nickel was hiding somewhere in the crowd.

But all eyes were now on the woman in the blue gown. Noble could feel the heat of their gazes.

However, she couldn't shrink from the challenge. Even without the Fraudulent Facade, she was still a Dreamscape duelist who had performed before countless people in a battle area. Queen Bee had done more than one of her moves over the years for theatrical effect.

And what was this but a different kind of theater? Noble would put on her best performance yet.

Each long stride she took became more natural, like a battle move she was quickly mastering.

Reaching the front of the hall, she turned around with a triumphant smile.

'I didn't trip!' Noble's biggest worry was that the long train would impede her flying walk. If Pen or Lenore had allowed her long train to catch on something or someone, then Noble might have faltered and touched the ground.

Trying to remain focused while dealing with soul damage would have been...unpleasant. 

'One hurdle down, many more to go.' 

Fortunately, the rest of the coronation should not pose a problem. 

The two servants arranged Noble's robes before moving to the back of the room. With a nod, the audience relaxed, and the most prominent members were able to be seated.

With how many chairs had been obliterated the day before, only a few from the banquet hall had been spared for this afternoon. The rest of the guests were forced to remain standing.

Counsel also stood proudly with Kosi at the front, but Sarai took a chair next to the soon-to-be queen. It had been dug out of some ancient storage closet and was purported to be the throne for the consort of the monarch. 

Today, it would show a peaceful change of power between generations. 

'Which is funny since Sarai is really younger than me.' Noble chuckled. 

Sarai, who had been privy to the thought, frowned. 'Respect your elders! And stay out of my head, I have to know when it's my turn to speak.'

The second part was said out of nervousness. As much as the redhead was putting on a mask of indifference, she was shaking inside. 

Noble tried to keep her calm. 'You will do great. Don't worry!'

With the two women looking at him expectantly, the priest in white robes cleared his throat. "Today we are here to observe the coronation of Brenna of Crestfall, daughter of Lord Byzas and niece of Queen Emira. The history and traditions of our kingdom date back longer than our books can record, as far back as..." 

Praef droned on, and as much as Noble tried to pay attention, there was only so much she could do. As skittish as the priest was, he did like to hear his own voice. 

The moment finally came when something was required of Noble. "Do you knowingly take on the mantle of leadership, in which you will protect this kingdom from harm and promote its prosperity?"

"I accept this mantle. I will do my best to protect the defenseless and fight against the evil that plagues us." The second statement was not part of the ceremony, but Noble decided that it was necessary. 

These people needed to know her goals. 

After a momentary pause to decide if her words fit within his script, the priest moved on. "You have accepted the mantle of leadership. Now we need affirmation. Who will speak on the royal family's behalf?" 

All attention moved to the stunning fiery-haired woman. They eagerly awaited her answer, none as much as Lord Alyx from the front row. His smug face looked punchable once more. 

But Sarai didn't notice. Instead, she froze, her eyes glazing over with how many people were staring at her.

The room went so quiet that a pin dropping would have sounded like a scream.

"Aunt Emira?" Noble prodded. 

'Sarai, it's your cue,' she tried to reach her stunned friend. 

The former queen rose slowly, her knees shaking. "I...I..."

Pulling out a paper, Sarai tried to read the words with her unfocused eyes. She clutched the [Strange Scepter] in her other hand, clinging to it for strength. It made her voice come out loud and clear. 

"I am Emira, Queen of Crestfall, and I do not...oh!" Sarai tilted the paper toward Noble. 

It was a rejection, not an affirmation! 

"Her Majesty, Queen Emira is under duress!" Alyx stood and announced. The ceremony cannot move forward!" 

'That sneaky little…!' Noble had checked the words of the speech, but the Lord had managed to change the paper without either of them noticing. 'He probably thought he was doing you a favor...' Noble wanted to strangle the man. After this was all over, she just might! 

Noble straightened in her seat. "I have never once known Queen Emira to do anything out of fear of me. If she wants to condemn me then let her use her own words. Her Majesty finish without your interruption!" 

Motioning to the guards along the wall, Alyx was escorted from the room. He would be enjoying some time in the suite below the palace until Noble had time to deal with him.

For now, it was time to move on. "You were saying, Aunt?" Noble smiled warmly at Sarai. 

"Hm?" The redhead answered, uncomprehendingly. 

"You had just finished saying that 'You do not…' You do not what, Your Majesty?" The priest took a step back in case the fiery woman was about to blow.

"Oh," the retiring monarch lowered the useless paper to her side. She looked out at the crowd again, and her face blanched.

But Sarai's voice boomed, filling the hall. "I do not know of a better person to rule than my niece Brenna."

Noble looked at her friend, beaming with pride. 

Only Sarai's mouth was not moving!

'Cover your lips!' Noble told her.

The redhead placed Alyx's paper in front of her lower face as the words of the speech continued to resound through the hall.

"I believe under her leadership, Crestfall has a bright and glorious future. As a member of the Royal family, I affirm and acknowledge Brenna's rule. Long live the Queen!"

The voice stopped, and Sarai lowered her paper.

Relieved, the priest picked up the crown from its pedestal. The purple gems and blue velvet shone a little brighter when his fingers touched the polished metal. 

"With this symbol and the blessing of the Beast God, I crown you, Brenna, Queen of Crestfall." He placed the crown on her head. 

'Oops!' Noble's eyes opened a little wider. In their rush, they hadn't actually tried the headdress on the new ruler's head.

It was too big!

It seemed the treasure had been made for a king with a massive skull. Noble's more petite frame could not boast the same bulk. In a moment, the band would slide around her eyes and obscure her vision. 

Inhaling sharply, Noble continued to smile. The crown stopped its slow slide and hovered nicely around her ears. 

'Much better.' 

Stepping aside, Praef spread his arms wide toward the throne. "I present to you, Queen Brenna."

"Hail to the Queen!" the court's praises echoed and reverberated through the hall. 

Although Noble could not feel the weight of the crown floating above her head, she could feel the burden of their calls. They were enthusiastic, especially from the members of the Old Guard who had worked so hard to bring it about.

Counsel beamed, his triumph and cry outshining even the most ardent supporter. 

The cheers-- they were overwhelming. And humbling. They spurned her, igniting something in her soul.

She no longer desired just to be a decent leader or a warrior.

When the dust of this nightmare settled, she wanted one title to remain.

She wanted to be

The Noble Queen.