
Chapter 14 So That’s It

"What do you call it?" Levi asked, pointing at the silver salmon in the fish shop owner's hand.

"Yang-scale salmon! Is there any problem?" The fish shop owner asked, seeing Levi's strange expression.

There is a problem, of course there is a problem.

Good guy, it turns out that Yang-scale salmon is not a fabrication, but another name for silver salmon, what a scheming game designer.

No wonder Levi has been fruitless, because his eyes have always been on those fish he has never seen.

And common fish like salmon, which look similar on the surface but actually have many subdivided categories, have been ignored by him.

It can only be said that habitual thinking kills people!

"Can I see it?" Levi asked without hesitation.

"Of course!" The fish shop owner handed the silver salmon in his hand directly to Levi.

Sure enough, the moment Levi got the silver salmon, the number after "Boiled Yang-scale Salmon" in the cooking skill list became 1.

"Boss, do you know the fish called Night Scale Snapper?" Levi tried to ask.

"I know, isn't it the blue snapper… Look, that's it!" The boss pointed to a huge light gray sea fish outside another store in the distance and said.

"Why is it called the blue snapper? It's not blue!" Levi asked.

"Snappers are generally nocturnal fish, so fishing for this kind of fish is generally done at night, and the blue snapper will show a very charming blue color under the light at night, so it is called night snapper." The boss explained patiently.

"I see – then what about the black claw lobster?" Levi continued to ask the boss with shining eyes.

"Black claw lobster? I have never heard of this name, but if it is black claw, it should be a lobster, a black lobster – could it be a South African lobster?" The boss pondered.

"Lobster? (Lobster and lobster are not the same word)" Levi heard a somewhat unfamiliar word.

"Do you know Boston lobster? Boston lobster is not a real lobster, because a real lobster has no claws (claws), understand?" The boss said.

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"Ah?" Levi really didn't know this knowledge point and had a little doubt about it.

What he didn't know was that what the boss said was true.

Lobsters like Boston lobsters with two large claws belong to the family of sea lobsters.

And real lobsters, such as Australian lobsters, red dragons, embroidered lobsters, rose dragons, etc., all belong to the family of lobsters.

"Hey, actually this is normal, just like king crabs are not crabs." The boss was obviously accustomed to Levi's expression of inexperience.

"Uh…" Hearing the boss mention king crabs, Levi was speechless.

Because king crabs are not crabs, he knew.

Because king crabs only have a pair of claws and six legs.

And real crabs have a pair of claws and eight legs.

If you think about it this way, it feels okay that the bolong is not a lobster.

"Boss, let's talk about the South African lobster you just mentioned?" Levi said.

"This thing is rare here, but it's not really rare. Have you eaten lobster? The shell is thick, right? The shell of the South African Mastiff Lobster is thicker than that of the lobster, with less meat and a worse taste. In addition, it is only available in South Africa, so the cost of transportation is high and it can't be sold, so it is rare in the United States. However, its color is black, which is somewhat consistent with the black-clawed lobster you mentioned." The boss said.

South Africa… Levi was a little disappointed, but soon relieved.

After all, it's already good to know the sun scale salmon and night scale snapper.

With the whereabouts of these two fish, the black-clawed lobster is not so important – because the recipe for stewing lobsters that requires it is the same as the delicious fish. It is a very rare food without attributes. Except for improving the skill level, it has basically no value.

But boiled sun scale salmon and night scale fish soup are different.

The former is to improve the recovery ability, that is, to restore blood.

The latter is to restore magic, that is, to restore mana.

Both are highly usable cooking foods.

"I see, I understand. Give me ten boxes of silver salmon!" Levi got so much information from the boss, so he naturally returned the favor and asked for ten boxes of silver salmon.

"Ten boxes? Okay, do you need it delivered to your door?" Hearing that Levi wanted ten boxes at a time, the boss, who was already very enthusiastic, instantly became more enthusiastic.

"No, just help me deliver it to the car!" Levi said.

Ten boxes of silver salmon, it sounds like a lot.

But in fact, the number is not much.

There are only four in a box.

So ten boxes, that is, forty portions of boiled sun-scaled salmon.

Although the number is not large, the weight is not light.

Because the size of silver salmon is not small, generally one weighs about 3-4 kilograms.

And the silver salmon sold by this boss are all top-grade goods, each weighing more than 4 kilograms.

Forty fish, directly heading for 200 kilograms.

Levi can't move it by himself.

But compared to the blue snapper, that is, night snapper, which Levi is going to buy next, silver salmon can only be regarded as a child.

This thing is generally about one meter long and weighs 30-40 kilograms.

A heavyweight player for sure.

So after confirming that this blue snapper is indeed a nightscale snapper, Levi only wanted one – in fact, a sunscale salmon is enough for practicing skills, and Levi only plans to make one portion of nightscale fish soup to taste it.

However, looking at the huge blue snapper, Levi was still a little confused.

Damn, this thing in the game looks only a little bit big, how come it is so big in the real world?

How big a pot do I need to cook soup with this thing?

However, as soon as this thought came up, a piece of information appeared in his mind.

Oh, it turns out that the night scale fish soup does not need to be cooked with the whole fish, but with the fish head.

That's fine, the soup pot at home can still hold a fish head.

Hey, that's not right!

If the fish head is enough for cooking soup, what about such a big fish body?

Throw it away? Are you kidding, I bought it with money.

Eat it? How long will it take him to eat more than 100 kilograms?

Forget it, I'll put it in the space backpack later. Anyway, it won't go bad. I'll eat it slowly and I'll finish it one day.


A few days later at noon, Levi was eating blue snapper sashimi while watching the news.

Not to mention, it's hot in summer, eating some cold sashimi is still quite comfortable.

Moreover, the texture of blue snapper is quite good. It is not as soft as salmon, but has a very chewy texture.

Levi has eaten a lot these days.

What? Parasites?

Hmm, I don't know if the treatment potion or the first aid anti-venom will work.

Who cares.

Just as Levi was feasting, a report came on the news.

"Last night, a gunfight occurred in an apartment in Queens, resulting in one death. It is reported that the deceased was a staff member of the Department of Homeland Security. This case may involve foreign forces…"

Is it you? Uncle Fa?

Levi thought.