First Date

November brought with it a chill and a change in feelings in the NQSC. As more and more refugees flooded into the Capital, their testimonies gave a more realistic picture of what was happening in Antarctica.

So although Noble buried herself in her work and her family, she could not ignore that things in the south were undeniably bleak.

That wasn't to say she dwelled on that fact. The Nightmare had taught her many things, one of which was reinforced by her therapist.

"You must take things one day at a time." Awakened Alista had said. "Sorrow will inevitably come, but that doesn't mean you should not accept and appreciate the joy that you have right now. Both are part of being human."

"It seems selfish," Noble admitted, "to be happy when so many are hurting."

Alista nodded with a small smile. "I could see how you might think that. You are very empathetic. There is a balance. You can care for others, but you should not do it at the expense of living your own life."

So that is what Noble had been doing in the past month: living. She took care of her students and those around her, but she also stopped to enjoy the simple things.

And one of those simple things was a proper date with her husband.

It was long past due.

Rain had gone out that morning to study and then spend time with friends. Noble loved that her daughter was becoming more social, but it did leave them without someone to watch the twins.

While the twin twelve-year-olds could almost be trusted to watch themselves, Noble wasn't quite ready to let them loose for a whole afternoon and evening depending on when their elder sister returned. 

They were a bit too curious and rambunctious to be left to their own devices for that long. While one was more likely to destroy the living room by borrowing his mother's practice weapons, the other was just as likely to burn down the house in some ill-fated experiment.

The risk was just too high.

But just when Noble considered calling off the whole event, Lena had volunteered her caretaking services. 

Noble could not have been more relieved!

The new Master spent all morning getting ready and was finishing getting the waviness in her hair just right when the doorbell rang. She flitted to the door, but Fort made it there first. 

A grey-headed woman beamed as she crossed the threshold.

"There you are! My favorite son!" Lena kissed Fort's cheek as she entered. Even though the blond man had entered into her family by marriage, she loved him the same as if he were blood. "And my most wonderful daughter!" 

Noble hugged her mother. "We should be the ones flattering you, not the other way around. You are helping us a lot by keeping the boys entertained." 

"Nonsense! Brock and Blaze are the two best grandsons in two worlds and no one can tell me otherwise. We are going to have a wonderful time together." Lena nodded emphatically. "You two just relax and focus on the romance. Everything else is in good hands." 

"Thanks, Mom," Noble squeezed her mother's hand. "I'll never be able to repay you for all you do for us."

"Nor should you. That is what family is for." Lena patted her daughter gently. "And speaking of family, I've been trying to talk to you about something." 

"So you've said," Noble teased. 

"I suppose I have been slow in getting to the point." Suddenly Lena looked very uncomfortable. Sighing, she forced a smile. "You know what? It can wait until tomorrow. I don't want to keep you a moment longer from your time together." 

Noble frowned. "Mom--" 

"Grandma!" Two chipper voices said in unison as they raced down the hall. They nearly crashed into the two ladies as they slid to a stop. 

"I'm first!" Brock boasted. 

"That's because you cheated," Blaze rolled his eyes as he rubbed a sore shoulder. 

"Be nice or you might make grandma rethink spending time with you," Noble warned with a fierce gaze. 

"Yes, mom," the boys answered quickly. 

The professor's face softened. "Good." 

"Of course they are good. They are pretty near perfect by my estimation," Lena winked. "And we have a full day of fun. Are you ready to go?" 

Blaze picked up his shoes. "Almost!" 

"I just need my jacket," Brock returned to his room and back in a flash. 

"Alright you behave now," Fort chuckled as the trio headed toward the door. 

"We will," the twins promised. 

Fort smirked, "I was speaking to your grandmother." 

"Don't you worry about us!" Lena pulled her coat tighter around her as the door opened. "You focus on having your own fun."

"But not too much fun!" Brock corrected them. "You promised you would be at the track meet tomorrow." 

The pleading in the boy's eyes made Noble's heart melt. "I wouldn't miss it for anything." 

"Personally I'm fine with you missing it," Blaze shrugged only to be elbowed by his elder brother, "But it seems I'm outvoted."

"We will be there and rooting for you both," Fort assured his children. 

"I'll be there too," Lena nodded. "It will be a full family event." 

The older woman met her daughter's eyes. 

"We will talk then?" Noble asked vaguely, hoping the boys wouldn't pick up on her extra meaning. 

The wrinkles around Lena's eyes deepened as she smiled. "I am looking forward to it." 

A tacit understanding passed between the women before the elder lady was pushed out the door.

"Come on, Grandma. You promised to take us to an ancient arcade." Blaze reminded his chaperone. 

"But not before you get us ice cream! It's good fuel for playing." Brock interjected. 

"It's too cold for ice cream," Lena shivered. "Can't we do hot chocolate instead?" 

"We know the perfect has both!" 

The voices became muffled as the door shut. 

"They are going to wear Mom out," Noble blew out her cheeks. 

"I doubt it. She can keep up with the best of them, almost as well as you can." Fort kissed his wife's forehead. 

"And where do you fit into that metric? Can you keep up?" Noble smirked. 

"Today, my dear, I am certainly going to try!" Fort wrapped a scarf around his neck.

"I look forward to it!" Noble's eyes swirled.

Before she could reach for her coat, Fort took it and offered it to his bride. 

She shrugged it on with a gracious smile. 

"Thank you."

"I know the cold doesn't bother you as much as us mere mortals, but I don't like the thought of you being chilled at all," Fort said with a seriousness that caught Noble off-guard.

"Then we shall have to keep each other warm," she answered, holding out her hand.

"Deal," Fort kissed the tips of her fingers before interlacing them with his own.

Noble wanted to point out his need for gloves, but she was enjoying his touch too much to point out his error.

Even if she had, it would have done little good. For a moment later the door swung open, and the couple was on their first official date since the Valor Ball.