Turn to Dust

Jeremy ran the shimmery object across his knuckles and back. 

But before Noble could ask about the bauble, the younger researcher cleared his throat. "The last thing I want to ask about is the Gate...how did you get through it back and forth?" 

Feeling the sudden shift in conversation, Fort roused from his drowsy state. He tried not to appear disinterested, but Noble could feel his true emotions. 

The professor pressed her lips together. Jeremy's question appeared innocent on the surface, but the timing and change in demeanor gave the professor pause. During the meeting, the vassal of Clan Valor had relaxed considerably, but now he was nervous. 

Noble considered her words carefully. In the end, the truth seemed like the best option.

"I didn't go through the gate in either direction willingly. I had a Memory that could pierce through barriers. It was summoned when I crashed into the Gate, and it threw me directly into a Seed. Then when the Nightmare ended, the Spell pushed me out the way that I came in." 

"I have never heard of such a thing. That's amazing! May I see it?" Jeremy leaned forward as if she might be hiding the Portcullis Key in her lap behind the desk.

"As much as I would love to show you, The Portcullis Key was destroyed before I could conquer the Nightmare," Noble told him honestly. 

The young vassal's shoulders slumped. "That is a shame. I can only imagine how thrilling that must have been to have in your possession." 

Jeremy considered what he would have done with such an item.

"Thrilling is not exactly the word that comes to mind."

Noble wanted to tell him that while it had its uses, the Memory had been far more trouble than she would have liked. 

But the enthusiastic researcher probably wouldn't have believed her, so she let his mind race. Realizing he had been quiet longer than was polite, Jeremy coughed lightly. 

"Is there anything you can tell me about the Memory that might help someone recreate it?" 

"By someone, you mean Valor?" Fort interjected, sitting higher in his seat. 

Jeremy nodded. "Why not? They have the best forgers. Imagine being able to go in and out of Gates at will." 

"Or in and out of Seeds?" Noble wasn't sure how to feel about that.

Gates had always been one-way trips for Nightmare Creatures into the waking world. People passing through the other way was a strange thought. 

The young man met the professor's eyes evenly. "Why not? I think it is worth researching. You said yourself that Memories are just tools. Wouldn't a tool that makes it so anyone can come and go to and from areas that are not their citadel or tether be helpful?" 

It was a reasonable application for the technology, but if the Memory automatically threw the Awakened into an unknown seed, then the consequences could be dire. 

Not that it mattered, the key was gone forever. 

"I am sorry to tell you that I will not be much help in your quest for a gate key. That Memory had runes written on top of runes. A sorcerer much more skilled than I could ever hope to be must have altered it to make it have that power. I have no way to recreate it." Noble shrugged. 

Jeremy nodded. "I understand. Thank you for your time. I hope we can meet again soon?" 

"I would like that," Noble agreed easily. "I will see you out of the building." 

When the vassal stood, he stowed his communicator and then moved to tuck the object he had been fidgeting with back into his pocket.

Noble held out her hand. 

"Forgive me, but may I see that?" 

Jeremy froze, confused by the comment. "You want my communicator?" 

"No, I meant the thing in your palm. I saw you using it to help with concentration, and I wanted a closer look...that is if I am not prying and it is some super secret Valor Memory." Noble added to soften the strangeness of the request. 

"Oh, this little thing? It's not magical or anything." Jeremy dropped a small stone into Noble's hand. 

The shimmery veins in the pebble were very distinctive. Noble studied it closely before forcing a smile.

"It's beautiful. Where did you ever find such a treasure?" 

"One of the members of Clan Valor has an Aspect related to shone shaping. But their flaw is they have to compulsively make things, so some of us trade the rocks around for fun. A little bit like cash, but not really. Do you like it?" Jeremy could see the stone reflecting Noble's eyes. 

"I find it very interesting," the professor admitted. 

"Then keep it as a token of my thanks for meeting today. You have given me a lot to think about." Jeremy smiled warmly. 

Noble's hand closed around the stone before she could even think about refusing the gift. Not that she wanted to. "That is most generous. Thank you." 

"And there is no need to see me out. I think I can find the way on my own. I am a graduate of the Academy myself. There is a professor or two that I would like to visit before I go." Jeremy bowed deeply. "Until next time." 

Noble dipped her head respectfully and Fort stood to shake the other gentleman's hand. "Thank you for allowing me to be a part of this meeting."

"Always happy when the government and Clan Valor have the opportunity to work together." Jeremy's words were practiced, but his intentions were pure.

Noble watched him leave with a pensive expression. Jeremy had said that she had given him a lot to think about, but the reverse was also true.

His final set of questions seemed to be the real reason for his call, which meant that Clan Valor was interested in her unusual reappearance.

It made sense. They had sent Awakened Jeremy to investigate the gate before her arrival or he wouldn't have been there to help her.

But that mystery would have to wait for another day.

"He seems nice enough," Fort commented when the door finally closed.

"Indeed, it's nice to see young men so interested in the important things. Like Memories." Noble tucked her hair behind her ear and looked at the time. She yawned. "Well, I guess the rest of the day is shot. I missed lunch, and I will need to have a custodian come and look at the floor. There is also the matter of finding spare wires for Bee Two. Depending on which ones are damaged, I think I have…"

Seeing Fort's frown, Noble stopped.

"What is it?"

"You are doing that thing…" Fort tapped his foot lightly.

"What thing?" Noble asked a little too innocently.

"That thing where you talk about anything to avoid a topic you don't want to discuss." Fort raised one eyebrow.

"I don't do…that often…" Noble sighed. "Fine, oh Super Wise One, what exactly do you think I'm trying to avoid?"

Tapping his chin lightly, Fort tilted his head to the side. "I'm not sure, but if I had to guess it has to do with that rock in your hand."

Noble's eyes darted away. "What makes you say that?"

"Because if you hold it any tighter, it will turn to dust. So, spill!"