
Chapter 157 The Salvation Plan, The Salvation Base

Want to study ghosts. …

The best way is to go and catch a ghost.

Then specialize.


With the current level of technology, it is impossible to capture this invisible creature.

They have no form and are immune to damage from artillery and explosives such as nitroglycerin at any time.

More capable of traversing walls and containers.

Unable to capture.

at this time.

in the hall.

Nicholas Gerry of the Dayan Research Institute suddenly stood up: "I know there is an alchemy method that can trap the dead for a short time, and these ghosts should be similar to the dead...

these years.

He has made amazing achievements in the field of physics in the three volumes of the Book of Heaven.

But at the same time, he did not forget his old business.

He was born in the world of alchemy, lived as an alchemist, and had carried out countless evil human experiments.

Know how to live with the dead.

When the ministers heard the words, they were extremely happy.

Although alchemy is not the same as technology, it is undoubtedly the most effective method at present.



The ministers soon issued a decree in the name of the Dayan government.

Call on domestic alchemists to go to the ghost world and capture the ghosts.

Each ghost has a clear price tag.

The alchemists who were held captive were instantly excited.

They volunteered and entered the ghost world.

It didn't take long.

Then one ghost after another was brought back to the Great Flame Country and sent to the Great Flame Research Institute.

Various complex testing experiments are carried out.

The direction of the main test...

It is to study which technological means at present can most effectively kill these ghosts.

One hundred and thirty years of the Great Yan Calendar.

After a year of research.

In the Dayan Research Institute, a breakthrough has finally been made.

"In the past year, we have studied 837 ghosts and discovered many of their habits!

"They are afraid of the blazing sun, they like to be close to the yin, and they can even attach themselves to us!"

"In the ghost world, high-level ghosts have reached the fifth level, occupying an extremely yin land.

"In one study, we found that ghosts would be violent and unstable when they encountered an electromagnetic field, so we delved into it and found that

"The existence of ghosts is affected by the magnetic field. According to the degree of change of the positive and negative poles of the magnetic field, as well as the fluctuation of the magnetic field, it can cause harm to ghosts!"

"Therefore, according to the principle of electromagnetic transformation, we can create a strong interfering magnetic field to kill ghosts.

In this situation.

The Dayan Research Institute, in conjunction with the Ministry of Industry, began to manufacture special magnetic field jammers.

Armed to the top and bottom of the Great Yan Army.

After a series of studies.

The research institute found that most of the attacks of ghosts are similar to magnetic fields.

As long as the magnetic field interference is applied to the defensive armor, the attack of the ghost can be resisted or greatly weakened.

Under the terrifying ability of the Great Flame Nation.

Countless new weapons have been delivered to the front line again.

One hundred and thirty-one years of the Great Yan Calendar.

After Shen Xuanyi obtained a series of magnetic field interference equipment.

Finally launched a full-scale attack on the ghost world.

Da Yanjun's entire body is full of microscopic electrical appliances that disrupt the magnetic field and interfere with the magnetic frequency.

every attack.

They will all turn on large-scale magnetic interference devices in advance, making the army of ghosts irritable and crazy.

Over the ghost world.

Qin Mu's eyes lit up when he looked at the "new battle" of the Great Yan Army.

From this war week...

The background of the Great Flame Kingdom can already be seen.

After two generations of Ji and Yan development.

After nearly two hundred years of accumulated praise, the national strength of the Great Yan Kingdom has become very strong.

This invasion...

It will probably be over soon.

One hundred and thirty-two years of the Great Yan Calendar.

Shen Xuanyi led the Great Yan Army to surround the last extremely yin place in the ghost world.


It is the cultivation place of the fifth-order ghost king.

"Turn on!Shen Xuanyi waved his hand.


The Great Yan Army behind him opened more than ten large magnetic field interference devices.

The invisible magnetic field is gradually disordered.

Continue to impact the extremely negative land.

It made the fifth-order ghost king become more and more furious and turned into a huge black mist.

It is shrouded in the direction of the Great Flame Army.


The Great Yan Army is fully armed.

In the face of the dark fog, there is no fear.

With their own defensive equipment, they will not be killed by the ghost king.

at the same time.

Everyone is holding a high-frequency magnetic field disorder device and madly urging around the ghost king.


after an hour.

The size of the ghost king kept collapsing.

Eventually dissipated between heaven and earth.

It can be said.…

It is the easiest fifth-order creature to kill since the Great Yan Army conquered so many other worlds!

"Clean up this world and prevent ghosts from remaining!!

"Also, tell the mining department of the Great Yan Kingdom and let them hollow out the magnetite in this world!"

after the war ended.

Shen Xuanyi immediately sent the news back to the Great Yan Kingdom.

The entire Great Yan Kingdom was very excited.

The Ministry of Industry quickly organized manpower to enter the ghost world and start mining.

One hundred and thirty-three years of the Great Yan Calendar.

After a year of mining.

All the minerals in the ghost world were brought back to the Great Flame Kingdom.

Stored in the Great Flame Kingdom warehouse.

With the continuous development of science and technology in Dayan Kingdom, the era of electricity is becoming more and more mature.

There is a growing demand for magnetite in Dayan.

Many complex electrical appliances require magnetite as a material.

For example, tapes that can record sound, semiconductor materials, integrated circuits, etc.

With this batch of magnetite.

The development of science and technology in the electric age will be more rapid.

One hundred and thirty-five years of the Great Yan Calendar.

In the Great Yan Kingdom, a new industry has emerged.

electronics field.

Because the magnetite material is no longer scarce.

The age of electricity has gradually entered...

A field that can carry information.

Through various electromagnetic components, one after another inventions that can carry sound and information have emerged.

Tapes, tape recorders, disks, etc.

Some people have even begun to study how to record sound and images using electromagnetism.

Similar to the principle of a stereo camera, it is projected on the screen...

"A movie is coming too?"

Qin Mu looked down at the fast-developing Great Yan Kingdom with some surprises.


The development of scientific and technological civilization, as long as the foundation is well laid...

will be explosive growth.

Just like he evolved the tech universe.

The theoretical basis keeps up, and the development of the application of science and technology will come naturally.

The Great Yan Kingdom advocates the wind of science, which has accumulated for nearly two hundred years.

During this period, various theoretical studies emerged one after another.

It is normal for this to happen.

In the past life.

The modern civilization of the 21st century has actually developed in just 200 years.

more crazy..

He also interfered with Blue Star many times, and passed down three volumes of the Book of Heaven.

"Huh? Someone is actually studying electronic computers?


Qin Mu glanced at Lan Xing.

In the northern city, I saw an amazing scene.

A magician over sixty years old.

He was sitting in the house, staring intently at a huge machine.

On the screen of this machine..

Is constantly flashing white light.

Behind it, hundreds of semiconductor tubes and integrated circuits are connected.

a long time.

The magician showed a look of loss and sadness.


"Or not..

He has been researching this idea for more than ten years.

Tried hundreds of times.

It failed every time.

After being down for a moment.

He raised his head again and took a deep breath.

Clenched his fist: "Try again! As long as I can research it, I can definitely be recruited into the research institute!"

His idea was simple.

With this invention of my own...

Get rid of captive status and enter the research institute.

The Dayan Research Institute is the highest academic institution in Dayan.

As long as you can enter it,

He can then learn and utilize the best resources of the entire Great Yan Kingdom to continue his research!

thought here.

He started researching again.

His name is Otto, and he belongs to a member of the magician who was captured in the Cataclysm Country decades ago.

these years.

He has seen many captives with his own eyes, through research and invention

freed from captivity.

Leap up.

Become the most respected scientific researcher.


This thought also appeared in his mind.

Get rid of the prisoners who need to work every day and enter the Dayan Academy!

And the giant machine he's working on right now...

It's his stepping stone!

The one hundred and thirty-seventh year of the Great Yan Calendar.

In the Great Flame Kingdom.

North City.

in a small hut.

Suddenly a very excited voice broke out.

"Hahahaha, I finally succeeded!!

The voice was a little old, but full of energy.

It was sent by the magician Otto.

at this time.

in front of him.

A huge machine is being piled up.

The machine takes up three-quarters of the room.

It consists of a huge screen and a dense array of electronic components behind it.

"As long as the corresponding data is entered, it can obtain the most accurate results according to the mathematical formula!

"No matter how complicated the calculation is, it can get the desired answer in seconds!

Otto looked at his work and muttered to himself.

He spent more than ten years.

Finally got it researched.


Most importantly, thanks to...

The influx of magnetite resources has made the field of electronic components develop rapidly.

The semiconductors, integrated circuits and other materials that he needed to make computers developed rapidly.

It finally led to the birth of this large computer!


Otto asked people from the photo studio to help take pictures and write papers.

With photos, contribute to Cataclysm Science.

And in this month.

Catastrophe Science published his research.

The world's first electronic computer came out!

The Dayan Research Institute was extremely shocked.

Several high-level researchers came to North City in person and witnessed the magic of electronic computers.

On the spot, Otto was invited to enter the research institute and presided over the follow-up research on electronic computers.

at the same time.

The large electronic computer was transported to the Dayan Research Institute by train.

Everyone realizes its great value!

The 138th year of the Great Yan Calendar.

Otto entered the second year of the Institute.

They introduced the old and brought forth the new, and updated the second-generation electronic tube computer.

than the first generation.

The second generation uses more efficient and precise electronic tube components, making its volume

greatly reduced.

The computing speed has also increased by 50%.


Since then.

In Dayan Research Institute, there are many complex calculations in various fields.

All handed over to the tube computer.

It is often necessary to manually calculate the data for several days, and the electronic tube computer can obtain the result in a few minutes.

For scientific research...

Played a huge boost!

Over the Blue Star.

Seeing this, Qin Mu's mouth gradually turned up.

"It seems that the information age is coming."

The use of electromagnetism is an epoch-making step in human history.

The so-called information age...

It is also mainly the use of electromagnetic waves.

Next, as long as the theoretical research of the Great Yan Kingdom continues to keep up...

The development of the information age will really open the curtain!

at this time.

Above the Thirty-Three Heavens.

The endless divine fire has skyrocketed again.


The roar was on fire.

Qin Mu felt it for a moment, and frowned.

in the moment just now.

His divine fire value...

It actually reached 3.5 million!

skyrocketed by hundreds of thousands.

"That's not right, the information age hasn't even begun, why has it skyrocketed so much?"

Qin Mu took a step and returned to the center of the universe.

He looked at the divine fire that grew stronger and stronger in the sky.

Soon found (Zhao Zhao's) root.

During this time, he has been paying attention to the development and evolution of Blue Star.

Since it's not Blue Star...

That must be caused by silicon-based life.


With a thought, he came to the second galaxy again.

Appeared over Venus.

As soon as he appeared, he saw the scene of the roaring of artillery fire everywhere on Venus.





Incessantly, the fire blazed into the sky.

Demonic beasts are emerging from the otherworld channel on the equator.

Destroyed one city after another.

And the armies of the Cold Iron and the Union Council

Actually united!

That's right.

in the face of a racial crisis.

The two sides temporarily gave up the civil war and joined forces to fight the monsters.

at the same time.

After more than ten years of research on the three volumes of the Book of Heaven...

They are astonishingly intelligent, and have already mastered the use of gunpowder.

Began to use gunpowder cannons to counterattack against monsters.

The emergence of gunpowder...

Let them finally be able to deal damage to Warcraft.

The battle line that has been collapsing has barely stabilized.


The appearance of Tier 4 Warcraft once again made the front line collapse.

Ordinary gunpowder cannons are simply not enough to cause damage to them.

Massive amounts of silicon-based life were slaughtered.

To continue...

The cold of the northern icefield, and the union council of the southern red land launched a secret consultation.

A plan for salvation has been drawn up!

They decided to build a savior base.

From all the people in the northern ice field and the southern red land, select the most intelligent and enter the base.

Concentrate on studying the three volumes of the Book of Heaven bestowed by the gods.

And other silicon-based life is responsible..

Resist the invasion of monsters and provide a stable research environment for the saviors.

They want to do everything they can to get the power of the technology contained in the heavenly book as soon as possible!