Make a Move

Noble's eyes shifted from the screen to the darkened entrance at the front left of the theater. Rain wandered in quietly along with two teenage girls and a boy.

'Of all the movies to see. What are the odds?' 

Noble had vaguely felt her daughter's presence when she entered the theater, but there was no real reason to pay attention until she got so close. Now, Rain had unexpectedly stumbled upon her parents' date. 

Yet Fort had said he saw it coming. How? They hadn't even been in view when he whispered the comment in her ear. 

"How did you know?" She whispered back, thankful that no one was directly in front of or behind them to shush them.

"It's the whole light and dark theme. Angel and Demon? It made sense thematically." Fort wore a triumphant smirk. 

'He's talking about the movie, not Rain,' Noble realized.

That made more sense. Her husband loved guessing the outcome of shows and films. He could often do so with startling accuracy. 

"Makes sense," Noble couldn't argue with his logic.

The movie claimed to have romance. At some point, the female lead would need to be introduced. 

While the action on the screen involved the two groups agreeing to work together, Noble watched the group of teens take their seats. The two other girls filed in before the boy and then Rain.

Something about the order felt odd, especially Rain's emotions when it happened. But soon enough, they were settled two rows down and a little to the left of the married couple. 

At least it wasn't right in front of them. Fort's whispering would have surely drawn Rain's attention. It was probably better for everyone if the two groups had at least some separation. 

For his part, Fort hadn't noticed the late entrance. If not for her emotional radar, Noble might not have registered Rain either.

'So what if she's here? So are many other people!'

Noble turned her attention back to the main attraction.

On the screen, the Captain and the Angel were poring over a map to decide the best way to get the caravan to Falcon Scott.

While most had perished when the city fell, a group had managed to make their way to the remote fortification under the Angel's guidance.

With the slightest of smiles, the guardian of the people had accepted the Captain's help.

The beautiful woman in white was short on words while the Captain, in contrast, had no end of witty quips as they studied the ever-changing landscape of the Southern Quadrant.

Finally, it was time to head out. Of course, problems arose at every turn.

The audience of the theater was filled with anticipation as the ill-fated journey unfolded. But two people were extra anxious: Rain and the boy next to her.

Noble glanced their direction and then wished she hadn't.

The young man had lifted his hands in the air in a modified stretch. His right arm came down without incident, but his left…

'Oh no…' Noble could see what was happening in slow motion.

The boy's arm crept along the back of Rain's chair before his hand came to rest behind her shoulder.

He wasn't touching the girl yet, but Rain had certainly noticed the development.

And she hadn't stopped it.

'Am I seeing things?'

No, the mother was certainly witnessing a boy put the moves on her daughter.

Noble felt a mix of confusion, extreme discomfort, and the slightest bit of girlish delight.

That last one, of course, would be snuffed out if the boy tried anything else, but for now, the innocence was a tad adorable.

'If only I knew who he was!'

Noble tried to wrack her brain. Had Rain mentioned any boy since Noble had returned from the Dream Realm?

No one immediately came to mind.

How could she have missed this?!

The professor stiffened.

"You alright? If this is too much we don't have to stay," Fort gently rubbed his wife's arm and kissed her temple.

"I was surprised, but I can handle it," Noble responded automatically.

Fort was still talking about the movie.

After being trapped in an interminable cave, a host of flying Nightmare Creatures was chasing them down as they struggled to reach Falcon Scott.

"If it gets to be overwhelming, let me know and we can head out," the handsome man assured her.

He never knew what might trigger her, and the super realistic special effects might send her over the edge.

"Same for you," Noble answered cryptically.

Fort chuckled silently. "Don't worry about me. I have nerves of steel."

"That's good." Noble chewed her lip and tried to relax.

Though there was nothing relaxing happening on the screen.

The caravan of people narrowly made it into Falcon Scott after suffering heavy casualties. Together, the Angel and Captain held back the horde until it came within range of the fortress's defenses.

The Angel was tragically wounded by a Titan in the final push, leading to a single tear falling down her expressionless face.

Drained of energy and essence, the Captain was forced to abandon his quest to deliver a killing blow and carried the lovely lady in his arms to the city gate.

The movie moved toward the climax as the refugees realized that the safety of Falcon Scott was a lie.

Titans were coming from all sides to attack. And the evacuation effort would not be completed fast enough.

Unless something changed, they would all perish before the boat came back to retrieve them.

Noble had to give the film's director credit for the drama. There had been many boats evacuating Falcon Scott almost constantly, but limiting it to a single source of hope gave the story extra tension.

While it was hard to care about millions of people, it was much easier to care about the small caravan that had already suffered so much.

A close-up shot of a young girl sitting in the snow and looking for the ship to come nearly broke Noble's heart.

It was cinematic art.

In the few days of quiet, the Angel healed and a kernel of romance formed between the male and female lead. The chemistry between the actors was excellent, but Noble couldn't help feeling that something was off. 

'Why do they look so much alike? Their faces make them look like twins.' 

The rest of the audience, though, was eating it up. 

When the boat of salvation finally arrived, the Titans were already tearing the city apart. 

"I have to stall," the Captain announced when he saw that not everyone would make it in time. 

The woman in white stood beside him. "I am coming with you." 

"You are these people's hope," her dark-clad counterpart shook his head. "Beyond that, you are still injured. I will stall and find another way to meet you on the other side."

The captain clapped Ash on the shoulder.

"Make sure she gets the care she needs." 

Smiling weakly, the fearless leader caressed the lady's cheek.

"I love you," he told her. "I will come to you." 

The lady in white's facade broke. Tears streamed down her face. "I won't leave yo—"

The Captain pressed his lips against his love's before she could finish the thought. Then using some unspecified power, he made her pass into a peaceful slumber.

It was a poignant moment, but it was broken by a single frantic scream by the man beside her.

"What are you doing?!"