
Chapter 282 Qin Mu's choice, shocked everyone

"In a hundred years, a world evolved..."

Qin Mu looked at the sand table in front of him and began to think.

This test...

In fact, the main assessment is the ability to evolve.

And for the supreme gods of their level...

The understanding of various civilizations is extremely in-depth.

Few things can hide from them.

In the means of evolution...

Even more than ordinary people.

far better than the average evolutionary.

And the opponent he is facing now...

He is even more good at ancient demon civilization, and can be called the originator of the heavens and the world in the evolution of this path!

If not unexpected...

He felt that Shen Xuanya would definitely evolve the ancient demon civilization!


Shen Xuanya is still the second-ranked existence on the list of the heavens and the world!

Just talking about the overall strength ranked by the list of the heavens and the world...

It is also second only to the existence of Wuchenzi!

have to say.

The opponent he faced this time was extremely strong.

"Next, it's time to choose the civilization direction of evolution..."

After a little thought.

Qin Mu took a deep breath, and his eyes fell on the sand table world.

The diameter of this sand table world is only one kilometer.

The interior land area is positively small.

There are no living beings.


All require him to evolve from scratch.

"In this case, I might as well choose the ancient demon civilization, and by the way, use the ancient demon civilization... to conduct a long-term experiment.

Looking at the sand table.

Qin Mu suddenly had an idea.

He can actually evolve technological civilization.

But he feels...

The time it takes for one's own technological civilization to evolve is simply too long.

In a hundred years, I am afraid that even life will not be born.


The best way is to choose other extraordinary civilizations.

And take advantage of this extraordinary civilization...

You can also try it and test the fifth dimension that you have nurtured in the fifth galaxy.

Think here.

He looked at a source above the sand table.

The divine fire was ignited, and the source was burned.

"The steps to evolve extraordinary civilization, the first step, to analyze the power of ancient demons `||. 35

Although he has not evolved an extraordinary civilization.

But he is very familiar with the steps of the evolution of extraordinary civilization.

Unlike technological civilization.

What extraordinary civilization needs to analyze is extraordinary energy.

To use the source to parse out the simple rules between heaven and earth, that is, the power of ancient demons.

Once the power of the ancient demon is analyzed...

It can be spread all over the world.

Make the whole world, the basis for the birth of the ancient demon.

And this step...

is also crucial.

If the power of the ancient demons analyzed is flawed, it will affect the future upper limit of the world!

The more perfect the analysis is, the higher the development limit of the future world will be!

"System, deduce the most perfect analysis method for the power of the ancient demon."5


Qin Mu thought directly and summoned the system.

After the system has been upgraded several times.

The simulation deduction function has been extremely powerful.

With this feature...

He can easily analyze the power of the ancient demon.

Set it up in the whole world, and lay the foundation for the world he wants to evolve.

"Ding! Starting the simulation deduction function!

"Ding! The current small world data parameters are being collected!

"Ding! The data parameters have been collected, and relevant simulations are in progress!""


The light of the system flickered again.

"Ding! Analysis is complete! This time, there are 98,327,631 analysis schemes, and the best solution has been screened out."

hear this voice.

Qin Mu's expression moved.


After obtaining the deduction analysis scheme given by the system, it directly clicks on the source.


In an instant.

The source turned into a strong ancient demon power, filling the small world with a diameter of one kilometer.

all over this.

Beyond the boulders.

After Qin Mu and Shen Xuanya entered.

A huge projection appeared in front of everyone.

Wuchenzi, the former youth, and the gods and others...

They all stared at the projection.

in projection.

There are two screens.

One is the sight of Qin Mu suspended above the small world.

And another...

It is Shen Xuanya, suspended in the small world, evolving the scene of the ancient demon world.

Although not their test.

But everyone's expression is very solemn, watching the competition between the two seriously.

They are all characters who have reached the top ten of the list of the heavens and the world.

Everyone has something to learn from others.


They all want to take this opportunity to learn more.

The mystery of the evolutionary world is related to whether they can advance to the Great Realm.

If you have advanced to the Great Realm...

In the future, they are also qualified to evolve into the legendary Daqian World!

This kind of temptation, for them, no one can resist!


They looked at it and saw that something was wrong.

After Shen Xuanya entered, he immediately began to evolve the ancient demon civilization.

Just when everyone thought that Qin Mu would evolve into a beast civilization

Qin Mu directly analyzed the source and turned it into the power of ancient demons!

among them.

Everyone is a leader in their own field of civilization.

It is impossible to misunderstand the analytical power of the source.

He couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

'. What's the situation? Isn't the world where the gods evolved into the world of beasts? Why did it suddenly become like this?


"He actually... chose to evolve into the ancient demon world?!"

"A little confident, ranking tenth, actually dare to compete with Shen Xuanya, who is ranked second in the ancient demon world..."

"Does he think that he can completely surpass Shen Xuanya in the evolution of the ancient demon civilization?"


Everyone was stunned.

Watching this scene in disbelief.

Even dustless.

Could not help frowning.

to be frank.

Qin Mu's choice completely exceeded his expectations.

Let him not respond.

He has participated in numerous competitions.

I have seen countless people evolve.

Most of them will choose to evolve the civilization they are good at, such as Shen Xuanya.

And some people will choose (Wang Li Zhao) to evolve other civilizations.


But no one has ever been so bold as to choose to evolve a civilization that others are good at!

This is no different from provocation!

"This god is a bit interesting. 99

Wuchenzi half-squinted his eyes, and a smile formed on the corner of his mouth.

There was also a strong curiosity in his eyes.

He wants to know...

What exactly does Qin Mu mean by doing this.


I still have a few brushes, and I am confident that I can surpass Shen Xuanya in the evolution of the ancient demon civilization!

the other side.

The monarch standing behind the crowd.

At this moment, I want to die.

He didn't expect...

As soon as Qin Mu came up, he did not choose to evolve the technological civilization that he was good at.

Instead, it is the ancient demon civilization that the other side of evolution is good at.

"Why is he good at ancient demon civilization, he doesn't even know anything about extraordinary civilization..."

Think of the contact with Qin Mu during this time.

He couldn't help but smile.