Dream a Little Dream

"Hello, My Love."

Noble turned in the field of beautiful green with a smile on her face. It faded instantly replaced by a cold chill in her heart.

The one who had called out to her was blond and handsome.

And deranged.

Noble ran with all her might, her feet pressing their full weight into the bed of verdant grass.

It did no good. As hard as she ran, the figure chasing her was faster. He snapped and the ground below her feet disappeared.

Noble took to the air, trying to fly fast and far beyond the disappearing horizon.

But no matter what she did, her pursuer closed the gap between them until he finally took hold of her arm.

Looking back, Noble screamed, "Let me go!"

Counsel's face drew closer to hers as his lips twisted into a cruel smile.

"You're mine."

Noble turned her head, but everywhere she looked, Ender's face was there to mock her. His arms snaked around her waist, making her skin crawl.

His touch was suffocating. She tried to breathe but no air would enter her lungs.

She could not let Counsel have his way. Yet she was helpless against him.

She would break free at all costs.

Or die trying.

"No! NO!" Noble thrashed against the man's embrace.

"Noble…Noble! I'm here."

"You're everywhere!" Noble answered, elbowing Ender with all her might.

"Ah!" Ender screamed.

Only it didn't sound like Ender. It sounded like…

Noble's eyes flicked open. She was in a bed. A bed she had never actually gotten to sleep in before.

Her bed.

The arms wrapped around her were not Ender's but Fort's. As he promised, he had held her all night long to keep her from floating to the ceiling.

Which meant…the scream had come from Fort!

"I'm sorry!" Noble squeaked, turning quickly to examine her husband.

"I'm fine," Fort forced a smile which turned into a wince. "I had no idea sleeping next to you would involve violence."

"Let me see!" Noble scrambled to pull up the man's shirt. A bruise was already forming where she had elbowed him. "Oh no!"

"I'm not complaining about being undressed, but I promise I'm fine. You may hit like a Master when you are awake, but thankfully your punches are much softer when you are asleep." Fort teased.

But Noble heard the message behind his words. "I PUNCHED YOU?!"

The man touched his jaw. "Just a little. Nothing is broken, and you are worth it."

Noble's cheeks flamed with embarrassment. Her first night in an actual bed in years and she had attacked the one watching over her.

"I'm so sorry!" She buried her face in her pillow.

"None of that." Fort clicked his tongue. "But if you want to make it up to me, tell me about your dream."

Lifting her head onto her elbow, Noble sighed. "It wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare."

"Another one already? Does that make you a Saint?" Fort winked, resulting in one of the smaller pillows on the bed being flung at his face.

"A little 'n' nightmare, you meanie." Noble had no interest in becoming a Saint. She wasn't even sure how she felt about being a Master yet.

"Who is Counsel?" Fort's words caught Noble by surprise.

"Oh no…do I talk in my sleep too?" The woman felt like hiding under the covers.

"You mentioned him, yes. He seems to be the source of your trouble." 

Fort was often too observant for his own good. His skills were why he kept getting promoted even though he never sought it out.

Noble tugged at the sheets to pull them over her head, but Fort stopped her. His eyes pled not to be shut out from what was bothering her.

"Counsel was one of the main characters in the conflict of my Nightmare. He…was rather possessive of Brenna, which was the name of the woman whose place I took." Noble watched Fort's face darken.

"When you say possessive, did he—"

Noble cut him off. "No, though I think if he realized that I wouldn't give in to him sooner then he might have tried."

Feeling her husband's emotions surge, Noble stopped. Fort tried to hide his balled fists. He was angry. No, he was more than angry. He was filled with hatred, frustration, and helplessness. 

Forcing a neutral face, he tried to hide the fury in his eyes. "Tell me more." 

"There is not much more to tell. It took me far too long to figure out that his Aspect had to do with manipulation. I think the only thing that kept me from fully falling for it was my love for you and the fact that one of my abilities has to do with altering emotions." Noble believed it was mostly her feelings for Fort that helped her fight Counsel's insidious Ability. "Don't worry, Nickel killed him quite thoroughly."

"But in your dream just now, he was chasing you again..." Fort mentally made a note to thank Nickel with a Memory or four. 

"It was just a dream though. My body is unwilling to believe it's all over now. Those feelings will fade." Noble kissed her husband's cheek. "Thank you for protecting me while I slept and watching over me." 

Fort's anger faded a little, replaced by shame. "It wasn't enough to keep dreams away." 

"I don't know anything that can chase dreams away. If you find such a device, we will make a fortune!" Noble's joke landed flat, and she sighed. "You did much more than you realize. Waking up with you to care for me has made all the difference. Ender has no hold on me anymore." 

"Ender?" Fort frowned. "Like Ender's Deep?" 

"That was Counsel's real name, though I didn't know it until the end. I suppose I have a lot to tell you, and somethings I would rather not..." Noble looked away. She didn't like how strongly her husband had reacted.

If she told him some of the things Counsel had said...it wouldn't go well. 

Fort seemed to catch her meaning. 

 "Well, if you don't want to tell me, promise me that you will at least talk to a therapist." 

"I promise." Noble swallowed. While she didn't like the idea of airing out her feelings with a stranger, she needed to remain mentally healthy for herself and her family. 

"And maybe, in time, you will be able to tell me everything?" Fort's hopeful glance made Noble smile softly. 

"Then we will both need therapy," she chuckled. 

"I am told couple's therapy is great for a marriage," Fort wiggled his eyebrows suggestively. "In fact, we could have a therapy session now. Tell me, ma'am. Where does it hurt?"

Noble giggled. "That's a different kind of therapy, and anyway I am the one who hurt you, remember?"

"Oh, so you want to be the therapist? Well, doctor..." 

Fort never got to finish his thought. Before he could catch his wife's lips in his, a knock came from the door.

"Dad! I cannot find my red shoes!" 

"Dad, do you know where I put my tracksuit?" 

The twins' voices overlapped each other. 

Fort held his finger to his lips and pulled the covers over his and his wife's heads. "Shhh, if we don't answer, maybe they will go away." 

"Dad, we can hear you through the door..." Brock said wearily. "Are you going to help us or not?" 

Fort winced. "Coming..." 

As the man rose from his bed, he silently vowed that next time he would remember to turn on the security system...