Chapter Five: The Past and Future

NIGHT HAD FALLEN ON THE ARMY BASE and many of the men were currently winding down after a long day of training in the mess hall. One soldier, however, had decided to head to the barracks to avoid the others. Much like school children, the men never ceased to bother Steve during meals or while he tried to sleep. He ignored them, as much as he could. They were just like the others who picked on him back at home. So it wasn't anything new. Besides, that wasn't the only reason why he needed to be alone.

Tomorrow was the day.

The experiment that would be conducted on him was only hours away, and Steve was nervous. The procedure that was meant to turn him into a super-soldier was going to happen tomorrow! He didn't understand all the science that went behind it much, after all, he wasn't the smartest guy. Steve was no Howard Stark. However, he couldn't help but worry just a little bit.

Ever since he had been accepted into the army, Steve had put a lot of trust into Dr. Erskine. He didn't doubt that it wouldn't work, not as much as a few other people. However, there was still doubt about why he had been chosen. There were plenty of other men who were far more physically talented than he was that would be perfect for the procedure. Steve was sick, he always has been. So what exactly did Dr. Erskine see in him? What did Delphia see?

After being here for some time, Steve learned that Delphia had helped Abraham choose him as the subject for their experiment. He was unsure what exactly she could have seen from him after only speaking with him for a minute at the Stark Expo. Steve didn't understand why she even spoke to him in the first place! He was a meek little man who was surrounded by plenty of other strong soldiers who should have captured her attention. She could have spoken to a man who was taller than him, healthier than him, more handsome than him... But she chose him... Why?

There was a knocking at the entrance that brought Steve out of his thoughts. He turned away from the book that he had been staring at blankly to find Dr. Erskine entering the barracks. "May I?"

Steve cleared his throat, "Yeah."

"Can't sleep?" The older man asked as he walked into the room. 

Steve shrugged his shoulders, "I got the jitters, I guess."

Abraham let out a small chuckle and sat down on the bed across from Steve. "Me, too."

They were quiet for a moment before Steve decided to spoke about what was on his mind. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Just one?" Abraham raised an eyebrow. He imagined that Steve would be a tad bit more curious about what was going to happen tomorrow. After all, if everything went according to plan, Steve's entire life would change.

"Why me?"

The older man was quiet for a moment as he came up with an answer. "I suppose that is the only question that matters." He took a deep breath and briefly glanced down at the bottle of schnapps he brought for them. "This is from Augsburg. My city. So many people forget that the first country that the Nazi's invaded was their own. You know, after the last war the… my people struggled. They… they felt weak. They felt small. And then Hitler comes along with the marching and the big show and the flags and the… and the…" He waved his hand as the memories of what had happened bombarded him. "And he… he hears of me, my work and he finds me. And he says, 'You.' He says, 'You will make us strong.' Well, I am not interested. So he sends the head of HYDRA, his research division. A brilliant scientist by the name of Johann Schmidt." The older man inwardly shivered at the thought of the mad man. "Now, Schmidt is a member of the inner circle and he's ambitious. He and Hitler share a passion for occult power and Teutonic myth. Hitler uses his fantasies to inspire his followers. But for Schmidt, it is not fantasy. For him, it is real. He has become convinced that there is a great power hidden in the earth, left here by the Gods, waiting to be seized by a superior man. So when he hears about my formula and what it can do, he cannot resist. Schmidt must become that superior man."

For a while, Abraham had thought that it was nonsense. To believe in such myths as the tesseract and Norse gods being real was a silly thought. Though after seeing Delphia, bonding with her and hearing the stories of her home, he has come to believe, even a little bit, that such beings exist. After all, he has the Norse princess as his assistant.

Steve swallowed, "Did it make him stronger?"

"Yeah," Abraham breathed out. "But, there were other effects. The serum was not ready. But more important, the man. The serum amplifies everything that is inside. So, good becomes great. Bad becomes worse. This is why you were chosen." Steve stared at him with wide eyes. The chose him because of that? Because he was a good man? Abraham continued, "Because a strong man, who has known power all his life, will lose respect for that power. But a weak man knows the value of strength, and knows compassion."

"Thanks." Steve's eyebrows furrowed. "I think." Abraham's words had brought some clarity to why he had been chosen. Though a part of him wanted to know what Delphia thought. Yes, Abraham says that the reason that he chose him was because of how the serum would affect him, but is that the reason why Delphia spoke with him? Was there any other reason why she would speak with him?

Abraham broke Steve out of his thoughts once again. He started to pour himself and Steve a drink from his bottle. "Whatever happens tomorrow, you must promise me one thing." He sent Steve a meaningful look. An expression that was filled with seriousness and hope. "That you will stay who you are. Not a perfect soldier, but a good man."

Steve nodded his head in agreement. There wasn't anything that would ever change him, he believed. He was a good man like Abraham said. He was also a patriot to his country, there was nothing in the world that would ever make him turn against any of his morals. He raised his glass in a toast. "To the little guys."

They clinked glasses and were just about to take their mouthful before Abraham stopped him. "No! No! Wait! Wait!" He exclaimed before grabbing the glass from Steve. "What I am doing? No! You have a procedure tomorrow. No fluids."

"All right." The scrawny man chuckled as Abraham poured the alcohol into one cup for himself. "We'll drink it after."

"No!" Abraham said with a small scoff, "I don't have procedure tomorrow. Drink it after? Drink it now!" With that he downed his glass, to Steve's amusement.

"Abraham," Delphia called suddenly as she entered the room. She wore an ankle-length white dress that framed her figure quite well. It didn't seem to be the ideal outfit for an army base, however, Delphia didn't want to wear a uniform of any kind. She had argued that she wasn't apart of the army in any capacity so it made no sense for her to wear one like Peggy. "I have the files that you needed."

The older man finished off his drink and gestured for her to join them. "Ah, yes, yes. Thank you, my dear."

Delphia flashed Steve a small smile and walked over to the pair, "Hello, Steven."

Steve did his best to stop himself from flushing at her appearance. Even though the two have become closer and they both considered each other friends, Steve always became flustered at the sight of her. Though it was like that for most people. Her beautiful, wide smiles always brought a small brush of pink to people's cheeks. The aura around her always suffocated people in innocence and excitement. Her perfection was immeasurable. 

"Hi, Delphia."

She sat down next to him on his bed and flashed him a questioning look, "nervous about tomorrow?"

He nodded his head, "yeah, just a bit."

Abraham cleared his throat and picked up the empty cups and his bottle of alcohol with the files. "Why don't I leave you two to talk," He tapped the file in his hand, "I must have a closer look at this."

The two of them bid the old doctor a goodbye as he headed out of the room and left the two alone. There was a moment of silence as the two settled themselves on Steve's bed to face each other. Delphia could easily see how nervous Steve was at the moment. He may try to play it off as nothing, but Delphia was easily able to read him after knowing him for some time.

"You appear to be a tad bit more nervous than you say."

Steve pursed his lips in slight embarrassment but nodded his head regardless. He didn't want to hide how he felt from her, they were good friends after all. "I'm just worried about what is going to happen tomorrow."

Delphia nodded her head and rested a comforting hand on his knee. "I may not know much about the science aspect of Abraham's experiment, however, I have faith in his abilities."

"I, uh, asked the doctor why he chose me," Steve started, "he said I'm a good man."

Delphia tilted her head, "you are."

He pursed her lips, "How can you know that?"

The woman took a moment to collect her thoughts on the subject. She knew that he was a hero, with an optimistic outlook on life filled with hope. Honestly, she had already seen what Steve would already become. She knew that the procedure would be a success based on the image that she had seen just before she left her home. Though she couldn't tell him that. She hadn't told Steve about her being a goddess, knowing that he most likely wouldn't believe her. Abraham had believed her origin, but that was only because he had seen what she was, how different she was from a Midgardian. Most people wouldn't believe something like this unless they witnessed it. Then again, most Midgardians were quite hard headed even when shown the truth.

"Despite the fact that you are smaller than the men here," she finally came up with an explanation, "you have a far bigger heart. You know what it is like to be put down by bullies and how precious power can be." She looked away for a moment as a few unpleasant memories surfaced in her mind. "You won't abuse it, once you gain it, unlike most people."

"Like Schmidt." Delphia visibly shivered at the name. "You, uh, know about him?"

Delphia took a shuttered breath, "yes, sadly, I do."

Steve could see how it was bothering her quite a bit. He really didn't want to see her like that, distressed by something, and he was irritated with himself for making her feel like this. "I'm sorry for bringing it up-"

"It's alright," She breathed out, "I suppose you should know, I-I haven't told anyone besides Abraham."

"If you don't want to tell me, Delphia, you don't have to."

His consideration was appreciated, however, she wanted to tell him. "I trust you, Steven. I trust you enough to know about this."

Steve nodded his head in understanding and happiness. Knowing that she was willing to tell him about something that upset her so much that not many other people know warmed his heart. He waited a moment for her to collect her thoughts before she started her explanation.

"A couple of years ago, I was found by Schmidt." She kept herself from shuttering once again at the mention of the monstrous man. "He took me to a H.Y.D.R.A. base and... experimented on me."


There was a moment of panic in Delphia. She couldn't tell him that she was from a completely different realm and not human. Not only that but she didn't want to have to retell what pain she had gone through just yet. "He believed that I could have helped him with the Tesseract. Of course, I was not going to do that..." Her hands started to shake slightly as she started to relive through what had happened. Seeing her distress, Steve rested a hand on her own shaking ones. She took a deep breath at his silent reassurance and squeezed her eyes shut, "he tried to convince me to join him, saying that we could use the power together, to rule everyone like gods."

Steve could tell that what had happened to her was completely traumatizing. Though he admired the fact that she was willing to tell him about it. He had never experienced something as horrible as she had, but he empathized with her. She was a strong woman, he marveled. 

He squeezed her hand reassuringly, "it's alright, Delphia. You're safe now."

"I know," Delphia breathed out as she calmed herself down. 

There was a moment of silence between the two as they thought over what Delphia had decided to reveal to him. Of course, she didn't go into detail about what had happened to her and the exact reason why, but she just might, once she feels comfortable to.

Steve then thought of something, "What about your family, do they know about what happened?" He asked in concern. 

A sad sigh escaped her lips as she shook her head. "No, I haven't been able to tell them... I'm unable to contact them at the moment. Hopefully, once the war ends, I might get to see them." Delphia couldn't help herself but cringe as the thought of Thor and Loki crossed her mind. "I can't imagine how my brothers will react to all of this."

"You have brothers?" Steve asked in curiosity. Delphia hadn't mentioned her family much. He knew the basic things about her family, like her having both of her parents and maybe siblings, but he didn't know that she specifically had brothers.

"I do." She lightened up while thinking of Thor and Loki, "The both of them are complete trouble makers."

He was glad that he was able to lift her spirits just a little. "They must miss you."

"I am sure they do, as I miss them." There was a far off look in her eyes as a soft smile graced her lips.

"Are they fighting in the war?"

Delphia shook her head, "No, they are not. My eldest brother is too arrogant to be a soldier, I am afraid. My other brother… Well, he could never stand being ordered around. I have a feeling that they have been at each other's throats since I've been away."

She honestly couldn't imagine how things have been back in Asgard while she's been gone. Her mother and father must be having a bit of a tough time dealing with Loki and Thor. Delphia loves her brothers dearly, however, she knew that they could cause some trouble with each other. Loki always loves to play pranks on Thor that may be deemed cruel to an extent. While Thor loves to annoy Loki to the end of the earth which results in him getting a nasty prank pulled on him.

"Why's that?" Steve asked.

"My brothers are completely different from each other." She pursed her lips, "They do not get along that well."

Steve hummed. He was an only child himself so he wasn't entirely sure what it was like to have a sibling. Though he could argue that Bucky was practically his brother since they've been best friends for quite some time. Though from what Bucky told him about having a sister, it wasn't always fun. "Except when you're around, right?"

Delphia considered it for a while and nodded her head, "I suppose. Why do you say that?" 

"You've got this aura around you, I don't know." He shrugged his shoulders. "You always seem to calm people down."

"Oh, do I?" She blinked at him and considered what he said for a moment. She supposes that she was a buffer between her brothers. They didn't agree on many things, however, she knew that they agreed on protecting her. The brunette let out a sigh through her nose, "Well, I think you would like to head to bed now. You have an important day tomorrow, after all."

"Yeah, yes." Steve nodded and cleared his throat. "I guess so."

"Good night, Steven." She said softly and stood up from his bed and straightened out her dress.

"Night, Delphia." He breathed out and watched her glide across the floor and back outside. 


Meanwhile, in the Hydra base high in the mountains, a record echoed in Johann's office. Multiple lights blinded the disfigured man as he stood at his desk. Posing for a painter as the skittish artist did the best that he could with his depiction of their leader. He knew that if he didn't do a good enough job, he most likely would be killed.

Zola then entered the office with multiple folders and files in his hands. Though once he caught sight of his leader, Johann turned the bright lights off and allowed darkness to consume him. Though it greeted him like an old friend. Even his silhouette was just as terrifying as his appearance in the light. "Is there something in particular you need?"

Arnim cleared his throat, "I understand you found them."

"See for yourself." He said and motioned to the table where a few photos of Abraham sat. A few of them also had the brunette beauty that they had once held captive. In each and every one of them, Delphia had some semblance of a smile on her soft face. Arnim picked up one of them and laughed under his breath. Johann's eyes narrowed, though you couldn't see that through the darkness, "You disapprove."

"I just don't see why you need concern yourself." Arnim laughed nervously, "I can't imagine he will succeed." He glanced up at Johann and grew nervous at the silhouette of the red-headed man, "Again."

Johann sighed in obvious frustration, "His serum is the Allies' only defense against this power we now possess. If we take it away from them, then our victory is assured. Not only that, but we should be able to obtain our princess again."

Abraham did pose a threat to their cause because he was helping the Allied forces. If the serum did work, which it will, the US could create an army completely composed of super soldiers. That certainly would not be good for the German forces. Not only that, but who knew what sort of help their escaped princess was giving them. They knew that she must have some sort of ability much like the tesseract. If she gave any sort of help to the Allies, there was no telling what sort of trouble the Axis powers were in. The doctor nodded his head in understanding, "Shall I give the order?"

"It has been given."

The doctor nodded his head, "Good." With that, he turned to take his leave and deal with any other matters he needed to attend to.

"Dr. Zola," Johann called out to the scientist and turned on the light again to show the painting and also his disfigured appearance. "What do you think?"

There was a tense moment as Arnim stared at its terrifying depiction. The artist's shoulders were rigid as he waited for an answer. Finally, the short doctor said, "A masterpiece." The artist sighed softly at the statement, obviously in relief before continuing to paint as Arnim left.


Delphia sighed heavily as she rested on her cot. She was quite exhausted after talking with Steve about her time in H.Y.D.R.A. and her encounters with Schmidt. It was never a good thing to relive through her horrible time at the base. Though it felt like a weight was lifted off of her shoulders after she told Steve at least a little bit of what had happened to her. 

The princess had nobody else to really talk with since she was away from her home. Her family was in a completely different realm which left her completely alone. It didn't help that she had a few trust issues with some Midgardians after her experience with H.Y.D.R.A. Thankfully, Delphia has a good intuition into who's a good person and who isn't. So she can tell to a certain degree after speaking with a person for a few minutes. Even feeling a person's aura would determine to her if she could trust them or not.

She settled down in her bed and got comfy under her sheets. The princess was ready to have a possible dreamless sleep or even a small nice dream of her home. However, she wasn't expecting to get a vision. 

When dreaming, there was always a possibility of visions invading Delphia's minds. She was more likely to have a vision when she slept or when she meditated. The more violent ones she can have come upon her suddenly, most of the time. Those were always the worst. Since getting away from H.Y.D.R.A., she had been only having small visions while sleeping. Unimportant things like someone knocking over files from a desk or a soldier making a mistake during training. 

Though once she closed her eyes, she was dragged into a vision. Tinted slightly white as she watched the scene play out in front of her. There were plenty of soldiers who were walking along the hall of an area that Delphia was quite familiar with. It was the secret facility where Abraham was to conduct his experiment on Steve. She had been there plenty of times to help with whatever the doctor had needed.

The secret doors opened up and in walked a trio of people. It was Steve, dressed in his beige uniform, Peggy, in her own green uniform, and Delphia, wearing a tasteful blue dress. Delphia watched herself and her friends walk down the hall earning the stares of the other soldiers. She followed after them and watched the hustle and bustle of the scientists getting the experiment ready while the politicians and military leaders settled in to watch. Peggy broke off into the room with the colonel while Delphia and Steve walked over to the capsule that would most likely change the war.

The völva watched it all with a small amount of interest. After all, she was going to witness this later. It was quite a big moment for everyone, and Delphia really didn't want to spoil what happened for herself. So she didn't pay close attention to it all.

The experiment continued on and eventually, Delphia watched as Steve's physical appearance had changed drastically. He was no longer small and skinny, instead, he had grown muscles and was over a foot taller than he was previously. It was extremely surprising to Delphia, and she couldn't pry her eyes off of him.

Steve was quite a cute man, she admitted. Ever since she first met him she was quite enthralled with him. Sure, most girls wouldn't find him attractive, but Delphia certainly wasn't like them. Not only that, but she enjoys his personality immensely. After all, she doesn't care about someone's looks and usually is attracted to someone based on their character. Though she was certainly having a hard time trying looking away from the transformed man who may slowly be capturing her heart.

Everyone celebrated the experiment's success and congratulated Abraham while they marveled at Steve. Delphia smiled along with it as she watched her future self hug Steve in celebration. Suddenly, an explosion threw everyone off of their feet. There was a flurry of people rushing for cover before a few shots rang out. 

Before Delphia had come to Midgard, she had never heard of a gun. It was a foreign weapon that she had never seen until she was taken by H.Y.D.R.A. Though she came to despise them, no matter who used them. However, she had learned exactly what they sounded like. It also didn't help that she heard her own scream. Not only that, but she saw herself and Abraham fall to the ground in a heap. Two splotches of blood started to pool in the man's chest while one bloomed on her shoulder.

The princess gasped out and sat up in her bed, after being let go from her vision. Tears leaked out of her eyes as she started to shake. She sobbed into her hands as the image still flashed in her mind. Her cries were quite loud, though she hoped slightly that people didn't hear her, she didn't want to have to explain what she saw. That was the future. A horrendous future that she would have to witness a second time. Just like the terrible vision that she had that made her decide to come to Midgard, she couldn't do anything. She couldn't do anything to save Abraham.