This Changes Everything

Dimi's face said it all.

"Send people through the gate…to the Dream Realm? But sir, the mundane humans…"

"Will be perfectly safe. Valor will give them a new life in Bastion where they have the choice to never be infected by the Spell." Gui told the general.

Noble furrowed her brow.

"Lady Morgan didn't mention anything about providing for the refugees." She said quietly to Fort.

Gui overheard. He muted the call to face her.

"Valor would be foolish not to provide and protect these people after working so hard to rescue them. He wants willing subjects not reluctant captives."

Noble was stunned by the Chancellor's bluntness and foresight. But he was right.

Valor would have to do more than just provide a safe way out of Antarctica if they wanted long-term loyalty.

Dimi's voice broke into the room once more. "I have relayed your message, Chancellor. We are ready to proceed."

Shafin quickly projected Fort's communicator into the center of the massive array. Those in the room and around the world could see the harrowing scene that was Outpost Thirteen.

The camera shook, accompanied by a boom. The people steadied themselves to keep from falling.

When the world became still, Gui gave the order. "When Lord Anvil is ready, begin the evacuation."

Having dismissed his armor, the general hooked the communicator to his bodysuit facing outwards.

Now Noble and the others could see what he saw. The Gate was even bigger up close. Dimi was close enough that his hand could pass through to the tranquil lake on the other side of what appeared to be a looking glass.

Bastion. It looked too perfect to be true. Maybe it was.

'Julius was anchored there. He seems to like it,' Noble reminded herself. 'Hopefully, these people will as well.'

"Understood, sir. We will go whenever Lord Anvil is ready," Dimi hesitated. "But, uh, how do I know if he is ready?"

Other than the single word spoken, the Sovereign had ignored the people now huddling under his protection.

People began to murmur and back up, drawing the General's attention.

"Someone is coming," he told those at headquarters.

A moment later, an elegant figure dressed in the garb of Valor sauntered through the gate and leaned on a cane. His amused smile swept across the people as he adjusted his ceremonial cape.

"Apologies for my tardy arrival. But you know what they say about late Knights, don't you? Anyone?" The Saint scanned the crowd of scared faces and sighed. "No sense of humor here either."

Placing his hand on his chest, Dimi approached the newcomer. "I am General Dimi. I have the Chancellor with me." A hand partially obstructed the screen as the soldier indicated the communicator.

"I am Sir Jest," the Saint bent his head slightly, "I believe Lady Morgan has already spoken to you, Chancellor."

"She has," Gui answered. "The refugees are ready whenever Valor is."

"Valor is prepared. Our Princess is ready to welcome them with open arms." Jest's voice grew louder as he addressed the crowd. "Do not fear. The King of Swords has saved you and welcomes you to Bastion. Salvation is only a stone's throw away. Though I do not recommend throwing stones in our city. That is frowned upon."

No one laughed, and the Saint frowned.

"So serious..." he muttered. Stepping aside, he whirled his cane through the air. "Carry on!"

When no one immediately moved, Dimi yelled over the noise of the battle. "You heard the Saint! Start moving!"

The column of people lumbered forward. Noble had expected a mad dash as soon as the order was given, but it seemed that no matter how terrible the state of the outpost was, the fear of the unknown still made them pause.

The first man reached the wall with a solemn expression. He had nothing with him except the clothing on his back. Noble knew the look in his dark eyes. He had nothing to lose.

After giving Dimi a nod, the civilian reached out his hand and touched the gate. A Nightmare Gate would have repelled the touch and wounded or killed the one foolish enough to approach it.

Yet this gate not only accepted the man's hand, it seemed to embrace it and guide him forward.

As promised, Morgan awaited him through the distorted looking glass, ready to greet him. Those in the Waking World could not hear her words of comfort, but she motioned for one of her vassals to cover him in a blanket and lead him to some shelter.

He turned and smiled at the others, an expression of profound relief written on his face.

"You know what they say about the early bird..." Jest whispered to Dimi.

"It gets the worm?" Dimi answered, audibly confused.

"Exactly, now you understand!" Jest tapped his cane approvingly. "Who's next? The King doesn't have all day!"

With confirmation that the first man did not instantly fall prey to the Nightmare Spell, others decided to try their luck. More passed from the unending light of the Antarctic summer to the cool glow of a late afternoon sun over Bastion's lake.

They were also welcomed by the vermillion-eyed Princess of Valor. Noble noted how even though her expression was polite and welcoming, her eyes remained sharp enough to cut down any perceived threat.

'What threat could there be among these poor people?' Noble wondered.

Apparently, there was none, for Morgan welcomed them to Bastion without incident.

The line began to move more quickly.

While it did, the government and Sir Jest discussed how to move forward. A tentative plan was put in place.

"I will notify the next fort of your imminent arrival," Gui said.

"A pleasure doing business with you." Jest brought the handle of the cane to the tip of his brow. "We will be in touch."

After saying his goodbyes and giving final orders, Gui ended the communication with Dimi and those at Outpost Thirteen.

He rubbed his forehead. "I know we have much to discuss, but most of it can wait at least until I am back in my office. Until then--"

"Sir," Shafin reluctantly interrupted, the air turning cold around him. "It's Saint Cor."

Gui ran his hand through his dark hair. "Finally. Bring him up."

The weathered Saint appeared in the center of the array.

"Saint Cor," Gui began. "I am glad we have been able to connect at last."

"Our communications have been blacked out all day. We just got them up a few minutes ago," Cor frowned. "You have been trying to reach me?"

"Indeed," the Chancellor nodded. "We have a bit of a situation."

Cor's expression changed subtly. "I'll say we do. I just finished talking to Lady Seishan, and you will never guess what she told me..."

Bells went off in the room as the government agents all got an anomaly message for the second time that day.

Gui folded his hands. "Did she say that Ki Song has selflessly conquered the fourth Nightmare, become a supreme, and now is opening a gate in Antarctica for humanity to escape to the Dream Realm?"

Cor's eyebrows shot up slightly.

"Have you spoken with her also?"

The corners of the Chancellor's mouth upturned slightly. "Not exactly, but close enough."

Noble had seen enough. She left the room, her head spinning. 

Not one, but two Sovereigns had returned to the Waking World to rescue the refugees of Antarctica. 

For them to come out of hiding after being little more than a rumor for years could only mean one thing. 

'Everything's about to change...'