Family Manor

Unlike the entrance of Valor's family home, these wrought iron gates were covered with luscious vines to prevent anyone from peeking through.

But Noble wasn't fooled. Breaching the walls of Song's clan would be just as difficult as their warlike counterpart.

The gates were unassuming, beautiful even, but their purpose was absolute.

Only those allowed to enter and exit would be able to do so.

Fortunately, the group of around two hundred were expected by the Great Clan, so the gate opened easily to admit them.

Two men and a woman stood in the gap formed by the parting of the front gates. The two men were clad in pristine armor, looking ready to cut down any threat that might occur from those waiting to enter the premises. One had eyes like a winter storm while the other's resembled a prowling jungle cat. 

But they paled in comparison to the woman standing between them. Noble had met the lady once briefly, but even without that encounter, the grey-skinned princess was the most recognized face in the Great Clan lately beyond Ki Song herself. 

Lady Seishan was an exquisitely striking woman. Her beauty was exotic and enticing. Against the backdrop of her retinue, she appeared like a delicate flower being guarded by mighty warriors. Looking at the Master in her velvety crimson gown, one could easily mistake the tantalizingly beautiful woman as having a meek and submissive personality, but Noble knew that nothing could be further from the truth. 

The survivor of the Forgotten Shore and Antarctica was also the adopted daughter of a Sovereign. Her strength could not be underestimated. 

Flashing a brilliant smile, the princess glided forward to address the group. 

"Welcome to the home of my mother and the beginning of your new life under the protection of Clan Song. I am Seishan." The lady dipped her head, earning a small round of applause from those present. "And with me, I have General Blizzard and General Derby. The three of us will be escorting you to Ravenheart and your new life. Is everyone ready?" 

The two men stood a little straighter at the mention of their names. Song had a standing army, so if the titles weren't honorary, they would each command a large group of Awakened. 

'An interesting welcome party.' Noble noted. 

"You heard Lady Seishan. Please line up and get ready to move!" Anas yelled. 

The group obliged, packing up all their worldly possessions that they could carry and forming a human column. Some people had large sacks and handcarts to hold the things they couldn't live without, but Fort had opted for a full wagon. For now, Noble could lighten the load enough for them to pull it through the compound, and in the future the cart could be hauled through Ravenheart with Kosi. 

It wasn't exactly a PTV, but it was as stylish as one could get in the Dream Realm without drawing too much attention. Only their most valuable and necessary things had been packed on the wagon for their first trip. Sarai would bring the rest later, so there was no need to make things more complicated by overloading their ride. 

"Up you go boys, Rain!" Fort pointed to the seat at the front of the cart. 

But none of the three obliged. 

"I'd like to walk if it is all the same to you," the teenage girl tucked her hair behind her ear as she stifled a yawn. "I want to be able to take it all in."

"Us too!" the boys chirped. "We want to see everything!"

"Oh no you don't." Noble could feel the mischief brewing in the boys' chests. "This is too serious for you to suddenly disappear as a prank." 

"We weren't going to disappear exactly," Brock protested. "We just wanted to be the first ones through."

"We have to stay together," Fort warned. "If they think you are going to be troublemakers, they might not let you through at all."

"I told you it was a bad idea," Blaze nudged his brother's arm.

"You say that about everything," Brock countered. "How am I supposed to know when you mean it?"

"If you don't want to ride then you each need to pull the cart," Noble decided. "I don't want to be worried about either of you in this crowd."

The edge in Noble's voice and the seriousness of their father's scowl brought the boys into submission. They each took up one bar at the front of the wooden cart and prepared to pull. Noble's eyes swirled as she lightened the load enough for them to move the cargo.

'That should be enough for them to handle.'

Noble could have floated the wagon and had thought about doing so before, but this was a better solution. It made them look more normal. Well, as normal as any family about to enter an alien world could look.

"I'll help them out," Fort got in front of both boys and placed a hand on each side of the harness. They were ready. 

Noble looked back to see Sarai behind them in line. All of her things were stored using her Ability, so she only carried a simple messenger bag at her side.

"Go on! Don't worry! I'm right behind you," she assured Noble with an encouraging smile.

After another moment of pause, the group began a slow march forward. Noble and Rain walked slightly in front of the wagon and the men.

As they passed the ivy covering the gate, Noble could hear it rustle softly. Was that the wind, or was the ivy not what it appeared to be?

After rubbing her eyes, Rain took Noble's hand. The mother squeezed it. Neither of them let go.

Despite the warming spring air, Noble shivered. Even though they were still in the NQSC, it already felt like they were on foreign soil.

The farther they moved from the gate, the more pronounced the feeling became.

All around them, grand, picturesque buildings continued the garden theme from the wrought iron gates. The structures looked palatial and luxurious, giving a similar feel to Crestfall's castle grounds.

It was a place fit for royalty.

But just like the compound held by Clan Valor, Noble knew that this place was more than what it seemed. It was not just a palace; it was a fortress. Who knew what went on here behind closed doors?

"Make sure to stay on the path, please! We want everyone to make it to their new home safely!" Seishan said pleasantly over her shoulder.

The path forward was clearly marked with grey stone, lined on either side by verdant grass.

On the lawn, creatures stood still as statues and stared silently at the passing caravan. They were unlike anything Noble had ever seen and were not like anything normally found in the Waking World.


What would happen if the travelers stepped off into the foliage toward these massive beasts?

Noble imagined that it wouldn't end well. She double-checked to make sure her boys were behaving, and thankfully they were dutifully attending the cart. Though Blaze seemed agitated for some reason.

"What in the Spell?!" Teddy's cry sent a shockwave through the rest of the caravan.

The young woman's mouth hung open, her body seemingly frozen in place as she reached the curve in the path.

As Noble turned the corner, she found out why.