No Answer

'Huh, he didn't answer.' Noble furrowed her brow.

The man seemed in terrible distress. Maybe he hadn't even heard her.

'But he's looking right at me.'

He hadn't so much as glanced her way until she spoke, and then he looked like he had been spooked.

His dark eyes–They looked like they contained immeasurable power. He was more than an Awakened or even a typical Master.

'Maybe a Saint?'

Noble cleared her throat.

"I'm Noble."

"Sunny," the powerful stranger continued to stare at her, wanting to gauge her reaction. Why should she react to his name? Was he famous?

A small tug pulled at her soul but as quickly as it came, it dissipated.


Sunny looked away and Noble could feel his spirit break a little.

"You look a little…" she wanted to say lost but that seemed rude, "confused. Is there something I can help you with?"

She would have been harsher and demanded to know why the man was staring at the neighbor's house, but his pitiful, broken state filled her with compassion.

The man coughed lightly, putting on a neutral expression.

"Can you help me? Yes, actually you can." His emotions shifted to curiosity. "It is rare that a person can sneak up on me. How did you…"

Happy to sense something other than despair, Noble held out her arms, allowing the gold bands to slip from beneath her sleeves. "It's a Memory. It shields the wearer from being perceived."

Sunny grabbed her wrists, and it was Noble's turn to be startled. He was very strong, but he didn't seem to mean any harm.

He peered at the Memory, studying it with the utmost care.

The professor shifted uncomfortably. 'He really likes to stare at things.'

"Fascinating…" he mumbled.

"Perhaps I can hand them to you? It might help if my wrist is not in the way…" Noble slipped one off her free hand and held it out.

She saw no reason to hide it from him. His strength seemed more than enough to take it from her. Sunny couldn't steal it; Noble would just dismiss it and send it back to her Soul Sea.

And if he wanted to destroy the Memory, she preferred he do it when her hand wouldn't be collateral damage.

Beyond that, Noble felt compelled to help him. It was always nice to find someone as interested in Memories as she was. But few were usually so overt in their interest.

Sunny winced.

"Oh yes… thank you," he looked up as he took the bracelet before his eyes darted away. "Sorry for, uh, grabbing you."

Noble smiled weakly. "No harm done."

She handed him the second band, and his eyes opened wider as he looked at her. "You're a Master? When did that happen?"

Noble tilted her head. 'I didn't realize the bands hid me that well. But it makes sense. It not only masks my physical presence but also the aura I put off as a Master.'

"Very recently. Maybe two months ago." Noble watched the stranger nod.

"I see. A lot has happened in a short time."

Noble wanted to ask him what else had happened, but Sunny had already turned his attention to the metal in his hands.

They stood in silence for many moments in the frigid cold. The dark-haired Saint peered at the golden circles.

"Seems simple enough. I think I can replicate that." He nodded slowly.

'A Memory forger?' Noble grew a little suspicious. Had the King of Swords sent someone else to get information from her after Awakened Jeremy came up empty?

"Are you from Clan Valor?" She asked.

"What? No! I am not from any clan. I don't suppose I have any home at all."

Handing back the bracelets, Sunny's original gloom returned.

'No home?'

"Are you a victim of Antarctica?" Noble wasn't sure how else to ask.

Sunny barked a bitter laugh. "Victim? Well, I suppose you could say I'm a victim of many things."

Noble really wanted to know, but she could feel the stranger's bubbling frustration, and she didn't want to make the powerful man finally snap.

Instead, Noble smiled softly and sent him some comfort. He looked at her strangely but accepted the small gift.

"Well, if you are looking to start over, I know a realtor who might be able to help."

Sunny shook his head. "Thank you, but I won't be settling down any time soon. I was just… reminiscing."

'Poor man. Did he lose his home in somewhere like Falcon Scott?'

Maybe this neighborhood, particularly her neighbor's house, reminded him of his own home before he lost it.

That was the easiest explanation for why he kept staring at it with a longing expression.

Sunny shivered, and Noble noticed that he had no coat. The cold was biting and even a survivor of Antarctica would feel it after a while.

"You should get out of this weather,"

Noble glanced at her house.

Her husband would have a fit if she invited a strange lurker into her home. But her gut told her that he would not hurt her or her family. Unless Sunny had some mind-altering power like Counsel, her gut was usually right.

Noble was torn.

'Forget this. There is already a lack of humanity in this world without me adding to it.'

"Would you like to come in? Maybe I can get you some hot tea?"

Sunny seemed to consider the offer. He closed his eyes tightly before sighing.

"No, while something warm sounds nice, I should be on my way."

The solemn saint stepped away.

'He doesn't have anywhere to go,' Noble observed.

"Well, if you won't take me up on my offer, at least get yourself something to warm up. I know the convenience store just up the road has ramen if you need something quick. My daughter loves it. She might even still be there to give you a recommendation."

The last words caused Sunny's emotions to spike.

"I might take you up on that offer." The man's handsome lips turned into an appreciative smile.

He was quite possibly the most stunning human that Noble had ever seen.

Besides Fort, of course.

The transformation of his face made her feel his sadness even more keenly.

Offering him money to pay for the food would have been taken the wrong way. If he was a Saint as she suspected, then Sunny likely had a wealth of credits stashed away somewhere.

She wanted the best for the stranger, but not at the expense of his pride.

"I hope you do. The world always looks a little better on a full stomach."

The man gave her a complicated look as if he knew that statement was more true than she could ever realize.

What kind of horrors had he been through to have such darkness in his eyes?

Sunny nodded. "Ramen it is then. Thank you for your time."

"No trouble at all," Noble sent a little more comfort to her companion. This time it hung between them for a moment before dissipating. Noble felt a little pang in her heart. "Be kind to yourself, Sunny."

"Always worrying about others more than yourself." Sunny shook his head. "Some things never change." He turned to go.

"Wait! I do know you, don't I?" Noble blinked and the man was gone, as if he was never there.

From the shadows, a whisper came. "Yes."

Noble sighed, her head feeling fuzzy. "I guess I'll never get an answer…"