
Chapter 262 Accelerates seven billion years!

intangible substance.

For example, time is intangible.

But for now, the passage of time...

Just make the filaments longer.

I want it to grow...

Qin Mu decided to try some time-like substances, such as vitality, energy, mind and so on.

"Let's try life first.""

Qin Mu took a deep breath.

in a moment.

From back to the first galaxy.

On the blue star, he directly moved a mountain and threw it into the fifth galaxy.

in this mountain.

There are flowers and trees all over the mountains and plains, all of which are full of vitality.

After throwing this mountain into the fifth galaxy.

Qin Mu observed patiently.

Waiting for the filament to change.


The filaments remained motionless.

Nothing has changed.

see here.

Qin Mu is not in a hurry to rule out the option of vitality, but...

Shatter this mountain directly!


The mountain shattered.

All flowers and trees died in an instant.

The vitality flowed rapidly and disappeared in the fifth galaxy.

But even so.

This filament still hasn't changed!

"It seems that vitality is ineffective against it, and it cannot devour vitality and grow.

Qin Mu frowned and ruled out this option.


Staring at the filament, he once again released his vast consciousness, shattering it into consciousness.

Filled in the fifth galaxy.

After breaking through to the Supreme God.

His strength has undergone earth-shaking changes.

In an instant, hundreds of thousands of thoughts can be differentiated.


All are the basic abilities of the Most High God.

Consciousness continues to grow with the continuous advancement of the civilized world.



After Qin Mu divided his consciousness into the fifth galaxy.

Watched carefully for hours.

It was found that the filaments remained unchanged.

The integration of any consciousness cannot make the filament grow.

"Consciousness has no effect on it either."

Qin Mu half-squinted his eyes and sighed lightly.


Going to experiment with energy.

First, he randomly selected an unowned civilization world searched by the system, and extracted all the extraordinary energy in it.

Infused into this fifth galaxy.

"Boom `||!

A large amount of energy poured out and appeared in the fifth galaxy.


Because the technological universe does not have any foundation for the maintenance of extraordinary energy.

These energies quickly disappear in space.

A moment's effort.

It was decomposed into the four basic forces and integrated into the ubiquitous space.

As for the filaments...

Still motionless.

Nothing has changed!

Its body shape seems to have been maintained in this state from the very beginning.

There has never been a change.

Immediately after.

Qin Mu took a deep breath, still not giving up, and continued to try.

All kinds of invisible substances were tested by him.


The filament still didn't respond.

It was only occasionally touched by the delay of time.

"Could it be that... the only thing that works on it is time?

Qin Mu is once again caught in a paradox.

It's just the previous tests that have proven that...

Time can only make it continue to extend, can not make it grow.

It always remains in a weak state.

In this state...

It is simply not enough to affect the fifth galaxy.

Not to mention relying on it to control the entire universe and the fifth dimension.

"Would you like to... try the time again?"

After reaching a dead end.

Qin Mu could only take out a copy of the original crystal again.

Light the fire.


Under the burning of the divine fire in the sky, the source crystal is rapidly dissipating.

It turned into the flow of time and was applied to the fifth galaxy.

"Boom! 35

In an instant.

The fifth galaxy, the stars move.

Time was directly raised to the extreme by Qin Mu.

One hundred thousand years.

million years.

Thousands of years.

One hundred million years.

Moment of effort.

One hundred million years are fleeting.

The entire Fifth Galaxy continued to operate.

The arrangement of the stars has returned to normal again.

And the filaments are under the terrifying flow of time...

gradually began to extend.

It turned into a wave, constantly undulating.

Seeing this, Qin Mu did not stop.

Continue to activate the divine fire and burn the source crystal.

The steady stream of source crystals turned into a time acceleration force and merged into the fifth galaxy.

It looks from the outside.

At this time, the fifth galaxy can no longer be seen with the naked eye.

It is under the terrifying flow of time, and everything inside is changing with the progress of ten million years.



After the time was accelerated to 500 million years, a source crystal was completely consumed.

This is also the limit of the source crystal.

A single source crystal can only maintain a time acceleration of 500 million years at most.

Looking at the original crystal disappearing in his palm, Qin Mu took out another original crystal again.

Continue to accelerate.


time flies.

The source crystal is rapidly depleting.


Five hundred million years have passed in a hurry.

In the vast and dead fifth galaxy, there is still no change.

Time seems to have lost all meaning in this vast galaxy.

There is only one filament that is getting longer and longer

It is hovering in it, constantly undulating.

Its length is constantly extending.


Body shape...

But nothing changed.

Seeing this, Qin Mu frowned slightly.

But still bite the bullet...

Going to keep experimenting.

After the second crystal is consumed.

He took out the third source crystal again, activated the divine fire, and ignited the acceleration.


In the fifth galaxy, unprecedented vicissitudes are taking place.

in a short period of time.

It becomes the oldest of the twelve galaxies in the tech universe!

All other regions are not as old as it is.

And after such a terrifying acceleration.

In the fifth galaxy...

There was still no surprising change, and no so-called life was born.

to this.

Qin Mu was also expected.

The birth of life is not just about time.

Various suitable conditions are also required. (Wang's)

For example, the life on Blue Star and Venus evolved after he gathered various conditions.

And in the fifth galaxy.

Although there is a vast area, as well as countless celestial bodies and stars.

But it lacks an environment suitable for life and reproduction.

Therefore, even if accelerated for a long time, it is extremely difficult to give birth to life.


He used the fifth galaxy this time, not for the evolution of life.

He's here to study the mysteries of time!

He had also personally tested it before, and there was no response to the filaments for substances such as vitality.

There is absolutely no need to modify the environment to create life.

thought here.

Qin Mu took out one source crystal after another, like a machine, frantically accelerating time.

in a short time.

In the fifth galaxy, the time of terror is fleeting.

A billion years roar.

1.5 billion years.

Two billion years.

three billion years.

Five billion years.

seven billion years.