That Look

Standing in the doorway, Lena and Julius looked years younger.

"Look at the spry Bride and Groom!" Noble cooed as she ushered them in from the cold.

"It's amazing what a little rest can do," Julius smiled as he took off his coat.

"Look at this!" Lena immediately noticed the handmade sign, "What a darling banner!"

"Brock made it," Noble winked at her middle child.

"Aren't you a doll?!" Lena kissed the young man on the cheek before moving on to her two other grandchildren.

"It's good to see you," Fort shook his step-father-in-law's hand.

The older man raised his bushy eyebrows.

"It's good to be seen. The food smells amazing!" Julius sniffed at the air experimentally. "Meat pie?"

"With potatoes and vegetable filling," Noble confirmed.

"That's what I made you when you and Fort returned from your Honeymoon." Lena's mouth opened slightly.

"I know. I thought it could be a bit of a tradition." Noble was suddenly wrapped in a warm hug by her teary-eyed mother.

"Thank you, Sweetheart."

Brushing a drop of liquid from her face, Noble cleared her throat. "Well, the food is hot! We better not waste time or I'll have to heat it up again."

The three children raced forward followed by four amused adults.

"I want to sit by Grandma!"

"I want to sit by Grandpa!"

The twins' voices overlapped.

"Just make sure that you let them sit next to each other," Noble called over the chaos.

"Did you get the wedding video I sent?" Fort pulled out his chair as he addressed the newlyweds.

"We did, thank you! We have already watched it with happy smiles," Lena rubbed Julius's arm. 

"I edited what Sarai filmed, but I can give you the raw footage if you prefer. I wasn't sure which version you would want to show your friend." Fort furrowed his brow.

"Friend?" Julius scratched his chin. "I'm not sure who you mean. Everyone who we invited was there." 

"Perhaps Fort means Dimi?" Lena seemed as confused as her husband. "But I suppose he attended in his own way." 

Noble felt her head cloud for a moment. That video was for someone, she was sure of it! 

'Ah well, we must have just made it for Mom and Julius, I guess.' 

"As long as you enjoyed the recording, that was what matters! So, tell us, how was your time away? Did you have a good hotel?" Noble felt a sudden shift in the couple's emotions. 

"Our accommodations were quite comfortable," Lena sat and tucked a napkin in her lap. 

"Where did you find to stay? I am surprised you could find a place that would also rent a sleeping pod on such short notice." Fort continued casually as the food began to be served. 

The newlyweds exchanged glances. 

"About that..." Julius paused. 

"They didn't go to a hotel, they stayed home," Noble chuckled. "I'm right, aren't I? I must say it's not a bad idea. If someone comes looking for you, that is the last place they will check." 

"We went out and explored," Lena defended herself, "but mostly it was nice to have some time together without distractions." 

Distractions. Noble knew a lot about those. A world without them seemed so beyond her grasp that it felt like pure fantasy. Noble smiled wistfully. 

"That sounds lovely. Where can I get a month or so of quiet living?" 

"Oh, sweetheart, you thrive on keeping yourself busy. After three days you would be driving yourself up the wall for something to do!" Lena laughed softly. 

"That's half a day longer than you lasted," Julius pointed out with a wink. "Not that I'm complaining. I'm along for the ride!" 

"Hush," Lena tapped her husband's arm lightly. "Though I will say that getting back to work at Government Headquarters felt nice." 

"I am sure they were happy to have you back," Rain nodded slowly. 

"The world needs more people like you and Grandpa," Blaze passed the pan to his sister. "If my peers are any indication, we are short on smart people." 

"But plenty of strong ones," Brock shrugged. 

"Both are needed in this day and age," Fort acknowledged his twins. 

"I think if you boys work together, you'll be unstoppable. Just make sure you use your powers for good." Julius waved his fork to punctuate his point. 

 Lena took a bite of food and hummed softly. "Speaking of good, let's talk about this food! You've outdone yourself, Noble!"

"I'm not you or Chef Fort, but I can hold my own," Noble laughed.

The professor had taken quite a few classes on Dream Realm cooking, but the Waking World had different rules for cuisine. Over the years, she had found a way to marry the two methods into a style of her own. 

Dinner was enjoyed and eventually, the kids returned to their schoolwork, leaving the adults to talk without being overheard. 

"So, I guess you are moving into Julius's place officially now?" Noble nudged her mother gently as they sat together on the couch. The gentlemen had been sensible enough to clean up and let the ladies chat in peace. 

"We haven't decided for sure. We may find another place that we both like. My apartment is too far from the Academy and his place is well...made for a bachelor," Lena said delicately. 

"Ah," the professor touched the side of her nose in understanding. "I hope that you find the perfect place for you both soon." 

"I know it happened suddenly, but surely there is more the government can do..." 

Noble's attention was drawn to the conversation in the kitchen. Julius was pleading with his new son-in-law.

"Bastion has never had children in it before. There are no schools and not enough housing. Most families are staying in tents while adequate shelters can be built. Valor has plenty of experience coordinating Awakened into completing tasks in the Dream Realm, but now there is a multitude of mundane people with no experience surviving without technology." 

Fort sighed. "I have heard similar reports from Ravenheart." 

"Are things really that bad?" Lena also found herself drawn into the men's discussion. 

Julius nodded, "I have helped do what I can by holding survival classes when I am in Bastion." 

"Why didn't you tell me?" the older woman furrowed her brow. 

"I wasn't trying to keep secrets from you," the new husband said quickly. "I have told you the city is struggling, but I didn't realize how bad it was until my most recent trip. I've been thinking all day about what can be done." 

Setting aside the drying dishes, the two men came and joined the women in the living room. 

Julius tapped the tips of his fingers together. "The Great Clans have always relied on the Government to manage the day-to-day activities of mundane people. There is no solid city planning or infrastructure, no police, and no ways to mitigate disputes. Right now I think most people are still in shock, but when they get more comfortable..." 

"Personality clashes are inevitable, yes." Fort nodded. "The Government is aware of the problem, and we are carefully navigating our future role in how humanity will function." 

"Is that why I got a notice today that our rations for the refugees will be changing soon?" Lena chewed the inside of her cheek. 

Fort hesitated. "The announcement will not officially be made until the morning, but after the Dream Gates are finished in Antarctica, they will come to the NQSC and allow anyone who wants a chance at a new life to enter as well. While the offer is not tempting for affluent families..."

"It will be nearly irresistible for those in the Outskirts." Noble's mouth opened slightly. 

What destitute person wouldn't want a chance at a better life and the opportunity to be protected by one of the Great Clans? 

The Director hummed softly. "As refugees shift, supplies will need to be reallocated as well. There are a lot of moving parts and few qualified to take on the task." 

"Then we find those few," Lena's face hardened. "And if we cannot find them, then we become them. The government has a chance to make a real difference in the quality of life of the human race. We can rise to the task or falter and become obsolete. I, for one, know what I prefer." 

Noble glanced at her mother. 'Uh oh...I know that look...'