Chapter Eleven: Rain Check

EVERYONE GATHERED AROUND THE MAIN TABLE IN the underground bunkers. Plans had to be made about what to do going forward. Now that they had captured Zola, a larger move could be made against HYDRA. Add in the fact that Schmidt would probably also make a big move now that his lead scientist had been taken. 

"Johann Schmidt belongs in a bug house." Colonel Phillips said, "He thinks he's a God. He's willing to blow up half the world to prove it, starting with the USA."

"Schmidt's working with powers beyond our capabilities." Howard informed, "He gets across the Atlantic, he will wipe out the entire eastern seaboard in an hour." 

Everyone swallowed thickly at the reminder of that. The tense atmosphere was near suffocating everyone in the room. The Howling Commandos, Peggy, Delphia, Howard, and a few other high ranking officers were sitting at the table. Other officers watched the brief from behind them, holding their breath at every piece of information that was being talked over.

"How much time we got?" Gabe Jones, a member of the Howling Commandos asked.

"According to my new best friend, under twenty four hours." Colonel Phillips grunted.

Another member of the Commandos, Jaques Dernier then asked, "Where is he now?"

Phillips held up a photo, "Hydra's last base is here. In the Alps. Five hundred feet below the surface."

"So, what are we supposed to do?" Jim Morta, a third member of the howling commandos, asked, "I mean, it's not like we can just knock on the front door."

"Why not?" Steve asked, bringing the attention to him. From the way that his jaw was clenched and a determined expression was on his face, everyone could tell that he was ready to do anything to defeat Schmidt. With his hardened stare he said, "That's exactly what we're gonna do."

From his expression and tough tone in his voice, Delphia knew that there was going to be no way to get Steve to change his mind. Delphia wasn't sure how things were going to go, but she was both anxious and ready to follow him in this battle.

As if Delphia was going to allow herself to be benched during this. It really was the last chance that the SSR most likely had to stop Schmidt. She would be a fool if she didn't try to get herself involved in it. After all, she has a year worth of vengeance brewing within her that has to be served to the Red Skull. Delphia would usually scold her brothers not to be blinded by something like revenge, but she can't help herself.

After being subjected to the torture that Schmidt had put her through, killing one of her frist Midgardian friends, and causing so much distress during this war, Delphia felt justified in her pursuit. The only thing was, she had to convince those around her to allow her to go. The most difficult person to convince would most likely be Steve.

So as everyone started to get their battle plans together, she made quick work to approach Phillips. "Colonel," she started with a strong conviction in her tone.

The man looked up from his paperwork before handing it to someone else, "yes, Ms. Delphia."

"I would like to help." It wasn't a question of whether she was helping or not. She made up her mind and that means she's going to join them on their venture.

Phillips already knew what that meant and clicked his tongue at her with a critical eye, "I sure hope that you don't mean to help us on the front lines."

She tilted her head slightly, "That is exactly what I mean."

He sighed heavily, "I understand that you want to join in on fighting these HYDRA bastards, but I'm not sure if I can allow you to come with."

Having him already denying her claim to go with them caused her to purse her lips. This wasn't something simple like running paperwork back and forth around the bunker like a messenger, she knew that. She also was far too aware of the fact that women were not on the front lines in this war, which she didn't completely understand, and understood the standards. However, this was by far something different. This involved her torturer and an artifact from her own home. She would not allow herself to sit on the sidelines now of all times! "Have I not proven myself as an admirable fighter? I helped Steve retrieve the captured men of the 107th, I helped train your men in fighting techniques-"

"This is different."

Delphia's eyebrows twitched, "you will need all the soldiers you can get to fight this."

"Are you a soldier?" He asked her simply.

"At times," her answer just earned her a disbelieving scoff from Phillips. "Either way, I believe I know Schmidt more than any of your men. I can help on the ground any way they need."

Phillips stared at her for a long moment, taking in her determined stature. "Don't make this something I regret." The last thing he wanted was for a young woman to get hurt on the front lines. However, she's too stubborn to just let this go. He knows for a fact that if she would find a way to the battlefield behind his back. As she has done that previously. It was better to make sure that she was safe within their view than going behind their back to join. Even if she was a bit of a charity case in Phillips' eyes, he wouldn't want to see her get caught up in this in the wrong way.

As he walked away, Delphia felt herself smile triumphantly. It surprisingly was much easier to talk her way into getting involved in this than she originally thought. She figured she would have to plead her case more to him about joining. Perhaps she had proven herself to him to an extent, or he just knew that she was going to join regardless of what he said. Either way, Delphia was more than happy.

"You're coming on the mission?"

Delphia spun around at the sudden voice. It was Steve who stared at her with increasing worry growing on his face. She nodded, "Yes. Colonel Phillips agreed with my proposal."

"Proposal?" He chuckled lightly, "I feel like it was more of a demand than anything."

She just shrugged her shoulders bashfully, "Well, I suppose that I was going to join no matter what…"

Steve shook his head as a serious expression consumed his face. "Delphia, I don't want to see you get hurt."

"I will stay safe," She stated plainly, "I have done well enough to do that so far."

He just shook his head in denial, "You weren't on the field like this, Delphia. 

"I am not a fragile little girl, like you might think."

"Delphia. I don't think that you're fragile." Steve quickly explained. By no means did he think she was fragile, at least not in the sense that she might be thinking. She's fragile to him in the way that she was precious to him. So of course he wouldn't want to have her in any sort of danger. There was a short silence between them as Steve took a moment to build up the courage to say what he wanted. He placed a hand on her cheek, caressing it tenderly. The two stared into each other's eyes, bright blue clashing with warm hazel. He made sure to portray the raw emotion that he was feeling in this moment to her through just his gaze. "I care for you. The last thing I want is to see you hurt."

As much as she loved the sentiment from him of keeping her safe, Delphia had heard enough of it. She blinked slowly, "Even when I am away from the prying eyes of my family, I still am controlled. I would not argue with you, if I did not know what I was doing. However, with something like this. I'm not sitting by. I want to fight. I want to fight with you. You will not change my mind." Ever since she had started to get her visions she had been constantly surveyed no matter what she did. In her home, on her trips(which were minimal), or even while she was in her own chambers. Just to make sure that she wasn't in any sort of danger at all. Midgard wasn't completely different, however, she appreciated it to an extent. This was a land that she did not know all too well, so she appreciated being monitored and kept safe. However, something like this was going to be different. Those around her might not like it but there was no changing her mind.

Steve shook his head at the determined expression on her face. He just knew that she wasn't going to change her mind. Through the way that she was quite headstrong about something like fighting alongside them was something that Steve found quite… attractive. He couldn't help himself but chuckle, "You're quite the stubborn woman."

"You would not have me any other way," Delphia said, almost playfully despite her serious tone.

"That's true."

It was as if a spark was lit just in that moment. With the combination of the largest battle that they've had just on the horizon and their relationship developing into something more intimate, the moment seemed right. So the two leaned in slowly before their lips met. The kiss between them was soft and almost awkward, but perfect for them. Steve was slightly clumsy with how he pressed up against her as Delphia was unsure where to put her hands. However, it was still sweet in their eyes. Maybe it wasn't the right moment for it to happen, as both of them would rather have this romantic moment without the impending fight looming over them. Though it was still wonderful. 

It's been quite some time since Delphia had her last kiss, but this felt so much different from the ones in the past. Her brothers had scared off most suitors of hers when they were younger, and even now, so the secretive kisses she had gotten in were long ago and nothing too special. Though with Steve… It just felt so explosive, so right to her in that moment.

As they slowly pulled back from each other, neither knew what to say after such a mind numbing kiss. Truthfully, nothing else had to be said. They had explained all of their feelings in that kiss. After all, what else could they say to express their feelings at this moment. So this amazing moment allowed the two to bask in their peacefulness. The calm before the storm, and how splendid that was.


"You ready?" Peggy asked her friend as she primed her weapon.

"For a good fight?" Delphia asked as she smirked, "Always." She also was given a weapon, as they couldn't have her unarmed. A small pistol was given to her. Delphia isn't one for guns or weapons in general, usually relying on her magic when on the battlefield. However, it wasn't like she could use that here. Last thing she needs is people questioning her abilities.

Delphia waited alongside Phillips and Peggy as they watched from the treeline. Their plan was quite simple and most likely extremely effective. Using Steve as bait to get into the facility, taking out as many men as he could and creating an entry point for the forces outside was impressive. Of course, Steve seemed to make it as flashy as he could. Then again he couldn't not be flashy in his Captain America attire.

"For a good fight?" Delphia asked as she smirked, "Always."

The radio that Colonel Phillips had crackled to life, "We're in, assault team go!"

Phillips nodded his head, "Move out!"

Finally the signal came, and everyone on the outside was ready to fight their way inward. The SSR soldiers all swarmed the base. They fired their guns against the HYDRA agents who retaliated with their own tesseract powered weapons. There were men who were falling on both sides.

"Cut off one head, two more shall…" The soldier started to say but was cut off when Phillips shot him.

"Let's go find two more!" Phillips shouted out as they ran in. So all the men scattered around the base, finding HYDRA men and killing them. Storming the base seemed somewhat easy as their enemy was not expecting such a harsh ambush.

Just as she was rounding a corner with Peggy and the group of men she entered with, Delphia saw a line of actual fire being shot at Steve. Though Peggy made quick work of dealing with that soldier as she just gunned him down.

Steve blinked and turned to find the group "You're late."

"Maybe you were early." Delphia shrugged before pointing towards the shield wedged in the doorway. "I believe you have to…"

Steve nodded his head, "Right." He then took off after Schmidt with his impressive speed.

They all came running into the main hangar area. Chaos was everywhere, no matter where Delphia looked. Shots were being fired, bodies were disintegrated, and men were shouting. She knew that her brothers would just love to see such a battle. Well, more of Thor, he was always the more violent and battle-centric brother. 

"Delphia!" Peggy's sudden voice called out drawing her attention. She turned to find that Peggy was in one of Schmidts cars, Phillips at the wheel, "In here!"

She made quick work of jumping into the vehicle next to Peggy in the backseat. The car then peeled away as soon as she set foot in the vehicle. They drove out towards the hangar to see a large aircraft trying to take off. Also in front of them was their very own Captain America.

Phillips pulled the car up right next to him, "Get in!"

So he jumped into the front passenger seat hastily. The car sped quickly across the hangar to try and catch up with the plane. Phillips then pushed a nitro button of the car, increasing the speed significantly. They then came close enough to the large wheel of the plane thanks to that speed boost. Steve stood up, ready to try his best to get onto that plane at any cost.

"Steven!" Delphia called out above the sound of the wind and engines around them. He turned to her quickly as she pulled him down, and planted a brief kiss on lips. Had he been in a less intense situation, that might have short circuited his mind. Though despite how amazing it might have felt for even the briefest of kisses with her, he had a duty. In his daze he glanced over at Phillips and Peggy. The colonel looked slightly uncomfortable while Peggy appeared smug, as if she had just won a bet.

"I'm not kissin' you!" Phillips yelled over the wind.

Peggy flashed him a smile, "Good luck!"

With one last lingering look between Delphia and Steve, Captain America climbed his way onto the hood of the car. From there, he jumped just at the last second to grab onto the wheel of the plane. The final battle between him and Schmidt was about to happen, and he was going to make sure that this ended here and now.

As Steve climbed away. Delphia saw the end of the tarmac coming worryingly fast. So Delphia thought quickly. While she had thought she wouldn't do this while on Midgard, the circumstances called for it. She conjured her seiðr to save the car before it flew off the edge and into the abyss below. She whipped around and allowed white tendrils of brightly white magic come out of her hands that made quick work of digging into the ground behind the car. It effectively slowed the car down and caused it to come to a skidding halt. It was barely just in time as the car nearly tattered off the edge of the cliff. A part of Delphia just hoped that neither Peggy or Phillips noticed her save. That was something that she did not want to have to explain. She told herself when she was first captured by Schmidt that she wouldn't use her magic in fear that it would just fuel his manic personality and the experiments on her. 

Maybe they would chalk it up to a trick of the eye or their imagination acting up, perhaps. Though if either Phillips or Peggy actually noticed the tendrils that grabbed the ground to stop the car, they didn't comment on it. That could have been due to the fact that their attention was aimed towards the plane as it flew away.

Delphia stared up and watched as the large plane started to fly away. She could barely spy Steve hanging onto the wheel as it was retracted back into the plane. So the end was starting to begin, and she couldn't be happier about that.


"We've secured the base," Peggy started to inform as she joined Delphia in the communications room along with Jim Morta. "Most HYDRA soldiers are either dead or surrendered and we've started looking over what other weapons that they have." Delphia didn't even seem to react much to Peggy's words as she nodded her head absentmindedly. Her thoughts were obviously focused on other matters. Just by looking at the expression on Delphia's face, Peggy knew how anxious she was. Though she couldn't say that she also wasn't nervous about Steve. "He's a strong man, he'll come back."

"I hope," Delphia said through a shaky breath. A thoughtful expression was on her face for just a moment. She was contemplating on her next few words, but before she could filter herself correctly she just started speaking. "Even during my childhood when I joined my brothers in fighting, I never had the dread of losing someone in battle." It was true. She knew that her brothers and friends were resilient enough to fight and were quite durable to many different things. However, Midgardians are far more fragile than them. The smallest of things could cause a Midgardian to die. She sighed heavily, "Perhaps that was the blissful ignorance of a young woman not knowing the true consequences of war. This… It fills me with dread."

To be honest, Peggy didn't completely know what Delphia was talking about. She had been in battle before? While Peggy would say that she also has while being a field agent, she didn't think that Delphia was the type of woman to do so. Though some would say the same for her. Even still, childhood? That seemed far-fetched. However, even then she understood the idea of having to come to terms with having to come to terms with the thought of losing people. Peggy had to accept it after brother had passed due to fighting in the war. He was a wonderful man, an amazing brother, brave soldier, and a death that Peggy never knew she would have to experience.

Delphia paced back and forth with Peggy watching her. The two were anxious about Steve's whereabouts, with Delphia starting to panic only slightly. She had seen in her vision what more or less happened on that plane. Schmidt would be consumed by the tesseract and disappear, leaving Steve the victor. However, why was it taking too long? What had she not seen the other night in her vision?

As she was growing more and more upset, the radio started to spark to life as a voice came through the static. "Come in. This is Captain Rogers. Do you read me?"

"Captain Rogers," Jim, who was sitting at the radio controls, let out a sigh of relief, "what is your…" 

At the sound of his voice, Delphia rushed over to the microphone and took the man's spot. "Steven? Are you alright?"

"Delphia!" The tension in his voice disappeared, obviously happy to know that she was safe. "Schmidt's dead."

A smile crawled onto her face at that piece of news, "Thank the Norns. What about you? Are you hurt?"

"I'm okay, but the plane…" He trailed off anxiously, "I'm gonna have to put her in the water."

It was as if a bucket of ice cold water had been poured over Delphia. A crash landing? Even if certain Midgardian technology still confused her to a certain extent, she knew that planes would not survive a crash where he was. Delphia shook her head, "We can find a safe place for you to land. Howard can help, I am sure of it."

"There's not enough time." Steve denied, "This thing's moving too fast and it's heading for New York." 

"Steven…" Her heart started to tighten as the outlook of this situation became more bleak. "There must be something we can do."

"Right now I'm in the middle of nowhere." He explained, "If I wait any longer a lot of people are gonna die. Delphia, this is my choice." Even if he were in the plane, oh so far away from her, he knew that she had to be close to tears, just like he was. The last thing he wanted to do was to die during this war after just having met Delphia not too long ago and admitting their feelings. However, he has no choice. He pulled out the compass with the photo of her. He wanted her vibrant smile to be the last thing he saw. The joy that she brought to him with just a simple look needed to be what would keep him calm enough during this. He called out one last time, "Delphia?"


"I'm gonna need a rain check on that dance."

"Of course, you name a time, a place," Delphia let out a weak, watery chuckle, "I will be there."

"You got it. You know, I still don't know how to dance."

She couldn't help but smile at the statement, "I can teach you. Even if I am not the best either." 

"We'll have the band play somethin' slow." Steve said, ignoring his impending doom in that moment, "I'd hate to step on your-'' The abrupt end to his words brought dread into Delphia's stomach. It felt like a rock weighing her down as the reality was slowly bleeding into her mind.

"Steven?" Delphia called out into the static, "Steven? Please?" Peggy placed a comforting hand on a shell-shock Delphia's shoulder. She could do nothing but begin to cry. The man that she loved had sacrificed himself for the greater good. How she wished that did not have to happen. She hated this, with all her spirit. She hates being on Midgard, it's brought her nothing but heartache. All she can do now is hang on to Peggy as the two begin to cry at their loss. The loss of a great man. The loss of Captain America. The loss of the Midgardian man that Delphia loved.