Only Child

"Die, filthy mongrel!" Brock pressed the keys on his controller. The black device was meant to mimic something from the Dark Ages, but Brock didn't care about that just now. All he cared about was revenge.

"That's no way to talk to your father," Fort frowned. "You should show me some respect!"

Having nothing to do while dinner cooked and Noble spoke to Rain, Fort had decided to join the boys in their battle royale to distract himself.

"It's just a game," Blaze answered, ducking below an invisible projectile. "And considering what we are playing, mongrel is kind of a compliment. You should be flattered."

"Yeah, Dad," Brock warmed to the idea. "Why can't you take the compliment?"

Sitting on the couch, both boys smiled and bumped shoulders.

The playing field of pretend duelists was quickly dwindling, making the fighting even more fierce.

"Back to back!" Brock yelled to his twin. "Don't let them get behind you!"

Suddenly a huge broadsword swung out of nowhere and chopped off both avatars' heads. The twins watched in shock as their fictional skulls fell to the dirt.

A cry escaped both their lips. "DAD!!!"

"How could you?"

"Don't you know you are supposed to go easy on your kids?"

Fort eyed their enraged faces with a shrug. "As you pointed out, it is only a game. And by offing you properly, I treated you as equals. It's basically a compliment. You should be flattered. It seems like I'm not the only one who cannot take a compliment."

The serious expression on Fort's face broke as he cackled.

"Oh wow, if looks could kill! You know what? I think I am going to patent that move. I'll call it the Double Paradise in Red or the DPR. Or maybe I should just call it 'The Fort'! Has a nice ring to it, doesn't it?" The father fell into a fit of giggling, causing the two boys to roll their eyes.

"And I thought we were supposed to be the immature ones," Blaze clicked his tongue.

"We are!" Brock straightened his shoulders. "I demand a rematch!"

Before the boys could pressure their father into playing another round, Rain strolled into the room with an elated expression.

"Blaze, Brock. You will never believe what I just found out. May I introduce…" 

"Not now, Sis. Dad is about to learn what it means to die a hundred horrible deaths." Blaze interrupted his sister.

Rain glanced at the projector and frowned. "What I have to tell you is way more important than a goofy game. You see…"

Both twins gasped at her words.

"Goofy! It's a Dreamscape simulator. Well, the video game version of the Dreamscape. It's as close as you can get to the Dreamscape without actually being in it." Brock crossed his arms.

"Oh?" Rain raised one eyebrow. "If it is so realistic, how in two worlds did Dad beat you both? No offense, Dad," the girl added with a good-humored shrug.

"Plenty of offense taken," Fort pretended to be appalled.

"Dad got lucky," Brock blew off his father's victory. "It won't happen again."

"You think you're that good?" Rain rested her hands gently on her hips. "That video game has gone to your head."

"Has not!" Brock tilted up his head defiantly. "I am very capable!" 

"Of talking a big game, maybe." The dark-haired girl scoffed. "But fighting? You have a lot to learn. In fact, if you are willing..."

"How dare you say I can't fight! I already told you that Dad got lucky. Anyway, if this were real, I would have been able to show my true skill," the twelve-year-old puffed out his chest, completely ignoring that he had just said the game was a good depiction of reality. His face pinched tight. "I know you think you are so much better than the rest of us, Rain, but you must have forgotten that I've been training too. I'm practically a spear expert!"

The teen girl tapped her chin in contemplation. "I see. So, if a champion of the Dreamscape walked into this room right now..." 

Brock stood, poking his thumb against his chest. "I'd look him right in the eye and challenge him without a second thought. So would Blaze. Who knows, with how good we have gotten lately, we might even fight and win."

Rain's eyes lit with mischief "You would, hm? Care to put that to the test?"

"Uh, Brock," Blaze tapped his brother's shoulder anxiously.

"Not now, I'm defending our honor." Brock glared at his sister. "We're not afraid of any Dreamscape fighter, not me or Blaze!"

"Leave me out of this," the other twin backed away slowly.

"Coward," Brock dismissed his twin with the click of his tongue.

Rain smiled at the elder twin and his vibrato.

"So you would be willing to take on anyone from the Dreamscape?" The dark-haired sister asked one last time.

"Absolutely," Brock doubled down on his outrageous claim, "I could beat them any time, any place."

Rain clapped her hands.

"That is excellent news!"

She looked at her father with satisfaction and added seriously.

"Dad, clear the floor. It's time for a battle."

Fort, who had been watching this whole exchange with interest, furrowed his brow. "Are you sure about this?" 

Rain shrugged. "Don't blame me. Brock is the one who wants to get stung." 

The father's eyes opened wide. "Oh. OH!" 

To Brock's astonishment, Fort stood and pushed back the couch. What in the world was his dad doing?!

The boy paled slightly. 

"You're in luck, dear brother. I happen to have one of the champions of the Dreamscape ready to battle you, right here, right now!" Rain held up one finger and pointed to the hall.

"You're bluffing," Brock tilted up his chin slightly. "You are just trying to make me back down." 

Rain stepped up on the couch, taking the stage with a triumphant grin. "Gentlemen, I present to you the champion of the Dreamscape, Stinger of Souls, the one, the only–Queen Bee!" 

From the hall, a woman with polychromatic eyes and her signature black and gold armor floated into the room. A mask covered the bottom half of her face, making her expression impossible to discern. 

"Wh-what?!" Brock took a step away from the newcomer. "Y-you're Queen Bee. How? I mean When did you get here?" 

"I was going to tell you, but you were too engrossed in your video game to listen. Though I guess I should thank you. It will be nice for her to beat someone else black and blue for a change instead of me." Rain chuckled. 

Blaze tore his eyes away from the imposing figure and eyed his sister carefully.

He asked quietly, "You've battled Queen Bee before?"

"Many times! But this is not about me. This is about Brock. Queen Bee, my brother would like to challenge you!" Rain opened her arms wide to indicate the makeshift arena of the living room. 

Brock staggered as if he had been struck. "I never said that! Dad?!" 

"You want help from a mongrel like me? Very well." Fort cleared his throat lightly. "Queen Bee, please excuse us. My daughter has misquoted Brock. What he said was that he could beat you any time, any place."

"DAD?!" Brock covered his face. "I'm a dead man," he muttered.

The stoic duelist turned her gaze to the handsome Director. A silent conversation passed between them. Eventually, the Queen shrugged lightly and held out her hand toward Brock. 

Rain practically yelped in triumph. "Queen Bee accepts your challenge! She asks that you select your weapon of choice."

Seeing no way out of his predicament, Brock straightened his back and grabbed his twin's arm. "Fine. Blaze and I choose spears." 

Blaze's eyes opened wide. "I told you to leave me out of this!" 

"Too late!" Brock gripped his brother's arm tighter. "Wombmates for life. We are in this together." 

Blaze looked between his vindictive sister and his foolhardy brother.

Suddenly, he wished he was an only child.