
Noble was actually positive on this point. The world one way or another was about to break in half.

If they wanted to preserve human life, the trio would have to act quickly.

'Just great…'

They needed to keep people safe from the coming natural disaster below as well as the unnatural disaster coming at them from the air. Oh, and they needed to find the Heart before the Tyrant arrived.

'This is insane!' Noble's head began to spin.

It was too much. How was she supposed to be in two—soon to be three or more—places at once?

There was only one option.

As much as Noble hated it. They would need to divide and conquer.

"What do you mean the earth is about to divide in two?!" Sarai asked loudly, drawing the attention of the already anxious citizens around them.

Word was already beginning to spread about the coming abominations.

And with the ground's unpredictable shaking, it would take barely a spark to ignite the tinderbox of uncontrollable fear.

As it was, things were already teetering at the edge of chaos.

Placing her finger on her lips, Noble then lowered her voice and leaned forward. As she whispered in Sarai's ear, she transmitted the same message to Nickel through the Memory.

Both sets of eyes opened wide.

"That can't be possible!" Sarai stifled her gasp

"Are you sure?" Nickel asked in a subdued voice.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I'm positive." Noble glanced aside, keeping her voice low. "If I'm right, this place is about to be split in pieces. We have to move people north, out of the city, or at least beyond the palace. Sarai, that can be your job."

The redhead looked more concerned than if her friend had said that Sarai should solo the Tyrant.

"I can't," she muttered, defeated.

"This is not a time for can't," Nickel pointed out. "It's do or die. Though if it comes down to it, I would rather let the citizens die than Fire."

Noble nodded. As much as she didn't like the idea, at the end of the day, the three of them needed to survive more than the fake people of the Nightmare.

But that didn't stop Noble from also wanting to save as many as possible. She was their monarch, if only temporarily. 

Logistically, many would be needed to fight the corrupted horde heading their way.

Mentally, Noble could not make any more compromises. She would do what she thought was right.

Taking Sarai by the shoulders, Noble looked deep into her friend's eyes. "You've got this! You are the former Queen. Most people fear you. They will listen."

"And if they don't," Sarai pursed her lips.

"Then you have a secret weapon, don't you?" Noble looked at her meaningfully.

"While you both have your pep talk, I'll go find that jerk of a lapdog." Nickel summoned his black mask around his face and gave a short nod. "I'll be in touch."

The man picked his way through the broken glass and disappeared into the castle.

"Why did he insult Kosi like that? I thought he was starting to like him," Sarai furrowed her brow.

"He was talking about Counsel, though we need to find Kosi as well." Noble blew out her cheeks. There was too much to do. "I will drop you at the southern edge of town to start moving people this way. I can look for my protectors while we travel. But first."

Discarding her cloak and calling forth her Queen Bee armor, Noble's eyes swirled. At her command, the glass all around her lifted from the ground.

'I might not have gotten to use this trick on Emira, but at least I can use it now…'

The startled citizens noticed the floating glass and backed away.

"It's not safe here! Every available man assemble to fight. All others move north!" The glass twisted around the Queen, giving her words ominous weight.

The sight was enough to tip people over the edge. Women and children began to flee, while nearby soldiers rallied to her plea.

After a moment, Noble placed the glass in a neat pile in front of the palace. At least this way, no one would get cut on the debris.

The soldier who had initially brought her the news of the incoming attack waited nearby, still awaiting orders. "Shall I blow the warning horns, Your Majesty?"

Noble blinked at him as her jaw dropped open. 

"Why have they not been blown already!?" Noble waved off her question. "Yes, sound the alarm. Assemble the troops! The fight for Crestfall has begun!"

The man's eyes opened wide. He bowed and ran.

Noble turned away from the chaos. "Are you ready?"

Sarai hesitated, looking at the people beginning to flee northward. Biting her lip, she nodded. "I want to help Crestfall. They deserve a fighting chance."

"Let's go." Noble wrapped her arms around her friend's waist from behind and hoisted her from the ground.

They lifted into the air with ease. While Noble could have simply used her levitation to help Sarai soar through the air beside her, it would have meant splitting her attention between too many things.

The floating Awakened was not only trying to get her bearings to head south but was also searching for any sign of Counsel's emotional signature.

She had been silently looking for his presence as soon as they left the tunnels but had yet to lock onto him.

Noble grunted in frustration.

"Am I too heavy?" Sarai tried to shift her weight while she dangled above the ground.

"What? No! You are light as a feather. I just can't find Counsel and it is driving me crazy." Noble wanted answers.

"Do you think he is…dead?" The redhead wasn't sure how she felt about that prospect.

Noble hummed softly.

She remembered the shifting shadows in the red light of the Heart's chamber. Someone had been there with them but had managed to avoid her detection.

"I think he is alive. Maybe he is still underground. If I have time, I will check the tunnels…"

Time was not on their side.

The horns of warning finally sounded, throwing Crestfall into a true state of panic.

"We are under attack!"

"The is barrier gone! What will we do?!"

Below, people burst into a myriad of activities. Some barricaded their homes while others wandered aimlessly in the streets.

"Head north! Don't stay here!" Noble called.

Both women yelled at those they passed, with mixed results.

Finding an open plaza near the edge of the city, Noble lowered herself and her companion beside a large fountain.

Releasing Sarai, Noble gave her parting words. "Don't spend too long here. We will need you for the battle." Noble winced. "Maybe this is a bad idea. You don't have to do this."

"You don't trust me?" Sarai asked seriously.

"I do." The Queen answered. "I'm just worried about you."

"Same," Sarai answered, taking a step back. "Stay safe."

Noble nodded. "You too. And whatever you do..."

"Don't fall in the hole when it forms. Don't worry. Go find Counsel and Kosi. I will be fine!" Sarai's words were in contrast to the turmoil inside. She forced a smile. "Go!"

Reluctantly, Noble took off, leaving her friend behind. 

Part of Sarai wanted to call her friend back. She could fight all day long, but talking to people publicly was a whole other matter.

And people were already staring at the unpredictable former monarch. Some with curiosity, some with fear, and others with open hostility.

It was someone from the last group who spoke up before Sarai could get her composure.

"Tell us what is going on, former Queen! What did you do to anger the gods?"

Sarai froze at his words. 'They think I am to blame?!'

Suddenly she wished that she had left with Noble after all.