An Unrequested Arrival

Hamish nodded slowly and changed the subject. "Well, thank you for approving my transfer. I am happy to be here. I've always wanted to be part of starting something new. I only wish I had gotten here sooner. So much of the work is already done."

In the months since Noble returned from Crestfall, the broken city had undergone a transformation.

More buildings were being constructed and people were beginning to reside above the surface on a permanent basis.

Noble had helped with the efforts when she could, but she had remained in the real world with her family more than tended the citadel.

That made the progress more striking each time she returned. Today was no exception.

The wall wrapped about three-quarters of the open countryside, reaching around three meters tall. While it was not large enough to defend against a truly harrowing Nightmare Creature, it was much better than having no protection at all.

"It is being built quickly," Noble chewed her lip.

The last time Noble had gotten a close look at the wall, it had barely been half done. Had she really been gone that long? No, she had checked it last week. Something had contributed to the sudden increase in productivity.

"Master Noble!" a cheery voice called as she and Hamish drew near. "I am so glad I found you."

"It is good to see you, Awakened Venster. We were just marveling at how much work had been accomplished on the wall." Noble shook the man's hand when he came in range.

"Isn't it amazing! We've had some unexpected help. Come! Come look at the new part of the wall and see how pretty it is!" Venster waved them forward excitedly.

'Pretty? Walls are called many things but pretty isn't usually one of them.'

But as she got closer to the new section of the wall, Noble quickly discovered what he meant.

"Whoa!" Hamish touched the stone. Dozens of large boulders had been melded together to make a single pristine surface.

It was like someone had crafted a three-meter statue out of marble that was many kilometers long.

But that is not what caught Noble's attention.

'Pink.' Noble's heart flew into her throat. She wasn't imagining it: the shimmering stone had rose-colored marbling laced throughout the structure.

"Isn't it beautiful!" Venster ran his hand along the wall as if it were the hood of a brand-new PTV.

"I've never seen anything like it," Hamish whistled softly. "I'd like to see a Fallen Tyrant try to break through that!"

"Agreed." Venster nodded. "Ascended Noble?"

"It is certainly something." The Master finally found a way to force the words out of her throat. "How did you accomplish such impressive craftsmanship in so short of a time?"

"We have had help from a most unexpected place, but help is help. I will not take a gift for granted."

"Unexpected place?" Noble wanted to let the matter go. She had attempted to keep her mouth closed and to assume that the pink marbling was just a coincidence.

But the words came out anyway.

"Yes! An Awakened heard we were building a wall and offered assistance. She is a stone-shaper. Can you believe our luck?" The amiable project manager clapped his hands.

"I didn't know the government had someone so adept at building walls," Noble hid her mixed feelings behind a polite smile.

Venster coughed. "Oh, Awakened Harlow isn't a government agent. She's a vassal of Clan Valor:"

"You don't find her wanting to be so close to Song territory a little…strange?" Noble furrowed her brow.

The word she had wanted to use was suspicious, but she wasn't sure how acquainted Fallen was with the situation with the great clans. She didn't want to let something slip accidentally. 

It would be very easy for the Harlow to pretend to leave and then head across the country to spy using the government as a cover.

Venster shrugged. "Awakened Harlow has been a liaison to the government for as long as I've been working for the Boss. We made sure to always have a government Awakened stay with her in case she needs anything though, so she is never alone." 

'That's good at least,' Noble tried to calm her nerves before her next question. "Is Awakened Harlow here right now?" 

"Is Awakened Harlow here?" Venster yelled to a man at the top of the wall. 

"You are talking to me, Mister? Wow!" The man pushed back his black hair as his chestnut eyes shone. He scanned the length of the wall with his keen vision. "I...I don't see her. I think she already headed home to the Eastern Quadrant for the day." 

Venster waved his thanks. "Ah well, bad luck. You'll have to meet her next time you are here." 

Noble felt a bit of relief. If the woman was in Australia, that meant she was unlikely to meet her in the Waking World. She would just have to make sure that schedules didn't align in the Dream Realm.

"With the way the wall is being built, I doubt she will be here much longer," Noble released a breath she didn't realize she was holding. 

"Oh no," the project manager shook his head quickly. "Harlow has agreed to stay until the entire city is rebuilt. This place will be a shimmering new city in no time!" 

"....Great." Noble managed. 

"Is everything alright?" Hamish could tell that the professor was not enthusiastic about the prospect. 

"Mr. Venster. Look, Mr. Wow!" The man at the top of the wall was pointing toward the palace. The other three squinted to see. 

"What is it?" the project manager finally asked. 

The man's brown eyes grew unnaturally large and he focused on what he saw. "I know it sounds crazy, but Saint Soul Reaper is here!" 

"What?" Noble wasn't sure she heard correctly. 'Jet is here?'

"Already?" Venster straightened his armor. "She is early." 

But the strongest reaction came from Hamish. Noble could feel his heart close to exploding. 

"WHAT?! Saint Jet is here...inside Crestfall...right now?" 

The professor sent the young man a dose of calm to keep him from passing out. 

"A little ahead of schedule, but yes," Venster rubbed the back of his neck.

"Can I meet her?" Hamish asked, his eyes growing wide.

"If Master Noble allows you to accompany her, it is fine with me." Venster deferred to the professor.

"I'm not sure your heart can take it, Hamish," Noble hid her smirk.

"No, no. I will be fine." The redheaded young man crossed his finger across his chest.

"I don't mind only I am confused about why I would need to meet with Saint Jet. Did Fort ask her to come by?" Noble furrowed her brow. That would be a long way for a social call.

Venster scratched his chin. "No, the Chancellor and Saint Cor requested that she come."

"Is there something you forgot to tell me?" Noble had no idea that the venerated Saint was coming. "Why would she need to come to Crestfall?"

Venster's amiable smile faded. "Ah, well. That was the real reason I had come to find you when I got distracted by the wall. The orders have officially gone through for a Saint to reside over Crestfall."

Noble blinked. "And by a Saint you mean..."

The project manager lit up. "That's right! Saint Jet is going to claim the Citadel."