Not Disappointed

"More news?" Noble asked with a wry smile.

Venster glanced at Hamish, but the young man seemed too interested in Jet's progress to care about their conversation.

"It is probably just a follow-up on what is happening here, but the Director would like to speak with you this afternoon if you are free," the Chancellor's assistant delivered the message.

'His emotions are all over the place! Either he doesn't believe what he said or he thinks there is more to the situation than Jet binding the citadel. Or both..." Noble wasn't sure which option she preferred.

"I see," she answered at length. "What time am I expected?"

"Two o'clock if you can make it." Venster looked over his shoulder at the light coming through the stained glass.

"That soon, hm? I guess I should be glad the government is making time for me at all," Noble chuckled softly.

The gateway suddenly grew a little brighter and then dimmed. The majestic circle that was a portal to the Waking World looked the same, but Noble could feel the fundamental shift.

The binding was complete.

"It's done," Jet confirmed. "Now, Master Noble, did you want to show me around?"

Noble sighed. "I would love to, but I just discovered that I am expected back at Government Headquarters shortly. I am sure Awakened Venster can fill you in on how construction is going. I will be happy to give you all the information I have another time."

"I look forward to it." Jet dipped her chin. "Alright, Venster. Lead the way."

"Of course Ma'am. I think first we can head to the city's edge to see the fortifications."

The icy Saint clicked her tongue. "I already saw the wall. I've seen bigger."

Venster's eyes opened a little wider. "I, uh, we plan to build it taller later."

"Relax." Jet waved her hand. "You'll have to forgive my jokes. Someone has been a bad influence on me."

As the pair turned to leave, Jet looked over her shoulder. "I'll be in touch," she told Noble. Her icy blue eyes flicked to the young man close to the gate. "It was nice to meet you, Hamish."

'I didn't give her my contact information,' Noble realized as the retreating pair was bathed in sunlight.

It didn't matter. Jet could call anyone at Government Headquarters and get the information when she wanted it.

Noble decided to wait until she did.

'I have to be on my way anyway if I want to get to this mysterious meeting. At least I know I didn't do anything wrong this time.' The professor smirked.

"It was good to see you Hamish, but—"

"My name…" the redhead muttered.

"What about it?" Noble wondered if she had accidentally called him the wrong one, but she was sure she hadn't. 

"Saint Jet. SHE SAID MY NAME!" Hamish had held himself admirably in the presence of the fearsome woman, but now he looked like he might come undone. 

"So she did," Noble smothered a grin. "Will wonders never cease?" 

The sarcastic comment was lost on the redhead as he wore a goofy grin. "Wait until I tell Catphine!" 

"That moment may come sooner than you think." Noble felt the emotional signature before the woman appeared. 

A beautiful brunette was suddenly in the palace with the other two. She looked startled for a moment. 

"Professor Noble? Hamish? Were you waiting for me?" She asked, confused. 

The two women embraced.

Noble shook her head, "Sadly, I was on my way out and was about to say goodbye to Hamish. But I heard you are almost home! We should get together in the Waking World when you return to the NQSC." 

"That's why I am here, actually. We are making landfall in around eight hours and they need Hamish's particular skills for one of the final tasks on board." Cat gave the man a significant look. 

"Oh!" Hamish gasped. "I didn't realize we were so close to shore." 

"Well, we are and you better get going." Cat rolled her eyes. "The faster you help get things settled and we get in port, the faster I can see my brother." 

"I will see you both soon," Noble could tell the conversation was not meant for her ears.

She moved toward the Gateway. 

"Before I go, Cat, you'll never guess who I just officially met! Saint Jet!" Hamish couldn't even wait long enough to let her try. 

"Soul Reaper is here?" Cat's surprise was genuine. 

"She is the Saint of the citadel now. I saw it myself," the redheaded Awakened told her quickly. 

Catphine's voice became wistful. "That's good. Very good, in fact. This is where she belongs." 

'What is that supposed to mean?' Noble had meant to ask the question out loud, but her hand had come to touch the gate at the exact moment the younger woman had finished speaking. 

'Arg! I hate vague, slightly ominous statements! Haven't I had enough of those in my life?!' Noble inhaled sharply through her nose as she found herself in her dojo. 

At least this time she could send Catphine a message and expect her to respond and not block her. Unfortunately, she wouldn't hear back from her former student until Cat's time in the Dream Realm was through. 

So Noble sent off the question on her communicator and then pushed the thought far from her mind. 

Another image immediately took its place. 

'That pink stone.' 

It looked identical to the piece on her desk. It was too much of a coincidence.

'They have to be made by the same person.' 

Which meant...

'I will talk with Fort about it later. I don't want to even process that right now.' 

The professor packed up her feelings for a later time and got ready to leave. 

'I'm not in denial,' she told herself. 'I am just prioritizing.' 

Because Noble had opted to tether herself to the house that day, the trip to Government Headquarters was much closer than it would have been. That was nice. 

What wasn't nice was the acid rain that she had to slog through to get to the train station. The freezing precipitation drizzled onto piles of snow, making the ground into an ugly slick surface of black ice. 

Noble didn't have to worry about falling, but her children would when they got home. 

'It wouldn't be so bad if the rain wasn't so tainted,' the professor thought to herself. 'What I wouldn't give for truly pristine snow to enjoy.' 

It was a silly thought to have considering the state of the world, but it was more pleasant than anything else on her mind. She hurried along the path, shivering from more than just the cold.

As Noble boarded the train, she remembered in her rush that she hadn't let Fort know that she was coming. 

'I'm on my way to you. I hope Venster had the meeting time right.' 

The return message came almost immediately. 

'We can convene whenever you get here. Love you.'

"Convene?" Noble whispered, the hair on her arms standing on end.

Noble's instincts were correct. It wasn't a simple debrief. While she wasn't sure what to expect, something told her to expect the unexpected. 

She wasn't disappointed.