Mutually Beneficial

The sickeningly sweet scent hit Noble's nostrils before she could enter the room. It was a subtle smell, but her Ascended nose was keenly aware of it and it filled her with a small feeling of dread. 

It was the scent of death.

Noble pushed aside the debilitating emotion of fear. The Saint was here to talk to them, not hurt them. 

Behind a wooden desk–one of the few things not made of stone in the whole citadel–sat a gaunt man in his late fifties. The government Saint had a stern expression. He was used to having power and responsibility, and the three new Masters barely gave him pause. 

"Please come in." Cor's grating voice and piercing gaze demanded obedience. 

Setting aside the things on his desk, Wake of Ruin folded his hands. A neutral smile came to his face.

"Master Noble, Master Sarai, and Master Cellio." The last name was said with a hint of irony. "Congratulations on your Ascension. I was not aware that we had a seed festering above us, yet you have handled that problem quite nicely."

"Thank you. I am happy we could be of service." Noble nodded as she hovered over a stone stool.

"I read the report. You went straight from the Nightmare Gate into the seed. Gates have only ever been a one-way trip. How did you manage that kind of feat?" Cor's question was more than just idle curiosity. 

It was a test. 

"As I said in my interview, I had a strange Memory that allowed me to break both the barriers of the gate and the seed. However, the Portcullis Key was destroyed in order for us to exit the Nightmare." Noble answered truthfully. 

After weighing her response, Cor relaxed slightly. "That is good to know. While I think the Memory would have gone a long way in our research of how the gates work, it is probably better this way." 

Noble had an inkling of what the Saint meant. If others found out she was in possession of such a powerful item, then her life could get very complicated very quickly. It was an unpleasant thought.

"It is not something either of us need to worry about anymore," Noble assured him. "You have enough on your mind as it is. everything?" 

Last Noble had heard, Saint Cor was battling fiercely in Antarctica. Either there was a lull in the action, or the matter of the new gateway was important enough to garner his personal attention. 

"I can not answer for everything, but I am still alive, which is more than can be said for many," Cor said at length, his eyes softening and then hardening again. "But that is not why we are here." 

"Why are we here?" Nickel's deep, unnatural voice asked with a hint of impatience. 

"Always straight to the point," Cor nodded gruffly, "Just as well, I don't have much time. So I will be brief. That citadel of yours is unexpected, especially since it is on top of an already existing government installation."

Wake of Ruin frowned. He didn't like surprises. 

"With such close proximity, it is necessary for us to work together as well as discourage the legacy clans from getting any ideas." 

"Ideas?" Sarai asked quietly, her curiosity overcoming her fear of the powerful Saint. 

"The legacies are always looking to expand. They are a little occupied right now with other matters, but soon enough they may turn their eyes our direction. The government does not currently have a Saint that can claim the Crestfall Citadel, but I think stationing a few dozen government Awakened there should let others know we don't plan on having a legacy neighbor." Cor leaned back slightly in his chair. 

Nickel narrowed his gaze. "Are you asking for permission or telling us the way this is going to be?" 

Cor's mouth tilted upward slightly. "I am requesting permission with the understanding that it is in your best interest. The gateway is exposed and in need of protection that the three of you will not be able to provide on your own. As a gesture of goodwill, we have already begun construction on a fortification wall." 

"A gesture of goodwill? You act like you are getting nothing out of it." Nickel crossed his arms. 

Cor held up a single bony finger. "On the contrary, I make no secret that this arrangement is mutually beneficial. The government has contemplated having a base on the surface for a long time. This was the push that was needed. Very soon, Crestfall will be returned to some semblance of its former glory." The Saint paused. "But if you have any objections to this offer, I will hear them now." 

Sarai and Noble exchanged glances, but Nickel spoke first. "As far as I am concerned, you can do whatever you like. I am sure you looked over my file before I came. I cannot stay in Crestfall. I have to find a way to get back to my usual citadel before anyone is the wiser." 

A silent understanding passed between Nickel and Cor.

"You can have any resources you need from Ender's Deep to make that happen." Wake of Ruin nodded slowly. "And you ladies? Will you be leaving also?" 

A Memory appeared in Noble's hand, half of which was quickly passed to Sarai. After a silent conversation, each nodded their agreement. 

"We do not plan to leave at this time," Noble spoke for both of them. "And we would welcome the government reinforcements on a few conditions."

Saint Cor raised an eyebrow. "I'm listening." 

"We would like a preliminary list of those who want to tether to the gateway. It will be good to know who exactly to expect. For now, we would like those individuals to continue to reside in Ender's Deep, at least until more buildings can be built around the palace. The living quarters we choose are off-limits to anyone, even if others move into the palace. And," Noble added with a small smile, "Awakened Venster gets the first choice of overseeing the transition, should he want the job." 

The ladies felt all of the requests were reasonable.

Noble was particularly interested in keeping her private space away from others. Though it had never happened to her in Ender's Deep, Noble's living in the government citadel meant that her lodgings could be entered by any high-ranking government official if they had just cause. 

"I would rather work with you than against you." Cor tapped his fingers together. "These conditions are acceptable. A list of Awakened workers will be provided to you soon. Thank you for your cooperation." 

The three Masters stood. Nic feigned indifference at what had transpired, but Noble could sense his profound relief. Although he didn't need it, he had been given permission and even offered help to go back to whatever citadel he called home. 

'Where exactly is he normally?' Noble wondered. 

Sarai dipped her head in a modified bow, very happy to have things sorted without a fight. 

As for Noble, she wasn't sure how to feel. She had gotten what she wanted from the exchange: protection as well as privacy. She should be happy! 

The professor turned to leave, wrestling with the decision that was warring in her mind when the choice was made for her. 

Cor cleared his throat. "Ascended Noble, I would like another word with you before you leave..."