
"Tell you everything…about Master Cellio?" Noble shot a glance at Fort.

The professor could feel how keenly interested the younger woman had become at the mention of Nickel's alias. What was up with that?

Fort had warned Noble off of mentioning Nickel in front of the kids at all. So the professor was already wary of giving out any personal information on the librarian. Fort picked up on her reticence immediately.

"Teddy," the Director started, "We are only here to talk about Noble's experience in the Nightmare."

Teddy folded her hands in front of her. "Don't worry, Boss. I'm not trying to find out any top-secret information. I just want to know what kind of fighter Master Cellio is. Rumor has it that he is the most vicious killer in the government after Soul Reaper. Tell me, did you see him do anything particularly heinous?"

"Well," Noble thought for a second. "He did chain two Fallen abominations together and barbeque them with lightning."

"That's epic!" Teddy's eyes glistened.

"I also saw him stab a man in the heart and allow the body to be eaten by a Terror," Noble added thoughtfully.

"That's savage. The man is even cooler than I thought. I don't suppose you could get an autograph for me?" The interviewer pressed her lips together hopefully.

"I'm not sure when I will…" Noble's communicator buzzed.

Noble, meet in the Dream Realm in two hours.

The message was anonymous, but there was no doubt who it was from.

"You know what, Teddy? I will try to get you that autograph really soon."

"Sweet! Thanks, ma'am!" Teddy dipped her head.

"You are welcome."

Noble checked her communicator again. Sarai sent a message that she would be in the Dream Realm soon as well.

'I guess it is time for a reunion.' Noble cleared her throat lightly.

"I'm afraid I just realized I am in a bit of a time crunch. We need to keep things moving."

With measured precision, Noble presented the rest of the Nightmare in as much detail as possible. Teddy was particularly interested in each of the Nightmare Creatures– their strengths and weaknesses.

Noble would publish all of the information in papers later, but that didn't stop the interviewer from asking every question that popped into her mind.

At last, the story was complete.

Making her final notes, Teddy sighed. "I'm a little jealous," she admitted. "What I wouldn't give to be able to slice a creature in two with a magical sword. It sounds epic."

Noble had no response to that. "Will there be anything else?"

The interviewer read from her screen. "Is there anything else you want to tell the government? Any Aspect Abilities or Attributes that you would like to report?" 

"Not at this time. Though I am sure the government will find out my Ability through their own means soon enough." Noble rolled her eyes. "I suppose I should report that I did get a True Name."

Teddy's fingers stopped typing. "You…have a true name? Boss, I'm friends with someone who has a True Name!"

Fort chuckled. "I know. I'm married to her."

"Come on, tell us the name." Teddy tipped her chair so far forward that Noble feared she might pin herself to the desk. "I'm sure the Spell gave you something amazing like Goddess of Comfort."

Noble held up a single finger. "You got one of the words right. It is Child of Promise."

"Spell could have at least promoted you to Mother since you are one," Teddy typed all the information into her datapad. "Still, that is impressive! Well done!"

Teddy finished her notes and closed her datapad.

"I think that will be all. Thank you so much for your time, Ascended Child of Promise."

Hearing the True Name stirred something deep inside Noble, causing the hair on her arms to stand on end.

Would that happen every time someone said it? Probably not. But there was something deeply satisfying about being called by it with surch reverence. Noble smiled.

"Thank you, Teddy. I am very glad you volunteered for this assignment."

"The pleasure is all mine!" Teddy beamed. "It was one of the best days ever!" 

'Such a sweet, slightly odd, young woman.' 

Noble wished nothing but the best for Fort's personal assistant. Teddy had been nothing but kind and welcoming since the day they met. People like her were worth defending. 

When Noble shook the interviewer's hand, she felt something change within her. 

Quickly pulling up her runes, Noble noticed the [Kingdom Keeper] attribute shimmer almost imperceptibly. 

 [Those around you are safer while they are under your care.]


Noble did care for Teddy. Did that mean she was safer right now just because Noble was with her or would she somehow remain safer once leaving Noble's presence? 

The professor had assumed that the care mentioned meant caretaking, but–like her aspect–it seemed that it had to do with actual feeling instead. 


Teddy didn't seem to notice any change, which was also a relief to Noble. Her attribute was passive and she couldn't help who she cared about. It would be awkward if people noted a change when she did and did not feel kindness toward them. 

Fort stood and offered his hand to his wife. "I have to go by my office to check on a few things and let people know I won't be back until next week. Then we can head home." 

"You go on ahead. I will wait for Teddy to finish packing up and walk back with her. I don't want to be peeking over your shoulder impatiently." Noble laughed. 

She knew as well as anything that 'check on a few things' meant at least a little work. 

Fort nodded at her assessment before stealing a kiss. "I'll see you in a few." 

When the door shut, Teddy clicked her tongue. "Honestly, I didn't want to complain in front of the boss, but these chairs are horrible. I knew I should have taken mine down the elevator to this floor!" 

"Well, I'm glad this wasn't a long-term assignment then," Noble chuckled. 

"It was worth it. I got to hear about the elusive Master Cellio. People gossip about him in hushed tones, and you actually met him! I have heard all the rumors but there is one I want confirmed. Since you are secretly Queen Bee, you are the most likely to know. Is Cellio also Lord Mongrel from the Dreamscape?" 

"What? No!" Noble answered reflexively. "I mean...I don't think so. At least their fighting styles are very different." 

"I see." Teddy seemed disappointed. "That would have been pretty cool." 

"It would indeed," the professor agreed. 

"His identity will just have to remain a government secret, I guess." The younger woman tucked the datapad under her arm. "I have access to all sorts of files, but that guy's...or girl's..." Teddy cut her eyes at Noble to gauge a reaction but was disappointed. "Their records are all locked up tight." 

"Sometimes we want to know things we shouldn't," Noble said as much to herself as the other woman. "But that doesn't stop us from trying." She pursed her lips. "Teddy?" 

"Yes, Mo--Master Noble?" 

Noble helped the woman pack up the keyboard and reset the room. "This may be too much to ask, but can I trouble you for a copy of an old report?" 

"Anything for Queen Bee! Tell me what you need, and I will send it right over!" 

Noble paused, looking toward the door. Fort would hurry back if he thought she was in trouble. They would need to head to his office sooner rather than later. 

'It's now or never.' Noble sighed.

"I need a copy of an accident report. Specifically, the one that caused Director Lance's death."