Too Perfect

A piercing scream permeated the air. Kayla–the real Kayla– broke free of the group of teens and went barreling down the stairs. Before anyone could stop her, she leapt over the railing and stumbled onto the field. 

'How did she not break her leg?' Noble marveled at the pure force of will that pushed Kayla forward. 

Kayla approached Cade with all the fury of a woman scorned. She screamed, but her words were caught by the wind. 

"I wish we could hear what she was saying." Brock leaned forward with his hand cupped to his ear. 

In response, the voices of those on the field suddenly filled the entire stadium. 

The girl who was not Kayla was furrowing her brow in confusion. 

"What do you mean you are his girlfriend? We have been dating for a long time!" 

Kayla threw her hands in the air! "I've been his girlfriend for longer. Who even are you?!" 

Mortified, Cade stepped between the ladies. "Jocelyn, this is Kayla. We used to go out a loooong time ago."

"Long time? You asked me out on a date just last night! You wanted to meet this evening but I said I couldn't." Kayla's face was beat red.

"I…" Cade struggled.

"Is that why you asked me out tonight at the last minute?" Jocelyn pointed a finger in the boy's face.

"Look, I like you both. I like everyone. Is that so wrong?" Cade backed up slightly and shrugged.

A burly young man entered the scene with a scowl.

"You are two timing my sister!" He screamed, "I can't believe I helped you cheat to win!" 

Balling his fist, the brother prepared to throw a punch that would send Cade reeling. The boy dropped to the ground, trying to deny the accusations without dying in the process.

But the damage had been done. Hearing the brother's words, the crowd began to boo.

The announcer came over the speaker, "Due to recent events, there will be a pause in the proceedings."

"Cheater, cheater cheater," the once loyal group of females chanted in Cade's direction. 

The handsome young man stood, hid his face, and headed to the judges' table to discuss his fate. The other three teens chased after him, continuing to hurl insults as they went.

"Looks like that boy may have won the battle to get what he wanted and then lost the war," Fort crossed his arms with satisfaction.

"You ok?" Noble turned to Rain.

"Are you kidding? Other than feeling a little bad for Kayla, this day could not get any better." Rain's eyes were filled with amusement and relief.

If last night had gone differently, she might have ended up as one of the girls on the field screaming at Cade.

"It's crazy that we could hear them so clearly up here," Blaze looked at the speakers. "There aren't any microphones on the field."

With a small smile, Noble turned behind her to see Ven grinning.

"Did your flaw cause us to overhear?" She asked innocently.

"Perhaps." Ven winked.

"Thank you," Noble dipped her head.

It took a little time for the mess on the field to be unraveled, but in the end, Namae was awarded first place.

If the snippets of gossip around them were to be believed, Jocelyn's brother had Awakened during the previous solstice and was helping Cade gain a final burst of speed to win his races.

Cade left in a huff, claiming he would protest the ruling. He was escorted out by security so he would not cause any more trouble.

'He probably just made a scene so security would make sure her Awakened brother wouldn't try to hit him again,' Noble mused.

From the look of the young man in question, it wouldn't take much for Jocelyn's brother to take Cade out of the gene pool permanently.

Cade had made an enemy for life.

Thunder sounded overhead, signaling an incoming storm of acid rain.

"The rest of the day's activities have been postponed due to inclement weather. Please make your way out of the stadium and seek shelter. Stay dry everyone!"


"I don't get why anyone would cheat," Brock said around a bite of Oko's famous ice cream after the family's lunch. All eyes turned to him as he contemplated. "It's such a hollow victory to win by cheating. It wasn't even like it was life or death. I'd rather lose and know I tried…"

"Well he wasn't just cheating at sports," Blaze pointed out, causing Noble to nearly spit out her hot chocolate.

"I wonder what else he's done and gotten away with," Fort clicked his tongue.

"Dishonest at one thing…dishonest at many. It's a slippery slope. Never go that way, children." Lena advised her grandchildren.

They all silently agreed.

"If Cade gets infected, he is in for a shock. As Teacher Julius says, you can fool people, but you can't fool the Spell..." Noble nodded toward the older man.

"…In the Dream Realm, only your survival skills can save you," Julius finished. "I said that to you years ago. I'm surprised you remember it."

"I remember all of your life lessons. They are hidden gems that I cannot take for granted." 

Between Lena's unwavering strength and Julius's comforting advice, Noble had managed to weather the storm of her father's death more easily than most would have. Even before getting to know Fort and marrying him, Noble knew she could go to either of them with any problem and they would help her to solve it. 

No one could ever replace Director Lance, but Julius had gone a long way in easing the burden of his passing. 

'He's more than just a mentor,' Noble admitted silently. 

That was what was bothering Noble. By wanting to marry Lena, Julius was officially stepping into the role where Noble had nominally placed him for years. 

He had been a father figure, but soon he would legally be her stepfather. The whole thing felt right and natural, yet still, she was holding back. 

Was it over some loyalty to Lance? Maybe a little, but more that it seemed her life was finally falling together.

Everything was coming neatly into place. It was too perfect.

Lena smiled at the grey-headed man beside her. "Julius is a good man. The world would be much better off if more people took his classes and advice."

Noble saw Julius reach for Lena's hand but stopped out of deference to Noble. Her heart clenched.

'So what if things are perfect? Let them be perfect! Didn't the Spell say the world bends to my will? Maybe this is it bending. I'm allowed to be happy. We all are! Who am I to spoil the time we have together by worrying about what might come?'

Noble smiled at her mother. "I quite agree. And I wonder how many more will be convinced to listen to him with such a wonderful and persuasive woman by his side."

Lena's and Julius's eyebrows raised in unison.

'Ok, that's adorable.'

"A good woman makes all the difference, and you sound like you have someone specific in mind," Fort took a sip of his drink, interested in his wife's assertion. "Is Teacher Julius getting married?"

Julius looked at Noble who smiled and nodded.

"Indeed he is, with my blessing, no less!" She laughed.

Fort held up his cup in a toast to the older gentleman. "Congratulations! Who is the lucky lady?"

Julius's fingers clasped the delicate hand beside him.

Lena blushed. "I am."