What's on Your Mind?

"Instructor Rock!" Noble greeted her colleague as he neared.

Rock nodded amiably at her. 

"You look like you could use some company," he said glancing around at the students whispering around her.

"Did my husband send you?" Noble quirked an eyebrow at the burly man beside her.

"No. Should he have?" Rock's genuine confusion made Noble relax.

She waved her hand apologetically. "Sorry. No, he is just feeling very protective now that I'm back. A bit of company sounds nice. You can tell me how you have been and catch me up on things at the Academy."

Rock fell in step beside the slender woman. The muscular instructor stroked his chin, deciding which topic to tackle first.

"The Academy is mostly how you left it. From what I hear, your android has been doing well analyzing Memories for those who need it…"

"But?" Noble could sense the hesitation in his words.

"How do I put this delicately? Bee Two does not have your personable nature. In your absence, some people have found the android to be a little…blunt." Rock fumbled for the appropriate word.

"Are you saying Bee Two…hurt people's feelings?" Noble tried to grasp what was being said.

Rock nodded. "Made Awakened Luval bawled like a baby. Of course, that guy was insufferable. No one was sad to see him go."

"Go?" Noble decided not to dwell on the fact that her android had made one of the most arrogant people at the Academy cry.

"A good portion of the staff has gone to join the Southern campaign. Many left just last week to head to the coast."

"I see," Noble herself knew the pull of duty. Only her duty pulled her in two different directions, which had led her to stay behind and serve in other ways. Clearing her throat, Noble smiled up at the battle instructor. "Well, I am glad you are still here. I was beginning to think I wouldn't see anyone I knew."

Rock winced. "I am glad I could welcome you back before I leave also. I am planning to wait until after the Solstice to make sure the students get the help they need beforehand."

Noble missed a floating step. "Wait, you are heading to Antarctica also?" 

Was she about to be the only teacher left on campus? 

"Maybe. Eventually. But first I plan to tackle the second Nightmare. Queen Bee's…your return made me realize that I need to practice what I teach. I can't sit by and let sleepers have all the adventure." Rock glanced to the side just in time to see Noble's eyes swirl.

She had inspired him? That was a strange thought. The professor was used to students and occasionally other young people saying she had helped or inspired them, but Rock was a colleague. Noble wasn't sure how to feel about that.

"I didn't choose to go into the Second Nightmare, Rock," Noble said after a moment. "It...kind of chose me." 

"I know," Instructor Rock gave a weary smile. "But that doesn't change the fact that you pushed through and came out the victor. You chose to survive. I will too." 

Feeling his resolve, Noble simply nodded. Who was she to get in the way of someone who wanted to keep one more seed from blooming? "I wish you well, Rock." 

"Thank you, Master Noble." Rock paused. "Could I possibly ask some questions sometime about your experience? Success is preparation in action, after all." 

"Oh!" Noble blinked. She had helped the man with Memories once or twice, but usually, she was going to him for tips on how to battle more effectively. "I mean, of course. I would be happy to help. Just let me get bearings, and after today we can set up a lunch meeting in the cafeteria." 

"Of course. Forgive me. I did not mean to put another task on your to-do list, but I could not let the opportunity pass without asking." Rock rubbed the back of his head. Coughing lightly, he motioned toward one of the buildings. "Will you be needing a practice arena today? I can make sure one is empty whenever you need." 

"Not today," Noble shook her head and looked straight ahead of her. Her neglected office and classroom would require all of her attention for at least the next week. "I'll let you know next time I would like to practice, though. If you want, we could spar at some point as well." 

"I would like that, but only if you have time, Master Noble. As you pointed out, you will need to get back into a routine. I wish you well also." The man gave a crooked smile as if to say he believed that coming back to the waking world was much harder than leaving it. 

And perhaps it was. 

A short while later, the two parted ways. Noble suspected that Rock had walked with her much farther than he needed to, but his presence kept anyone else from seeking her attention. The battle instructor was well respected by the students and none of the Sleepers thought it would be wise to upset him. 

Inside the building, Noble veered off from her initial path. She would get to her room soon enough, but catching up with Rock had reminded Noble that she had another person that she had promised to visit on her return to the Academy. 

The man's office door was shut, but she could see the light was on. Noble knocked lightly. 

"Come in!" came the friendly voice from the other side. 

Inside, Julius was studying something intensely. It took a few seconds for him to look up, but when he did, his bushy eyebrows rose and a smile broke across his face. 

"You are here, dear girl!" Julius abandoned the page and rose from his seat. He hurried to hug Noble. "I must say I am surprised to see you."

"I do still work here," the professor reminded him. "Unless you know something I don't!" 

Julius ushered the woman into the room. "Not at all. I just assumed you would take some more family time. But I guess it has been a week. Please take a seat!"

Clearing his work, the grey-haired gentleman sat behind the desk with a pleased expression. He had never been very good at hiding his emotions from his face. Noble liked him all the more for it. 

"I guess you made it past your adoring public outside?" Julius winked. 

Noble covered her face with her hand. "Barely. I know I should have seen it coming, but I didn't expect all the hubbub. Have they been there all week?"

"Only since that article came out. The other reporters are desperate for a story that isn't about Antarctica. There is only so much they can say about the struggle there without sounding redundant." Julius's smile widened. "One of them even wanted to interview me. They said they wanted to talk to the person who inspired the Dreamscape champion. I know that title rightfully belongs to your parents, so I politely declined. Still, it was nice to be recognized!" 

Julius paused, "But you aren't here about all that. I suspect you are here about something else entirely." 

The old man's face turned very serious. 

"Tell me what is on your mind."