
chapter 172 Shocking changes, artificial satellites, three-stage rocket thrusters!

By the end of get out of class.

In the classroom of technological civilization.

Everyone has opened up their own technological world one after another.

The four fundamental forces run through the space between heaven and earth.

Their minds were immersed in a vast world.

With a diameter of one thousand kilometers, this is the most primitive size when the world was opened.

Seventeen worlds are all entrusted to the mysterious primordial sky.


These worlds are different from extraordinary civilizations.

No energy exists.

This also means that the creatures born in this world...

Just mortals.


After seeing the magic and power of scientific and technological civilization.

Everyone is looking forward to the next evolution of technological civilization.

"Hahaha, what's next? I've created the tech world!"

"I also created it. Although the four basic forces are relatively rough, the structure of the world is finally OK.

"When will we be able to evolve a planet like Blue Star like a mentor?

"If you can own such a planet, even if you sell resources for a living in the second half of your life, you can get rich!"

"Listening to what the teacher said before, the next step seems to be to create a big bang and expand the world.

under the podium.

The crowd had a heated discussion.

And Qin Mu looked at Wang Lan, Chen Daoquan and others, and showed a satisfied smile.

After their hard work during this period of study.

Seventeen people have completed the analysis from the origin to the four basic forces, and constructed the basic scientific and technological world.

in this world.

There is no transcendent energy.

There are only four fundamental forces that form the foundation of heaven and earth.

This is also the basis for the future development of the technological world.

Among the seventeen people, Wang Lan and Chen Daoquan had the highest degree of completion and the best results.

That is to say.

Among these seventeen people, the two of them have the greatest potential to develop scientific and technological civilization in the future.

"Okay, congratulations to you here first, the creation of the world is successful."

Qin Mu coughed a few times, interrupting everyone's discussion.

After the classroom is quiet.

Then he said: "The evolutionary path of scientific and technological civilization is very long, and you are only just getting started. Next,


He waved his hand.

A full eight hundred books appeared in front of everyone's desk.

Pile on the table.

All piled up at their feet.

a time.

The entire classroom is covered with books.

Everyone sees it.

Couldn't help but be a little stunned.

Immediately reacted.

I couldn't help taking a breath.


"This, isn't this what we will learn in the next stage?"

"Isn't the next stage the Big Bang? Eight hundred books to study?"

"It's over, I just feel a little numb in my scalp now.

"My dear, who can learn this?"

Everyone frantically swallowed their saliva.

The calf trembled a little.

In order to analyze the four fundamental forces, they spent ten days before and after.

Entered the space-time reading room of the library.

Endured an unbearable long and boring life for ordinary people.

successfully created.

But now...

The tutor told them that the next stage of evolution requires mastering 800 books first!

"What? It's so hard, I can't take it anymore? When I evolved into a scientific and technological civilization, all the knowledge that was more vast than this was fully integrated.

on the podium.

Qin Mu saw the wretched and hesitant appearance of this group of people.

Without blushing, he said: "What you have learned now is only a drop in the ocean of scientific and technological civilization. There is no limit to learning, and only hard work!"

these books.

He let the system simulate and sort out.

Materials appropriate to their current learning evolution progress.

Because there are too many data parameters involved in the Big Bang.

These students want to create the Big Bang...

This complex knowledge must be mastered.

be possible to complete.

Although the universe they created is not comparable to his technological universe, it is far enough to surpass other extraordinary civilizations of the same level!

And under the podium.

After hearing Qin Mu's words, Wang Lan and others lowered their heads in shame.


Mentors created scientific and technological civilization and mastered so much vast knowledge.

How many days and nights did Kuma study?

And what they're learning now...

Just the second step after getting started.

Compared with the real scientific and technological civilization, it is only a drop in the ocean.

The teacher said, "That's right! Isn't it just 800 books? I've finished studying 200 books, so how close is it?"

"I will live in the space-time reading room in the future, the big bang of the universe, I must complete it!

"Learning is boundless and hard work, this will be my motto in the future!"

A group of people seems to have been beaten with blood.

His eyes were full of fighting spirit.

He looked at the book beside him.

Incorporated them into their own technological world and began to make a mighty...

Go to the library!

Seeing this scene, Qin Mu smiled and nodded.

Although these people are the arrogance of heaven.

but mentally

But it's a little bit worse.

In the evolution of scientific and technological civilization, the most taboo is to rush for success, and to guard against arrogance and impatience.

Early technological civilization...

far behind other extraordinary civilizations.


If the foundation is solid, the future will be accumulated and the world will be amazed!

Wait until these people finish 800 books.


I believe that their xinxing will have a great change.

After all, the space-time reading room is extremely boring.

Ordinary people can't stand it at all.

It is very helpful to hone the mind.

student dormitory.

After class.

Students from all majors began to share their learning progress.

"Where did you learn? Our instructor has begun to teach us the advanced methods of the prehistoric civilization!"

"How many levels have you learned? We have only reached the first level.

"Hahaha, let's be faster, some people in the Sword Immortal civilization have evolved second-order creatures.

"I heard from the instructor today that, in addition to the level of the creatures, factors such as the size of the world, the output of resources, and whether it can be self-circulating are all important to evolve the world...

"Huh? Why haven't I seen people with technological civilization recently?"


The discussion topic of the freshmen has also shifted to the scientific and technological civilization.

"Have you noticed that people who are technologically civilized recently are a bit strange? They don't like to talk at ordinary times. They look at us as if they are looking at garbage."

Someone expressed his feelings.

during this time.

People majoring in scientific and technological civilization almost go out early and return late.

I spend every day in the library.

Immerse yourself in the space-time reading room.

I don't even know what to study.


When we meet, we rarely talk.

Occasionally, strange words such as "singularity" and "universe" are muttered in his mouth.

As if stunned.

There is also no entertainment whatsoever.

All behavior, and they all seem out of place.

In their words, their courses are too difficult, and only in this way can they keep up with the progress of their instructors.

to this.

Everyone scoffed.



Can it go where?

Chung Yuan University.

Principal's office.

Li Qiankun was staring at the eight hundred books in front of the desk in a daze.

These books...

It is the "textbook" for the next step of scientific and technological civilization.

Just a theoretical textbook for an evolutionary step.

But he watched for a long time...

I didn't even understand what it was talking about.

"It's no wonder that people majoring in scientific and technological civilization have to study so sleeplessly...

Li Qiankun's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but sigh.


as principal.

He also knew the "abnormalities" of the science and technology civilization major.

Nowadays, people in the whole profession are addicted to learning almost all the time.

What to study...

Even more, from the 200 books before, it has become the 800 books now!

The knowledge learned is more complex and profound.


He didn't understand a word anyway.

thought here.

Li Qiankun's eyes flickered, and he murmured, "I wonder what kind of students this Qin Mu will teach?"

right in front of him.

There is a student information sheet.

All of the above are the list of students of scientific and technological civilization, and they are also the objects of his focus.

In the battle of civilization, he witnessed the magic of scientific and technological civilization with his own eyes.

For the next teaching results of Qin Mu

more full of expectations.

Staff dormitory.

After Wang Lan and others became ascetic monks, they began to study 800 books frantically.

In addition to taking classes as usual, Qin Mu spent the rest of his time observing the evolution of technological cosmic civilization.

Today's Great Fire Country...

The development of a year is faster than a year.

The information age is coming.

The one hundred and fifty-seventh year of the Great Yan Calendar.

The magician Otto, once again improved the computer, changing it from the function of computing...

keep expanding.

Added many complex program functions.

The computing speed of the computer, in this year...

It also exceeded 150 million times per second for the first time.

The amazing computing power has promoted the rapid development of more fields.

The 158th year of the Great Yan Calendar.

Lin Huang presided over a series of key plans and achieved amazing (Zhao Qianhao) results.

Has become the chief engineer of Dayan Research Institute.

As those old senior executives retire, his status has grown.

in this year.

Under his leadership, the first submarine was successfully manufactured using atomic energy.

In the deep sea, conduct a trial voyage.

For the first time, I entered 300 meters under the seabed and photographed a spectacle of the seabed.

It has set off a chapter of Blue Star's utilization of marine resources.

The structure of Blue Star is similar to that of Earth, with three parts land and seven parts ocean.

Most of the rich resources are hidden in the ocean.

Once the development of the ocean is in progress..

The development speed of Blue Star can be improved again.

The 159th year of the Great Yan Calendar.

The artificial satellite project led by Lin Huang has also made a major breakthrough!

at this time.

On the plain 500 kilometers south of the capital.

The occurrence test of the artificial satellite is in progress.

Lin Huang and the researchers from the Dayan Research Institute are using a crystal computer to precisely calculate the angle, time, direction, orbit and other data of the launch.

The energy for launching artificial satellites is

Nature is atomic energy, that is, nuclear energy.

The launch tool is a three-section propellant rocket device designed by Lin Huang himself.

Use a lot of nuclear energy as power.

After three-stage injection.


Can take artificial satellites out of the atmosphere.

Launch to the starry universe beyond the blue star!