Preliminary Feelings

Why had the sound bent and echoed so strangely around her? 

Noble looked behind herself to make eye contact with Ven. His subtle smile told her all she needed to know.

Having seen her exclamation coming, he contained the sound such that only she and Lena could hear her yell.

Aside from those who saw her arms move energetically upward, no one knew the professor was in the middle of an emotional upheaval. Even Rain and Fort seemed blissfully ignorant.

Ven nodded, assuring Noble that neither he nor anyone else could hear the private conversation. She tipped her chin in understanding. 

Of course, that was the only thing about the last part of the conversation that she understood. 

Surely she hadn't heard her mother correctly.

"You....You're getting married?" 

Dating someone was one thing, but married? 

Lena couldn't hide her smile. "I am." 

"To Julius..." Noble couldn't quite make her mouth form the words. "How? When? That Julius?"

Her point at the kind-hearted teacher was less than covert, but thankfully Lena didn't mind. 

The older woman nodded. "It happened slowly at first. We've known each other for years, after all. And friendship was enough for us for a long time. It didn't take a romantic turn until recently." 

It was Noble's cheeks' turn to burn with the last statement. She wasn't sure she wanted to know what exactly a 'romantic turn' meant. The grey-haired woman tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"I know this feels a little fast, but we aren't young anymore, and we know what we want. And what we want is to be together. You've known us both longer than we've known each other. You are the reason we met in fact."

Lena continued to spill all the words that she had been aching to say.

"Julius loves you very much. He has been pestering me to tell you because he didn't like keeping the secret. He didn't want to be around when I told you so that you wouldn't feel pressured to give your blessing." 

"My blessing?" Noble furrowed her brow. "You require my blessing?" 

"Require? No. Request, yes. Jules thinks of you as a daughter. Of course, he wants you to approve of our decision." Lena glanced toward the field, where Julius was more openly staring at them now. He smiled and waved awkwardly. 

Noble overlooked the pet name that her mother had just given her mentor. 

"Do they know?" Noble tilted her head toward Rain and Fort. The two people were still not paying attention to them.

Looking down at her wrists, Noble realized why. Her magical bracelets coupled with the lack of sound put the professor and Lena in a blind spot of sorts. Until Noble tried to get their attention or they consciously went looking for her, they would not easily perceive her even though she was sitting beside them. It was a strange thing. 

"No, I will follow your lead on that." Lena paused. "So...What do you think?" 

Noble reevaluated what she had seen since she returned. There had always been deep affection between Julius and Lena. Noble had assumed it was because they both cared deeply for her and for a long time, it probably was. 

But the gentle smiles, stolen glances, occasional unnecessary touch. How had she been so blind?!

Noble met Julius's gaze. He nodded slowly. His love was genuine; there was no doubt about it. Noble could feel it overflowing after he had been suppressing it around her. He was no longer hiding it, and Noble wasn't sure how to feel about that.

What did she think?

"I don't know…" Noble admitted. 

"Ladies and gentlemen, due to unforeseen circumstances, the field events will be postponed until this afternoon." A booming voice announced over the stadium's numerous speakers.

Either Ven had finished dampening the sound or the announcement was strong enough to overcome it. 

Fort leaned over with a smirk. "And by unforeseen circumstances, they mean the coach that just tried to destroy half the equipment while being escorted off the field." 

"We appreciate your patience." The announcer continued. "As a result of this change, the track events will begin after a 5-minute warm-up." 

The people around them complained. That was not enough time for the students to prepare! But in the stands, there was no one to complain to, and the competitors of all ages were paraded onto the field for stretches and to get their muscles moving. 

"Is that who I think it is?!" Fort rose from his seat and squinted at the golden boy gaining a considerable amount of cheers from the crowd.

"Dad, don't make a scene, it's fine." Rain tugged on her father's coat to make him sit down. 

"Noble?" Lena touched her daughter's arm gently.

"We will have to finish this conversation later. I have to make sure Fort doesn't kill that boy, and Rain doesn't leave crying." Noble excused herself and moved over a seat. 

While she doubted either would happen, it was as good of an excuse as any to postpone an answer to Lena's request until she could fully form her thoughts. 

Sitting between Fort and Rain might have been a mistake, Noble realized. The former was fuming and the latter was anxious. Both of the feelings began to bleed into her soul. 

'I should have just stayed with the love birds.' Noble noticed Julius come back to sit by Lena. His face told her all she needed to know. He was disappointed. 

On the field, the line-up was being introduced. By luck or by design, the order of races had been completely inverted, making the most experienced racers go first. 

The older students made their way up to the line. 

When Cade's name was called, a small contingent of hormonal females screamed extra loud as his concentrated face appeared on an impossibly large screen above the action. Rain turned her attention to the gaggle of females and sighed. 

"I guess you were right, Mom. Kayla is here." 

Noble wrapped her arm around her daughter. "At least this part will be over soon. " 

The runners got on their blocks and placed their hands on the ground. The crowd grew quiet. 

The gun sounded and the competitors were off. They raced around the track with all the speed that could be expected of mundane teens. The crowd roared to life in support of their champions.

Noble watched with bated breath as the group rounded the corner to complete the lap, She was relieved when Cade was not first, second, or third.

"Good," she whispered to herself. "Not last place, but close enough." 

Noble felt Ven's emotions spike behind her, and she wished she hadn't spoken aloud. Of course, he could perceive any sound to manipulate it so easily! 

Maybe it was better if he heard her as it would keep her honest. Now if she did something to make him trip or say...rise off the ground and float in place for a brief moment, the Awakened behind her would be suspicious that she was involved. 

'Contemplating cheating just to get a boy back for hurting my daughter? Fort's feelings must be rubbing off on me!' Noble shook her head. 

Fort was full of emotion, and none of it was positive toward Cade.

On the field, the second and final lap was coming to a close. Even in the chilly weather, the athletes were glistening with sweat.

Cade was still firmly in fourth, and it looked like he had all but run out of energy.

He missed a step and Fort let out an involuntary cheer.

But then, inexplicably, the young man caught himself and pressed into his speed. Cade crossed the line first with a triumphant grin.

The girls nearby went wild, causing Noble to roll her eyes.

'At least it's over.'

"Cade has secured first place in heat one of the preliminary round." The announcer confirmed the results.

"First heat? Preliminary round?" Noble rubbed her head.

It was going to be a very long day indeed.