Time to Begin

Noble pressed her lips together before coming to a decision. "We tell Julius the truth. Just not all of it. Communication is spotty, and so we are recording the ceremony for Master Sunless to watch when he can."

Fort nodded. There was no need to tell the groom about something he couldn't control. They would inform him later.

Gui cleared his throat. "I'll leave you to it, then."

"Thank you for the information," Noble smiled. "I hope you can still enjoy the wedding."

"Don't worry about me. As long as the couple is happy, that is what matters." Gui bowed his way out of the room.

A moment later Rain appeared in the doorway. "There you are! We've been looking for you! It is time to get things started… What are you doing in here?"

Fort and Noble winced. What would their daughter think of them alone in an office only a little bigger than a coat closet?

"Sorry, we were just shoring up some last-minute things." The father answered quickly.

"Yes, I think we have a plan now." Noble nodded. "I'll ask Sarai to record the ceremony, and then we can get lined up."

"I thought she was the one who was showing the wedding to Sunny live. Why isn't she…" Rain's face changed. "Did something happen? Oh no, something did happen!" The pale teen began to pace. "I should have known after his last message that something was wrong!"

"What do you mean? When did you last hear from him?" Fort resisted the urge to ask a dozen other questions that sprung to his mind.

"A few days ago–Almost a week now. He sent me a long message about what a good student I had been and told me to keep up the good work. He said I had shown a lot of promise. There was no bragging or sarcasm in the words at all. That was what made me worried. I haven't heard from him since..." Rain's eyes welled up in tears. "What happened?"

"He was surprised by a few gates and had to escape from the waking world. We assume he is looking for a gateway to get home while traveling through a very dangerous part of the Dream Realm." Noble wasn't sure if it was the right call to tell her daughter, especially when she was planning to keep the information from Julius for now. 

The teen took in the words with a sigh of relief.

"Is that all?" Rain wiped the corners of her eyes. "That tutor of mine had me worried for no reason."

"No reason?" Noble was surprised by the response. Had the girl not heard what she said?

Rain shrugged. "I'll have to scold him when he gets back for missing Grandpa's big day. He should have found a way out quicker…"

Noble could feel the girl's emotions. While Rain was concerned for her tutor, her frustration with him for being late was also genuine.

The teen's confidence bolstered Fort and Noble. Rain knew him best after all. If she wasn't too worried, Noble wouldn't be either.

"Well, that settles it. We will record things for those who are tardy, and the rest of us will enjoy the moments as they happen." Noble took a cleansing breath and put on a dazzling smile. "Come on, let's take our places!"

She adjusted the synthetic flower on her husband's lapel. He grinned at her.

"You might have missed your calling as a wedding planner."

"What? A professor and warrior are not enough for you, you want me to get into entertainment business as well?" Noble gave her husband a sidelong glance as she chuckled.

"I always find you entertaining, but you are right, one wedding per decade is more than enough." Fort pulled at his collar. "Alright, I'm ready."

As they exited the room, Fort's communicator rang in his pocket. This time Noble's sharp gaze was genuine.

"I hope you put that on silent for the ceremony!"

"I thought it was!" The Director fished out the device and looked down at the screen.

"It's Dimi. He is wishing the bride and groom many happy returns and…some other things I won't read out loud."

Noble ignored Dimi's inappropriate comments toward her mother. "I thought you weren't able to get through to Army command. How is he messaging you?"

"Last we talked, he was at an outpost where the heaviest fighting has been. It's weird, but he must have a better connection than they do." Fort rubbed the back of his neck. "Is it alright if I don't give your Mom the full extent of that message?"

"I would be upset if you did!" Noble kissed her husband's cheek. "I'll see you in the lineup in a few."

After giving instructions to Sarai, Noble checked on the rest of the preparations. Everything and everyone was in place including their musical talent. The lone musician was tinkering on the piano which had been rented for the occasion, entertaining the guests with impromptu musical medleys.

Noble approached and tapped him on the shoulder, startling the deaf Awakened from his reverie. His hands left the keys, but the music somehow continued to permeate the air.

For the man not only composed the music. Because of his Aspect, he was the music. 

"I'm Noble, daughter of the bride. It's an honor to meet you, Griffin." Noble held out her palm. 

Reading her lips, Griffin smiled and shook her hand. "The pleasure is all mine."

"Thank you for performing at the wedding." Noble could not begin to express her gratitude. 

Griffin chuckled, "I still remember the night Director Fort gave me that song title. I was glad he reached out a few weeks ago and told me who he was. Bored Beyond Belief is still one of my favorites. I never did get to thank him."

"Being here is more than enough thanks. Fort and my daughter Rain are big fans!" Noble heard the music become upbeat with the compliment.

"That's interesting! I'm a huge fan of yours, or rather, Queen Bee. I watched nearly every one of your battles. The fluidity of your movements, they sing."

The music around them swelled. Noble blinked. Queen Bee now had a theme song! 

"That's amazing!"

Griffin's smile broadened. "I don't suppose I could have your autograph?" 

"Only if I can have yours also!" Noble watched as Griffin pulled a piece of sheet music and a pen from the piano's sheet music. 


Each taking their signed page, the two parted ways. 

After a brief word with the officiant, Noble joined Rain and Lena in the bridal suite.

"It is time! The guests are in their seats and the music is heavenly. All that is missing is your grand debut."

Lena smoothed her dress. "All this fuss. I should have just had Gui marry us at government headquarters."

"You can't fool me; you are loving the attention." Noble winked and offered her arm. "And since I can't walk you down the aisle, at least let me walk you to it."

The bride's eyes crinkled as she smiled. "I would be honored."

Taking the back hall, the ladies arrived to find the two auditorium doors already closed with two dapper boys grinning from ear to ear.

"Grandma!" They stood proud as Lena inspected them carefully.

"Have you got them?" She asked solemnly.

Each boy held out one ring. "We kept them safe." Brock closed his hand around the band.

"And even got them professionally cleaned," Blaze added.

"They had supervision for that second part." Fort appeared as if by magic. He cleared his throat and bowed. "Everything inside is ready. The ceremony music should start right about now."

Instantly, Griffin's beautiful melody wafted through the doors.

Noble let go of her mother's arm. "I'll see you on the other side as a married woman."

Fort escorted his wife to the place behind Rain and the boys. 

"You look ready to walk a movie carpet," he complimented.

"I'd rather walk this aisle with the man I love," she responded easily. 

"Sounds like a better plan to me too." Fort winked. "Are you ready, boys?" 

The two young men waited expectantly until their cue, then the doors opened wide. The twins marched down the aisle amid hundreds of watching eyes. 

Though marching was a kind word for what they were doing. In true preteen fashion, the twins had worked up a modified dance to go along with the instrumental music. The result was a sort of shuffle that would make any choreographer take notice. 

Noble resisted the urge to cover her face and smiled brightly as if she knew this would happen the whole time. 

Rain, who went next by herself, had a far more graceful walk. It was as if all of the teenage awkwardness left her body, and only an elegant swan remained.

Noble had a flash of what the girl would look like someday if she chose to wed. She blinked away tears. 

'That's a long way off...' 

Fort tugged Noble's arm gently and they began their trip through to the front of the auditorium. Rain, Julius, and Awakened Rock were already at the front of the room with the officiant waiting patiently for the final pair to arrive. 

Well, everyone but Julius looked patient. The older gentleman was so nervous and anxious that Noble thought he might bolt for the back door and escort Lena himself to hurry things along. 

Somehow he remained glued to the spot until the Best Man and Maid of Honor took their spots on either side of him.

The music changed and the doors, which had shut behind Noble, flew wide as everyone stood. 

A woman in white stood there looking like an angel. She strode confidently forward with no doubt in her mind that she was making the right choice. And that choice was the man on the stage before her. 

Julius's eyes filled with tears as he welcomed her to the stage. 

It was time to begin.