
Chapter 125 With the rising technology, my time is running out

Above the blue star.

Qin Mu looked at the conversation between Yan and Shen Lian and showed a relieved smile.

"Unexpectedly, without my guidance, someone started the research on electricity.

Shen Lian's sudden appearance was something he didn't expect.

The dignified immortal cultivator was actually immersed in science.

out of 30 million people.

Attempt to use lightning as a carrier of sound.

And this method

Undoubtedly the most correct path.

In the development of civilization, after the age of steam.

Immediately after.

It's the age of electricity.

Steam revolutionized power and led to the rise of factories.

And electricity...

It is a more thorough dynamic revolution.

Its appearance will overturn all previous production methods and lifestyles.

Bring Bluestar to another era of rapid development.


For now.

Electricity appeared, but was still at the lowest research stage.

Still very immature and very immature.

It still needs continuous improvement.

The 80th year of the Great Yan Calendar.

This year.

Yan is 116 years old.

Although he swallowed the medicine made from the elixir of the world of immortality every day.

But eat for decades.

His body has gradually developed drug resistance.

Those low-level elixir are getting less and less effective in prolonging life.

His body began to age again.

On the other hand, Dayan, who was in his prime, was galloping like a fierce horse.

One year's national strength value is higher than one year.

Palace, on the main hall.

The people from the research institute are reporting on the inventions in the past year.

"Your Majesty, last year, the number of inventions and creations declared and approved exceeded 100,000 for the first time."

"There are 2,316 items, which have great due value, and the research institute is preparing to promote and popularize them all over the country."

"As for the research on the application of electric power, there are more and more theoretical studies on materials, conductivity, properties, etc."

Because of the appearance of Shen Lian.

Driven by example.

The country set off a wave of flocking to electric power research.

Various theoretical studies of electric power are often submitted to "Science of Catastrophe".

Although a lot of it is nonsense and has no value.

But there are often several bright articles among the folks that delve into the various properties of lightning.


Today, the Dayan Research Institute has a deeper understanding of electricity.

Yan Duan sat on the dragon chair and nodded slightly.

Then asked: "How is artificial electricity going?"


Among the people of the institute.

Shen Lian hurriedly stood up: "Go back to Your Majesty, the day before yesterday, an article on the causes of lightning published in "Da Yan Science" gave me inspiration."

"This minister has already got his head, and within a year, he will definitely be able to develop an artificial way of making electricity!

Yan's eyes brightened, and he raised his eyebrows.

He didn't expect that Shen Lian would actually be sure to create lightning?

He reads every issue of Cataclysm Science.

Of that article, he naturally knew it.

The reason why lightning appears is because there are a lot of dust and water vapor in the air, which are rubbed at high speed at high speed.

Heat and electricity are formed.

The electric energy is small at the beginning, and then accumulates continuously and enlarges continuously.

Hence the formation of lightning.

Therefore, the lightning seen on the ground often needs to be brewed for a period of time before it is generated.

This article is well-founded, so it was included in "Dayan Science".

"The article may be wrong, but it makes perfect sense that lightning comes from friction between particles."

In the hall, Shen Lian took a deep breath.

He went on to say: "As a cultivator, I have sharp five senses and can feel that in daily life, friction can generate some kind of electricity, which is very similar to lightning."

"It's just that the energy is extremely small, so it has not been discovered by the world.

After listening to Yan.

His eyes became brighter.

He also had the feeling that Shen Lian mentioned.

Especially in autumn and winter, it is especially obvious.

He lowered his head and looked down at Shen Lian, and said lightly: "Since you have a direction, then speed up the research, there is not so much time for skin."

Shen Lian's body trembled.

Don't dare to look directly at this fiery-eyed emperor.

The ministers hurriedly knelt down on the ground, constantly shouting long live His Majesty.

Only Yan himself knows...

The medicine refined by the spirit medicine can no longer prevent the aging of his body.

Ten years at most.

He may be at the end of his life and return to the ruins of the loess.

The 81st year of the Great Yan Calendar.

Dayan Research Institute.

Under the leadership of Shen Lian, everyone is experimenting with an invention that spans the ages.

Simple Generator!

After years of overall research in Dayan Kingdom, theories on electric power emerge in an endless stream.

on the basis of these theoretical studies.

Shen Lian took many detours and finally developed a simple friction generator.

This is a large box with a length and width of more than three meters.

Inside there are fuel cylinders, mechanical friction devices, electrical circuits, and electrical devices.


"Light the fuel!

"Mechanical acceleration!"

Shen Lian gave an order.

The fuel ignited, and inside the simple generator, intense friction was going on.

And he...

With the sharp five senses, it begins to perceive whether there is a familiar electricity generation inside.

After ten seconds.

The potential energy driven by friction is getting bigger and bigger, and a very weak energy is generated in it.

And as the friction accelerates, it gets bigger and bigger.


Finally, it entered the power storage device along the wire.


Feeling all this, Shen Lian was very excited.

Hastily ordered someone to record the data of this experiment by the side.

For example, how many circles of friction, how much fuel is consumed, how much electricity can be generated, and so on.


This news was immediately known to Yan.

Yan hurriedly came forward.

Looking at this large simple generator, I was excited.

"Continue to improve, launch the most efficient generator, and then implement it all over the country. All the countries in the United States will use telephones and telegraphs!"

Yan issued a decree on the spot.

two months later.

The ever-improving final version of the generator comes out.

The research institute is in charge of it, in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry, to promote it to the whole country.

In the various cities within the Great Flame Kingdom...

All began to build large power plants.

supply electricity.

The major factories are keenly aware of business opportunities.

The mass production of electric wires has also promoted the laying of electric circuits in Dayan.


The Great Yan Kingdom has undergone earth-shaking changes again.

Electric poles were erected one by one, and priority was laid in big cities.

With the establishment of power plants, electric wires became popular.

Rich people in Dayan country...

I bought a telephone and a telegraph for the first time and installed it in my home.

It is very convenient to be able to communicate with voice over long distances and transmit text.


The way of life of the people in the disaster-stricken country has changed again.

Dayan eighty-one years.

year end.

Palace, on the main hall.

The ministers are reporting the general situation of the Great Yan Kingdom this year...

"Your Majesty, this year, the total output value of the Great Yan Kingdom has reached 11 trillion, an increase of 11% year-on-year."

"Among them, the fastest-growing fields belong to the communication field of telegraph and telephone."

"As soon as this new field appeared, the total production value reached an astonishing 574.2 billion."

After "one year, 468 large cities across the country have built power plants and laid electric wires."

The remaining "remote areas are expected to gain popularity over the next few years."

"As for the administrative office, the imperial court has already planned to rectify the paper decrees and use telegrams to communicate more accurately, save time and improve efficiency. . . .

on the dragon chair.

Yan was very pleased to hear the rapid development of the Great Yan Kingdom this year.

The telegraph and telephone inside the palace were the first to be installed.


Sitting in the bedroom, he could pick up the phone and call any minister.

Any decree can also be issued to the whole world through the emperor's special telegraph machine.

Very convenient.

Like a fairy method.

this kind of thing.

Putting it decades ago, he didn't even dare to think about it.


"That's the power of technology.

He murmured these words.

more deeply felt.

Under the guidance of the gods, Dayan became stronger and stronger.

Now even the power of lightning can drive!

The eighty-two years of the Great Yan Calendar.

In the vast territory of the Great Flame Kingdom, vigorous infrastructure projects are being carried out.

Major cities, even remote towns, are trying to lay out electrical wires.

Various power plants have also emerged as the times require.

The branch is in the territory of Dayan.

There are thousands of them, big and small.


Soon a surprising problem arose.

Although simple generators can generate electricity, they need to consume a lot of fuel such as oil.

If supplying the entire Great Flame Nation...

It will cause an energy crisis in the Great Yan Kingdom.

because of this problem.

The vigorous construction of electric wires was forced to stop.

The Dayan Research Institute

Once again invested in intense research.

Try to improve the generator and find a better way to generate electricity.

Above the blue star.

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu couldn't help shaking his head.

"Even the electromagnetic induction has not found 0.1, and the simple frictional electricity is naturally insufficient in supply.

Although the current generator principle of the Great Flame Kingdom can also generate electricity.

But the energy consumption is too high.

And the electricity generated in this way...

Also very inefficient.

Mostly a phone call.

Supplying other fields, replacing the steam engine, is simply not possible.

The real electrical age. …

The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction is needed to combine magnetic energy and electric energy and convert each other to be widely popularized on a large scale.

The eighty-third year of the Great Yan Calendar.

Under the intense research, the Dayan Research Institute still did not make any progress.

No matter how they improve the mechanical friction, they can't reduce the energy consumption.

And after a year of research.

Shen Lian finally realized that the path of generating electricity by friction may be wrong.

Begin to turn to other aspects of electricity research.

The eighty-fourth year of the Great Yan Calendar.

An astonishing discovery once again shook the nation.

In "Big Flame Science".

Published a theoretical study from the folks that electricity and magnetism can actually influence each other.

Electricity passing through a magnetic field can cause various disturbances.

Even the magnetic field declines, or the magnetic field increases.

Shen Lian saw this research theory.

The body trembled.

For the first time, I thought of a new way of making electricity!