Editing Fees

The winter days around the New Year were always strange. No students did not mean that there was no work to be done, the workload was just different.

One of the biggest goals of the Academy staff during the lull was getting in all of the research papers that had taken a back seat during the busy season.

For Noble, that included the bulk of her research from her Nightmare.

Heading into the Library doors, Noble inhaled the scent of books. Except for a rare few, all of the physical copies were made of synthetic paper, yet the place still smelled of the sweet scent of pressed wood.

The professor was not complaining. It made the place feel ancient and inviting.

Behind the welcome desk, an unassuming Master stared lazily at a book without looking up. Noble grinned. Noble looked at the title containing the word 'Odyssey' before shifting her gaze.

"You'll have to do a better job of ignoring me next time," she whispered as she came closer. "I felt your emotions shift before I ever came in the door. I suppose your powers of observation have only become keener with ascension."

Nickel looked up at her. "If not for those bracelets I gave you, I would be able to perceive you more easily. It was the shadow across the base of the door before it opened that gave you away."

"It's good to see you. I never did thank you for the autograph of...you know who." There was no one around and yet Noble's voice became even softer. "It was appreciated by Fort's assistant and is now framed."

Even with the low level of speech, Noble was sure her companion understood. She could have simply mouthed the words and Nickel would have comprehended.

The librarian waved his hand lightly. "It was nothing. Don't mention it."

"Thank you just the same." Noble bit her lip. "I...don't suppose you have heard from Ren?"

The second half of the dynamic Dreamscape duo was noticeably missing.

"Not since she left with Rock's cohort. I imagine they are in the throes of the Nightmare right now. I can't say that I blame her. It wasn't like I gave her notice when I left either." Nickel shrugged.

Despite the calm look on his face, Noble could feel the turmoil underneath. The man was concerned for his friend.

Noble was as well. She banished the unpleasant thoughts from her mind.

"With Rock and Ren on the team, I am sure things will go smoothly. Those two will be back at the Academy next week with the 'new Master smell' still on them." The professor chuckled.

"We'll see," Nickel grunted. His eyes narrowed. "Did you come here just to check on me?"

"If I say yes, do I get credit for looking after a friend?" Noble could already see the man's head shaking before she finished the question. She sighed. "I'm here for these." Noble indicated the things in her arms. "I have research to formally submit, and you know it is easier to do in person."

The Librarian lowered the book in his hands. "Research from your Nightmare?"

Noble ran her fingers along the papers in her hand. "Mostly just information on the Memories I got and the history of the Dream Realm that was discovered."

"You got Government approval to submit it first, right?" Nickel's jaw tightened.

While this was not necessary in most cases, the strange situation of the rescue mission had caused the government to request an exception.

"Of course. They were very helpful in advising me on what I could and could not include. If not for their meticulous assistance, I could have submitted this much sooner," Noble smirked. "I don't suppose you want to look over it."

"If you twist my arm, I can," Nickel was already reaching for the datapad and papers.

He scanned the pages quickly and set them aside before turning his attention to the report on the screen.

"You misspelled Ender. It should be spelled j-e-r-k." The Librarian mumbled. He scrolled through the documents at lightning speed, reading faster than any human Noble had ever seen.

Finally, he handed back the pad.

"Well?" Noble waited with bated breath.

"This Master Cellio, how well do you know him?" Nickel stroked his chin.

Noble pulled her mouth to one side. "I would consider him a friend."

"He seems very capable. Too capable if you ask me." The librarian frowned. "You really shouldn't trust him."

"Oh?" Noble raised one eyebrow. "You can read right there that he saved my life and battled alongside me."

"Yeah. I read it. He seems like a real hero," the corner of Nickel's mouth turned upward. "Don't believe everything you read."

"Thank you for the sagely advice," Noble smothered her grin. "I will take it under advisement."

Noble turned to leave but Nickel cleared his throat.

"Uh, aren't you forgetting something?"

"Oh, yes. My papers, thank you!" Noble gathered the synthetic pages from the desk.

"I wasn't meaning that. I was talking about my editing fee." The Librarian crossed his arms.

"You didn't do anything!" The professor snapped her papers toward her.

Nickel tilted up his nose. "I made that correction on your spelling of Ender. That alone should be worth a third of your contribution credits."

Noble clicked her tongue. "Send me a bill. I will be sure to give you exactly what you deserve."

"A pleasure doing business with you," Nickel tipped his head.

The professor waved and walked away. Since Nickel couldn't publish anything under his own name, Noble had already planned to give him some of her earnings.

'His snark gave me the perfect cover to make that happen,' Noble couldn't help but smile.

Snaking through the desks, bookshelves, and research stations, Noble scanned the different titles as she passed. A world of information was kept within this building both physically and digitally. It was a little humbling to know she was about to add to that storehouse of human knowledge.

Coming to the end of a bookshelf, Noble turned down a windowless corridor. The hall was one of many that would close down and provide a secondary line of defense if the building was breached.

At the end of the hall, Noble turned and headed down a flight of stairs.

Noble's body tensed as she made her way downward.

Her flaw was vicious and unforgiving. It was bad enough to have a source of pain always so close to her feet, but to have it all around her always made her body tense. It had taken years for her to fully relax in Ender's Deep, and that was with half the earth torn away.

'You weren't this worried about the dirt in your Nightmare. There's no need to start fussing again now,' the professor chided herself.

In the Nightmare, there had been far bigger concerns than the ceiling caving in. 

Noble clicked her tongue, 'You've been down here hundreds of times and nothing bad has happened. Even if the world came crashing down, you could probably levitate and change the weight of the earth so that you would make it out without a scratch.' 

The thought was intriguing and worth trying. But that would be an experiment for a different time. 

Right now Noble had reached the large alloy door that led to her destination. 

The Archives.