CHAPTER 2: Boy and girl meet under the moonlight

After arriving at Deokgyeongbu, the King had secretly hoped that his mother would have invited him to join her for breakfast. 

After all it had been ten years since they both had eaten together, suppressing tears that fill his eyes as he remembers how she would sit opposite him and place his preferred fish over the meat onto his bowl of rice or plate in front of him for him to consume.

The King mentally tells himself not to cry as he is aware that if he cries, his mother will cry uncontrollably, and he is mindful about how much she must have aged during his absence.

Unfortunately, there was no message from the Dowager Queen was sent to say she was going to be late or not to wait for her, which resulted in the King and Queen not eating breakfast while she stayed secluded in her residence.

The sun is the indication of time passing as it first enters through the window facing east and deep into the room and slowly decreasing as it rises in the sky as the shadows shorten in the room. The King and Queen sitting side by side in the middle of the room are eventually also surrounded by shadows as it approaches 5 o'clock.

The King cannot believe what he is being subjected to and what makes it worse is that it is happening in front of the Queen next to him. First was the Official that did not greet him on his arrival after 10 years and now even his mother does not welcome her son.

The endless waiting to only be met with this cold treatment makes him wonder how useless he is not only as a King but a son. The King's thoughts are interrupted when a guard enters to approach the Queen to quietly report in such a low voice that the King cannot make out what is being said.

The Queen meets his inquiring eyes and simply speaks, "It's because of me." Confused he asks, "What do you mean?"

The Queen explains, "The reason the Queen Mother does not come out is because I am Won's wife. It is Seo."

The King cannot say he is surprised so does not refute what has been said. He is fully aware of the history between his mother and the Kingdom of Yuan. 

His mother, Rain was from the Hong family, whose father was a government official and she had received a lot of love from his father, King Chungsuk. I

t was well known that King Chungsuk always walked around the palace holding Rain's hand, just because he enjoyed it.

Two years after the wedding, his older brother Jeong was born. They were reportedly a truly happy couple regardless of their status as King and Queen. It had been three years since King Chungsuk had married Hong and she had held the position of Queen of Goryeo.

Unfortunately, the threat of usurpation of the throne was felt throughout his reign and his father had to welcome the Princess of Yuan as his Queen. 

Taking the position of Queen of Goryeo, the Princess Jang, daughter of King Yeong of the Yuan Dynasty, was the first to enter Goryeo and the actions that were taken to drive Ms. Hong out of her residence made it clear how great her jealousy was.

Whether King Chungsuk retaliated against the Princess Jang is unclear because no matter how he may have hated what she did, and the kind of humiliation that Ms. Hong suffered, he had to endure it for the security of his Kingdom. The story had spread widely among the people of Goryeo and became a topic of conversation.

The currently King looks quietly at the Queen, who sits to beside him, knowing that she also know the story of his mother, as she is also a Yuan Princess.

The King can see how she sits quietly, expressionlessly, staring at the empty space in front of her, not appearing to be bothered with the unfolding situation, which seems to be verified by what she says, "So, I will go back." 

The Queen quietly stands up to leave when the King asks, "Together?' The Queen looks at him and answers uninterestedly, "Whether you stay or not, only you can decide. You will not be able to meet her if I am here with you. Is that not, right? You can make a time for my introduction to her later, after you have met her separately." 

The King is relieved to hear what she has said, as it makes him feel supported by her, despite the cold treatment and humiliation they have had to endure. 

It seems like in his heart hears her say 'Do not worry I plan on being with you forever. So you can decide from now on to follow me, stay or turn around.

The King then makes eye contact with the Head Court Lady Choi by the Queens' side to command, "Go and tell the others. Every morning, I will skip breakfast, to be with the Queen, so just prepare me some rough porridge, as you please." 

After saying this, he leaves with the Queen, leaving behind him, silence of the people who stand confused, until he hears the tell-tale sound of the eunuchs whispering before rushing to follow his directive. 

The Kings footsteps can be heard making their way down the hallway, accompanied by the swishing of the Queens silk skirts, their prominence of which decreasing as the distance between them and those in the room increases.

The King is walking ahead of the Queen as she looks at his lonely back. It reminds her of their first meeting and how after that she walked behind him like this from the age of 10, while he was 11 years old, day after day. 

The Queen recalls that their first meeting was the night when the autumn moon rose and it was held in the high loft of a noble house which had gorgeous decorations hang from each corner, and every base and street is big and tall. 

She remembers how small concert could be heard playing and how every corner of the city is alive with the bustling of the night market as people and carts with lights brighten the night and the sound of children running and screaming with laughter as the sounds filled the night air, as she walked down the street holding her nanny's hand. 

It was in moment of distraction that she lost her hold on her nanny's hand and was separated without them even being aware of it. How long was it did she walk like that by herself?

She is not sure, but someone snatched her up, quickly covering her mouth with their dirty smelly hands, to quickly move her into a cart, where another bound her hands and feet while the one that held her replaced the hand over her mouth with a piece of unclean cloth, as she sobbed in terror.

She heard how they talked, obviously they did not seem to know who she was, and they were talking about how her clothing and jewelry seemed to be from a noble family. 

They continued to discuss how much money they could make on ransoming her back to her family when they found out who it was. 

She recalls how she would have rather die the cause trouble to her family, so there was no way she was going to tell these dirty gangsters whose family she belonged too. 

She remembers how she shook and cried in the dark as other instances where bandits took girls hostage, only released her back to the family with her body desecrated, which damaged the family's honor. 

The girl who was only 2 years older than herself had not qualified to live anymore despite her education, by the elders of her family. 

She had determined that it was better to die... How she desperately wanted it…...Please…. make it quick... and make it not hurt too much…. 

Suddenly the cart hits something hard making it lurch to the side before it flips over, like it going to fall, before suddenly regaining its balance when its wheels hit the ground to be brought to a stop. 

Shouting can be heard from outside the cart as it seems that something was hit by it and is lying blocking the path that they were travelling on. 

It was then that someone enters the cart, taking her by surprise as they untie her arms first then untie her feet, speaking in an unknown language that she cannot understand, they remove the cloth tied across her mouth. 

One of her hands is then taken by the stranger as he guides her to stand and pulls for her follows them. 

It is not until the person jumps out of the cart that she can see by the bright moon light that it is a boy not much older than herself that holds her hand, only to release it to grab her by the waist to assist her from the cart to the ground, to then recapture the hand to lead the way.

It is when they are running that she can notice that boy is off similar height and that as they escape, he looks back to smile at her reassuringly. 

It is only after they reach a bridge with no one following are they able to stop for breath hiding underneath it just in case they are looking for them.

The scene had the ability to pop into her head countless times, unexpectedly at first and with countless repetition that now she the memory is part of her.

Oh… how she has thought of that bridge countless times after that and how the boy who has rescued her is smiling despite the short quick breaths he takes, the elegance of his appearance despite is disheveled clothing from running and the eyes that look at her with those long eyelashes as he smiles at her leaning against the pillar that supports the bridge. 

The boy who suddenly becomes aware that they are still holding hands, hurriedly separates them to hide it behind his back as he steps further away from her. 

He then speaks to her, but she cannot figure out what he is saying, and it is not until a man who seems to be a servant who accompanies the boy interprets for him, "He is asking where your home is." 

She had held her head high and answered, "He asks where my home is. You can tell him I would never tell a stranger where it is or who I am. I would rather die."

She recalls how when this is translated back to him how the boy laughed out loud, before he then looked her in the eyes and spoke again in unintelligible words, which the servant then translated, "He is asking if you are able to find your way back to your house?"

She looks at the surroundings and recognizes that the bridge they hide under is familiar to her and the street it leads to is one she knows, so she nods. The servant asks, "Is it one you are able to walk too?"

At which she nods again making the boy smile and talks to his servant who then says, "We will walk around this neighborhood, and you will follow us 12 steps behind us.

We will do this so that when we pass you house you can go in quietly without us noticing. If something happens, scream loudly and we will be able to help you. 

So that is how it was that night the boy walked ahead with his servant, and she followed him. 

It was different to now, back then the distance was not big, and it was not small, and it did not take long before the guards of the royal family discovered her presence and she was surrounded by them as clutched her skirts to hide and control her trembling hands. 

She remembers looking at the boy whose smile she could see under the moonlight, who had blended into the crowd drawn to the commotion while catching her eyes, before he slipped unnoticed by the guards from sight to disappear amongst the onlookers.

She recalls how it had spent countless times that she had found herself looking for a glimpse of him when she was taken out her protection tightened, to no avail. 

She remembers had not only missed that smile but found herself sleeping holding her left hand in her right hand, which was the way he held her hand, making her wonder how he felt about her. 

Her fascination the language he spoke which she found out later was from Goryeo, making her repeat them in the dark, when she was by herself. Using her memory that had buried deep in her subconscious to use as a reference to pronounce them the way he had, to understand what it meant. 

It had been only after several years that had passed, that she had seen him. She had been sixteen and he had been seventeen when she had caught her first glimpse on him at the emperor's birthday, when a palace banquet had been held. Da Dao attended along with his father, King Wei.

She remembers how she had recognized him at first glance and how she had approached him trembling and staggering, only to see him watching her with a cold glance that indicated that he had not recognized her at all, so she had decided to change her direction slightly to walk past him instead.

She had been later formerly introduced to the Prince of Goryeo and Grand Prince of Gangneung, when her and her mother later went to give their birthday wishes to the emperor. It was then that she realized the smiling boy in her memory had become an adult who never smiled.

Meanwhile Taiwan was running from the temple to bring a message to Choi Young from The Queen, he was being summoned to be the one lucky to breakfast with her. 

Unfortunately for Choi Young who had been feeling much lighter due to the meditation and breathing exercises, suddenly starts to feel heavy and reluctantly moves to comply with the summons.

Making his way he recounts the never-ending requirements he is meant to fulfill; first he had to departed from Gaegyeong to attend the newly enthroned Lord Sang. Second, the day he arrived at Gangneung in Yuan after running without even a single night of rest he has to meet the Queen for the first time. 

Choi Young remember his first encounter with the Queen how when he enters the room she was in the lowers his head to not make eye contact with her, even by accident.

His first impressions of her were that she is a person that is carved out of wood, there is no expression on her face and that she sits as still as a statue. 

Choi Young is familiar with the fact that the King and Queen have been married for 2 years and that since they have been married have never lived together, which is unusual for adult men and women who get married. 

Maybe it is not that unusual as they may see each other as the enemy, which made to marry because of the throne, which would make sense. 

Rumours of the lives of the Royals are always popular and spread rapidly. When Dolbae delivered the information that the newly appointed King was being brought to Gaegyeong, it was said that Rain was not a picky or complaining person and it was said that he was not an insensitive person.

Choi Young recalls how one night in the mountains where we had to camp, deep at night when everyone was asleep, he had walked to the nearby stream. It was when he was approaching that he had spotted a figure standing alone. 

The sight had made his eyebrows furrow as he could see under the moonlight of Hwiyeongcheong, that it was the Queen and she seemed to be crying which was only evident by the way her shoulders trembling as she cried silently. 

Choi Young stopped walking and hurriedly dropped his gaze to slightly turn his body away, to remain where he was to silently guard her, while giving her the privacy she had sought. 

After a while his awareness picked up when she started to move to make her way towards him with steadily, before passing by him as if nothing had happened to make her way back in silence, as he followed. 

Before they both reached the main group, she suddenly stopped walking, which made him also stop, turning she asks him quietly, "What did you just see?" which he answered calmly and simply, "The moonlight and the stream and the trees." She then says, "Is that all?" He answers, "That is it."

She then says, "...thanks." Choi Young is amazed that the Queen is a person who was born and raised as a princess of Yuan speaks the language of Goryeo so fluently, he cannot believe it, when she then says, "Thank you for watching over me."

The two impressions of her have left a glimmer of doubt to nag at his subconscious. Returning to the present when he sees the Head Palace Lady Choi was waiting at the entrance to the temple to escort Choi Yeong to the Queens annex.

He asks the Palace Choi briefly, "Is her body tolerable?" which she answers with "Yes." Before asking, "Why did the Queen call Captain Woodalchi...?"

Which he then answers, "I do not know." Lady Choi pauses briefly just outside the door of the annex glancing at him to assess the validity of his answer before opening it for him to enter. 

Choi Young walks through the doorway to then stop just inside the entrance of the annex is so secret that a long curtain hides the inside of it from those who might walk past when the solid door is open and matching curtains hang over windows. 

On one side of the room there is a table for writing while in the middle a table of refreshments can be seen. 

Lady Choi then closes the door which has two female guards standing sentry on the outside and she takes her place to stand guard in front of it. Except for Lady Choi there was no one else inside the room that had martial arts to protect the Queen.

Choi Young unable to bear it, he asks Lady Choi Sang-gung."I heard the Mugakshis are protecting it properly. Why is it so empty?" Lady Choi looks at him and answers, "The Queen has ordered that she wants to meet you in private." 

Choi Young is not pleased with this information, and he knows that the King is currently under pressure from Jo Il-shin's endless requests for the presence of the doctor from heaven, who is currently in the Haneul Clinic and oblivious to the impact of her presence.

Ever since they had left the border village where the heaven gate had been located, its appearance had been the source of Jo Il-shin's motivation in making requests had been made and he even demanded that Choi Young be called.

Choi Young can still recall the importance of his demands and the frustration of not being able to persuade his audience are reflected in how loud he is making himself heard.

The yelling could be heard outside of the room and carries for some distance, meanwhile inside the room the whole room reverberates and shakes with the emotion that is used in expressing his passion for his argument, "The Sky Lady is the greatest weapon your Majesty has. If you look at it, it is the only weapon you have. Why do not you use it? Are you there?"

The Captain of the Woodalchi feels the weight of his position as he listens with apprehension at what is being proposed. He feels himself get older as the weariness of all that has transpired weighs heavily on him.

The moment when he made his promise to convince the Heavenly Doctor to come flashes through his head. "If you save the Queen, I will definitely return you."

The person who had convinced the King to send him to find the Heavenly Healer leading the captain to promise in heaven to enable them to save the Queen. The person who made him choose to violate his Kings command or the covenant made to Heaven. 

He had decided to violate his covenant at the expense of his life which was then saved by the grace of the one from Heaven, which had made him more determined to fulfill his promise. Now this same person is advocating to use that Heavenly Doctor as a weapon.

The gleam of his eyes is a mixture of calculation, maliciousness and a clear greed to manipulate the influence of the person from Heaven using the instability of the King's position, is without a doubt the most uncomfortable thing he has had to witness.

Choi Young is relieved to see that the King is not a comfortable with what is being proposed either. Unfortunately, the King seems to be weighing what his political adviser is advocating. He has no one to lean on in the Goryeo royal palace where even the Queen Mother, whom he thought would be of support, is giving him a cold shoulder.

The King looks at the captain thinking how this is his fault for leaving him alone with the man. It is not rational to think that it would have been any different with the captain by his side.

Unfortunately for the King with the impact of the Officials not making an appearance, his own mother not wanting to see him and the attack on the Queen, makes feel that he cannot even rely on his guard.

So, what else can he do as a King without even a guard? Maybe it is also a path that needs to be considered.

The King then looks at the captain who asks "Let us use the one from Heaven as a weapon.... What weapon and how should we use it?"

The King then asks, "What do you mean?" He then looks at Jo Il-shin for more information. 

In response to the King's question, Jo Il-shin spat out an impassioned speech, smearing saliva on his mouth, "First of all, you need to know the skills that the one from Heaven possess. Does she only have the medical skill to save people, or does she also have the magic of heaven?" 

The captain can not believe what he is hearing, interjects "Are you doing this?" and asks, "What if you do not know about Taoism?" 

Jo Il-shin answers, "You must know. If you don't know, I must at least teach you." The King perplexed asks, "What?" at which Jo Il-shin says like it is obvious, "You can just make a heavenly magic, Your Highness."

The King was dumbfounded, but still had some expectations. After all, did he not clearly see with his own eyes that she really had come from heaven. On this earth she wears clothes he has never seen before, the way that she speaks and the words she uses that he has never heard before.

The way that her hair was red like the morning glow and how she was not at all intimidated when dealing with himself, the King. It gave the impression that he was nothing, but a pebble mixed in amongst the sand. 

The King is snapped out of his thoughts when a loud sound can be heard coming from behind him, making turn around.

The Heavenly Healer can be seen making it past the curtain that separates the main entrance and the inner sanctum. Her aura brightens the room as she enters a vision in the medical garments that are more recognizable, the King is amazed at how free-spirited she is even in his presence, so used to the restrained, stilted and overly formally polite interaction he can normally expect.

Eun-soo whose excitement increases with the visions of decorations that drape the corners of the ceiling, paintings that adorn the walls and red cloth with gold writing that decorate every pillar and corner of the path that she follows the guide. The sight of them seems to ignite the expectation and anticipation withing in her an unknown treasure that will be found at the end of the journey.

Entering the room where the King is waiting for her, something catches her eye, her brain recognizing the object…. 'Wait a that a blue and white porcelain that is known in her world as a valuable item of Goryean era.

Eun-soo starts to pull on the sleeves of the man who is leading her, "That is a celadon that was made during the Goreyo Dynasty, right? It appears that it is an original blue porcelain, so it is Goryeo celadon. How long have they been made for? You must be able to buy it, right? Where is the market you can buy it from? It must be close. So close that you can walk to it?" 

The man looks at her perplexed as she has peppered him without breath and has no idea what she is talking about, her use of language makes him increase the speed that they walk. Not noticing that their speed at which they walk has increased. 

Eun-soo's head is racing with the thoughts of being able to take back the celadon, 'If I take a few of these things with me when I go back, I can open my own hospital. Isn't it possible?' Her thoughts of how this object will secure her future are broken, when a young man who stands at the end of the room asks, "Do you like it?"

She had no idea what was going on answers in surprise as she had not notice him when she entered, "Oh, hello." Raising her hands in greeting only to recognize while this was the man who she had been told was the King that she had earlier encountered when saving the Queen. 

Realizing her greeting was probably inappropriate she suddenly thinks, 'I guess I must kneel on the floor and bow. Which one was it that she had seen in those historical dramas?' 

Not knowing what to do she resorts to just asking the King who seems to be an intelligent child dressed in bright dark blue royal attire, "Hey. I heard you are the King. How should I bow? Should I kneel? Because I do not know much about that..." 

The young man... or should I say the King smiled slightly, trying to contain his amusement and answers, "It is my first time seeing someone from Heaven, so I also do not know how to greet and show courtesy to them. Why not make it easier for both of us..." which he indicates a chair for her to sit, while he sits in the one opposite to the chair, he indicated for her.

Breathing a sigh of relief Eun-soo feeling relieved and looks at the chair in front of her and pulls it out a bit to enable her to sit on it without hitting the table that separates them saying, "Okay, I like that.

Please sit down. Let's sit down and talk. It seems that I have done a lot of walking this morning, everything seems to be so far apart, but I did it."

Chatting to in a friendly easy-going manner (more to cover up her nervousness), she becomes aware that there seems to be an unusual tension in the atmosphere.

Looking past the King she recognizes the middle-aged man, who she had not liked from the first encounter that now stands behind the King clearly displeased by the interaction. 

It almost looked like he was about to start foam at the mouth but was barely holding himself back from it spilling out. It makes her wonder what he wants to say.

The King noticing her attention has been drawn to his displeased political adviser, raises his hand to not only signal Jo Il-shin from interrupting but redirects Eun-soo's attention to their purpose as he starts the conversation, "As soon as I arrived at the palace, disturbing events occurred, so I was not able to see you and make sure that you were looked after properly. Was your bed comfortable?" 

Eun-soo's mind was spinning, it is hard to believe that she is sitting here having a conversation with a King of Goryeo. It is 100% hard to believe that she had traveled back in time to the place called Goryeo and that this young man in front of her was the King of Goryeo and on top of that everyone that she has encountered is calling her someone from Heaven. 

It was hard to comprehend let alone believe; does she play along. Who would treat someone from Heaven rudely? Should she consider it? She is not quite comfortable with the idea. 

On one hand she knows that she is not from Heaven, but the complication of trying to explain that she is from the future may cause more problems, as she does not how to find the words to explain to herself let alone these people who have a narrower way of thinking/understanding. 

Eun-soo answers the King, "Why do you ask? I am not the type to complain. I found the food a bit bland. I understand that there is no red pepper powder yet, but why is it still so bland? The room is a bit cold. The blanket is too thin and not big enough to cover what should be covered. 

I also want to take a bath with lots of hot water…. I wonder if that would be possible?" The King looks at the person who escorted her to him standing slightly behind, yet next to Eun-soo. The man catching the King's gaze that silently seeks acknowledgement answers, "We will take action."

The King nods then redirects his gaze to Eun-soo and asks, "Is okay, the one from Heaven?" Eun-soo looks at the young man whose name was Wang and decides in that moment to pretend that she came from heaven, "Yes. Thank you." The King then tests the water and asks, "I have an urgent request to make. Will you listen to it?"

Meanwhile Choi Young-eun was standing tall at the end of the room, feeling increasingly embarrassed which is evident at how close to the exit he has placed himself to enable a quick departure.

The Queen who is already upset by his behaviour, stretches out her hand to point across the table to a seat, that she wants him to sit. 

Choi-Young confused thinks to himself 'Is she asking us to sit across from each other at this table?' He does not move. 

The Queen who has not lowered her hand looks to Choi Sang-gung for assistance, but the other lady ignores her silent request by looking anywhere but at the pair of them, with an expression that says that she cannot see anything. 

Choi Young remains standing like a piece of furniture while the Queen looks at him with her hand still raised, looking at him in such a way that it makes it obvious that she will not take no for an answer. 

Choi Young's embarrassment is compounded with the uncomfortable realization that he has to obey the silent command of the Queen.

Finally, he moves to sit in the chair that she has indicated. Unfortunately, his uneasiness with this whole encounter is not made easier with the scene that unfolds which is truly bizarre and would make an unbelievable story, if anyone else was to see. 

The Queen who has remained standing as he sits, proceeds to pick up the Tea pot that sits on the table and pour it into a teacup herself, before picking it up by the saucer it sits on to hold it up in front of him to take.

The clear discomfort with the unusual situation can be seen in how he hesitates for a moment trying to interpret what is expected by him before deciding to take the teacup offered by the Queen with both hands.

The Queen sits after pouring herself a cup and sit with it in her hands to take a sip before asking him, "Who was it that wanted to kill me?"

He answers still holding the teacup, "We are investigating under the orders of His Majesty the Lord."

His gaze his fixed on the tea in his teacup he asks, "Is that everything?" Not fully understanding asks him, "The one who wants to kill me, is it someone who is from Goryeo?"

Choi Young remains unmoving gaze still fixed on the teacup that is held now on his lap. The Queen persists, "Is it because I became the queen of Goryeo as a person of Yuan? it?"

The answer is simple "If I learn anything, I will report it to Your Majesty and if there is anything that Bhimama needs to know, His Majesty the Lord will know it personally." 

The Queen commands coldly, "Do not think you cannot tell me. I want to know, so you will report to me, what has been reported to the King."

Choi Young slowly raises his head, to see that she is solemn in her demeanor, he decides to find out something that has been nagging at him, so he says tentatively, "Can I ask you one thing first?" she answers, "I am listening." He asks, "When did you learn Goryeo?" The Queen glares angrily at Choi Young's direct question.

Choi Young accepts her anger without wavering, knowing full well that it may incite the anger of Her Majesty. 

Choi Young then explains the reason why he has asked, "It was two years ago that the Princess of the Yuan Dynasty got married to Your Majesty. It is such a complex language to learn in just two years."

The Queen's voice, once cold as ice, trembles as she confronts him, "Does that mean that one is reluctant to tell the people of the Yuan Dynasty about the affairs of Goryeo. Does it?"

 Choi Young reluctantly decides to back down with the following words, "It was presumptuous. I will withdraw the question."

He continues to look at her, thinking how suspicious she was, after all it was only two years ago, King Volod Te of Wei, the Queen's father, married his daughter to the prince of Goryeo?

How was it decided? When was it decided? After all those who were under Grand Prince Gangneung all joined the new King. 

It was a time when everything was over, and now there was no way to become the king of Goryeo. Why did they give their daughter to a seemingly powerless prince? 

Why was she allowed to enter the Goryeo royal family? How long had it been contemplated for? Maybe it had been a long time. Long enough to prepare the young girl in learning the Goryeo language?

Choi Young had been twelve years old at the time, when the King who ascended the throne was dethroned after just two years. It makes him wonder in what matter, so much effort was put into preparing for a role that may not have existed. In his experience those from Yuan did not want Goryeo to exist and it made him more suspicious of the Queens motives.

While these thoughts had been circling his head the Queen had been watching Choi Young in silence to unexpectedly say, "Eight years."

Confused with the suddenness of the words, as he thought the train of conversation had ended Choi Young echos, "Eight years?" 

The Queen then explains, "Eight years ago, I meet a person, who was from Goryeo. I was able to converse with this person directly without anyone acting as an intermediary. This is how I was able to learn through listening to converse with that person." 

She finishes what her explanation, he can see the honesty in her eyes and a reflection of her pain, she then asks him, "Does that answer your question?"

Choi Young lowers his head as he answers, "I trust you." The Queen then says, "Now it is your turn. Return my honesty, with your honesty and answer, "Who wants to kill me?"

Back with the King, Eun-soo answers the King saying, "No, whatever it is... Hey, King, I have to go back." The King taken back by her directness answers, "I know. But..." she gets more agitated as she tries to make him understand, "You know I have been kidnapped, right?"

The King answers simply, "I know." Which she then continues with, "I saved the life of the the Queen, your wife? You know right?" like it is as obvious as the nose on his face. The King is looking at her with an emotionless face thinking, there it is. 

How do you define this directness Uiseon (仙)? Freshness in medicine? Fairy? Eun-soo has not stopped for breath as she continues with her argument as she uses an approach that might appeal to his credibility as King with the next statement, "Please be the righteous leader of this country."

The King looks momentarily confused and asks, "What is that?" Eun-soo pleads in a with an expression that a resembles that of a pitiful child, which would move any female social worker, "If you appreciate it even just a little bit. Please allow me to return."

It is a weapon she has honed as being female has taught her, you can always use facial expressions to entice the audience's reaction and a favourable response.

A look of embarrassment appeared on the King's face, which she has noticed. She stands up to leave and then asks the King, "If you are unable to return me. How about you give me some of these beautiful vases or paintings?" 

The King's face breaks as he smiles in amusement, recognizing that it is her way of trying to save him in embarrassment, whereas Eun-soo is trying to return to the future with a few objects as evidence that she has travelled to the past and thinks he does not know how valuable they are, as they will be classed as antiques, which will sell for lots of money. 

He responds in a manner that displays that he has no care about what she wants to take, "You can pick up whatever Goryeo celadons or paintings on your way back and we will finish with that for today."

Eun-soo is so happy that she can picture herself in front of the reporters and colleagues that must be worried about her after the kidnapping. She says to the King, "Think of how I can use them as evidence that you did not take me by force." He looks as her confused again and asks, "What do you mean?" 

Eun-soo then explains, "You may not be aware that that psycho attracted a lot of attention when he kidnapped me. When I return, I will be able to convince them that I was not kidnapped." The King then asks, "How?" 

Eun-soo then who is about to make him more confused with the scene she presents goes on to describe how she will convince the people from heaven that she was not kidnapped in vivid detail.

"When I return there will be numerous people who have been looking for me, the police, the hospital security, the director of the hospital, the hospital staff, friends, colleagues, rivals, and probably my mother. 

More importantly the number of reporters and people that hold cameras that will be so many that they will probably surround me.

The ones holding cameras with bright lights that televise live to their stations while others hold cameras that will click as flashbulbs blind her with their brightness as pictures are taken spasmodically, reporters either hold microphones or recorders in their hands to immortalize what I am going to say and how I am going to answer their questions. 

Amongst these reporters and their camera people stand the people from the hospital that I work at, her colleagues, her rivals, her friends some closer than others that support her poor mother and the director of her hospital who may be standing beside her or behind her. I can say look, I was not kidnapped, I went on a visit, these are the celadon from Goryeo and paintings that I brought back, that I received as medical expenses that were provided."

The middle-aged person who has been watching and listening this whole interaction who has been barely containing his displeasure at what he is witnessing and interpretating as offensive explodes, "You will not be able to return." Eun-soo looks at his taken back by the verosity of how he says this statement.

 Jo Il-shin does not draw breath as he bombards her with, "You think it is easy to go back the way you came? The gates of heaven are closed. How are you going to return? Do you think that the gates that are now closed can easily be opened?....I can tell you now that NO ONE knows when that door will open again. NO ONE even knows if it will open again." 

Eun-soo who listens to the barrage cannot believe what she hears, which is obvious at how wide her eyes get in disbelief. She looks at the King and then asks, "What is this old man saying?"

The King is glaring at his political adviser, but this does not dissuade the man from bombarding her with more confronting questions, "Do you know how to open it? Then how are you going to go? You cannot go if it does not even open." 

Eun-soo feels her temperature rise as she suddenly cannot take anymore as she stands up angrily to walk up to him aggressively to yell at him like he has been yelling at her, "What? If you cannot do it. Then why are you throwing around claims that you cannot support?

Get that psycho who kidnapped me. Who is he, again.... The one you call captain. Ram said he would somehow send me back…. So, to get that person would be great. He even said it to my face that he would send me back."

The King who has been watching the whole interaction with Jo ii-shin in disbelief at how the man has made the one from Heaven change from happy, calm and friendly to angry, demanding and volatile, can be seen to physically pale at her words.

The King holds his hand up to stop his political adviser from responding to her demands or making things worse if that is possible. Eun-soo recognizes his intervention and looks at the King as he then indicates for her to resume her seat.

Eun-soo sits waiting with an expectation for the denial of what has been said by the middle-aged man, as she watches the King resume his seat, he takes time to adjusts his robes, like he is contemplating what he is going to say, and it appears that it is not she is going to hear. 

The King then speaks with an earnest look on his face, "Heeseon, this country that I live in has been under Yuan intervention for nearly a hundred years. Every year, the people pay tribute to the Yuan Dynasty squeezing out their blood and drying out their bones before crushing them, this way of living is not living. 

I am not able to complain to the superiors who want to cling to the power of that circle and suck out the suffering of the people. I would like to change and take the lead in protecting the people instead."

Eun-soo comments, "I do not know much about history, and I am not originally interested in politics. People in politics say they are taking the lead in…. You speak well but is it not all just a matter of eating and drinking. You understand this metaphor, right? I will help if it is the right thing to do."

Eun-soo can see the face of the old man standing next to but slightly behind the King turn red at what she has said. She wonders what he has to say. T

he world is always made up of the weak and the strong. Strength to her came from honesty, she does not make up lies or say things that she does not mean, finding it is a waste of time to even think about it. 

She found that mischievous words come from cowardice, and cowardly lies are always caught. It is not like that she has not witnessed other saying whatever it took to obtain higher positions and taking paths, making connections to enable them to get a higher status in society and the most important thing was how to keep that highere status. 

She just found for herself that it was too tiring to always be scheming about how to manipulate the people she interacts with to benefit herself." Her perception of those in those in politics, the everyday common person did not exist they were only needed just pay their taxes and convinced to vote for them when the time came. 

She was watched that old man mildly waiting wondering how long it was going to take him to fall, acting like that. He clearly did not like that she stated the truth of the situation in such blatant terms, as he opened his mouth so wide, but ended up splattering as the words that he wanted to say, would not come out. 

Boy he really needed to get his blood pressure checked. Eunsoo observed that although the middle-aged man seemed to be angry, the young king appeared to sit there calmly with a mild smile on his face, before asking, "So, is that how Heaven sees us?"

Eun-soo sighs without realizing it thinking 'Ah, the sky again..." then stops herself as she looks at the change in the young King's face from amusement to one of loneliness, she apologizes, "I'm sorry."

The young King's face changes from the look of loneliness to one of more affability where he smiles with his eyes, leans his body forward and asks Eun-soo, "I sometimes wondered. Whose Heaven, is it? Are we too small? Is Heaven not interested in countries with no power?"

The person who came said, "Why would the King of this small country ask such a request?" The King then pushes "Why is Goryeo so small?" Eun-soo takes his side without realizing it, "It must be annoying."

Eun-soo can relate to his frustration, because she is a person from the Republic of Korea a country which for all things considered originated from Goryeo. 

She who gets choked up just hearing the national anthem during the World Cup, cannot think of anything apart from 'How great will this country become later.

Is that bad now? No! Do not think like that that. The land area is small, but that is not the problem. Just a little more time and the insignificance of how small the country is will disappear from world to be replaced with all other counties that demand and use their products.

The first thing that Eun-soo said to comfort him, "Do you know what happens later? Rather than knowing something.... Do you want to know how long it will take to change?"

She seems to hesitate for a moment as she weighs in her head the possible consequences they warn about in movies and then decides that is fiction and she is dealing with reality so goes on to suddenly demand in an excited way, "What year is it?"

The King confused with her random change in demenour and the way she talks says, "What year?" When Eun-soo then goes on like he has not said anything, "Ah, I guess I don't have any writing skills yet. Hmm... I want to go over there now...You said la, right? Then... what will the King's posthumous name be? You can tell me?"

The young King answers, his eyes sparkling with sudden interest recognizing the last question,"My immediate predecessor, King Gyeongchang, has not yet received a posthumous title and the previous King received the crown, before him was my brother. Chunghye, who was...." he watches Eun-soo as she looks into space as she processed the information he has given. 

She is sorting through the information she can remember from high school history, feeling like there is a lot of dust in her brain to uncover the knowledge, she knows is in there. 

She focuses on the Goryeo royal genealogy was well memorized thanks to her history teacher which was intent on making all the students remember the line of royals that sat on the throne in the order that they took the throne in the form of a melody, that she finds herself start humming, ignoring the young King and the old man's dumbfounded look when she starts with,

"De・・・・"pausing to concentrate before continuing, "Taehye Jeonggwang Gyeongseongmok・・・・・Hyeondeokjeongmun Sunseonheon・・・・・・ Sukye・・・・・・ Humming... Middle... Chungryeol Seon Suk Hyemok Precision Industry... So, Chungryeol Chungseon, Chungsuk Chunghye. Chungmok, Loyalty, citizen... Which of these is the King? Is it King Chunghyeseon, King Chungmokseon. Next is Chungjeong, then Gongmin."

She looks up to focus on her audience noticing that the middle-aged man is trembling who answers excitedly answers, "That is right, King Gongmin."

The young King interjects in a voice that is high in excitment,"Grand Prince Gyeongchang is a loyalist." The middle-aged man then says, "His Highness is a citizen. Did you hear? Chungja does not attach. Allied to the Yuan Dynasty, there is no one called Your Holiness, your majesty."

Eun-soo's head stopped for a moment and then started spinning again with the thoughts that she tries to be sought through. Is the young King sitting before me Min・・・・・・King? If so…The Queen must be Princess Noguk, right?

Her eyes get wide with the realization that this is real as her head suddenly thinks 'OH MY GOD! This is totally awesome.' 

She should have stopped there but she is totally oblivious to the pandora's box she is about to open, when her excitement at the realization of who she sits across takes over and starts to make a fuss by saying, "I went to King Gongmin's shrine. The King and Queen were there. It also had the portraits of you, but it looked nothing like you…. Actually, you are much more handsome." 

The last part makes the old man splutter in indignation and spit out words to ask, "Do you mean to say that there is a shrine for His Highness in the sky?" Eun-soo answers matter of factly, "You can find it in Mapo-gu. There is a painting done by the King himself." She then asks the King, "You're good at drawing and painting, are you not?"

At those words, Jo Il-shin sounds out of breath when he utters out loud, "Heaven knows everything. She really knows everything."

The King finds the whole experience overwhelming and does not quite what to make of what has been said, asks cautiously, "Are you saying there is a picture of me in the sky?" Eun-soo answers, "It's a painting of a person sits who on a horse that is in the motion of hunting on horseback.

It is a picture of Arthur looking back like this...…" The statement is met with silence and the King and the middle-aged man seem to be looking at each other like they recognize the painting that she describes. 

Eun-soo then goes on to explain, "Well, it is not the real thing, but a copy. Oh, and at that shrine, there is also a shrine to General Choi Young. It seems like you two were very close. Do you know anything? Have you met yet?"

At those words, both the King and the middle-aged man look at her in astonishment as they expel breath that has been held to answer, "General Choi Young?" Eun-soo answers, "Yes. Choi Young・・・・・・." The King then answers, "You mean Woodalchi Captain Choi Young?"

At those words, Eun-soo's mouth finally closed in realization before standing yelling, "WHAT?!.... Are you saying that PSYCHO who kidnapped me is that person Choi Young?!" she collapses to sit back down on the chair thinking 'no way that golden bogey is Choi Young. 

The one who lifted me up, carried me, hugged me and looked a me with those dark bottonless eyes. It can not be the same man that I stabbed was the Choi Young that appears in all the national history book as the General Young? Now that I think about it, somewhere he said his name. I think he said it. My name is so-and-so. That was ∙∙∙∙∙∙ Choi Young….huh?

Eunsu's mind turned white at the thoughts in her head that make her realise what has occurred. Not being able to handle it anymore she closes her eyes in habit to try to block the reality in front of her, making her hope with all her might that this is all a dream, that any moment she will open her eyes and she will be in her room, in her be. 'Please.... Please….' she begs in her head '...make this all a vivid bad dream.'

Meanwhile, back with the Queen and her question Choi Young adjusted his posture and began to speak, "I am a military attaché, so I don't know much about politics. I guess what I do not know or understand the whole story.

I will report to you the information, that I have." The Queen listens quietly knowing he does not use unnecessary words to cover what he will say. After all he has live a long time suppressing his emotions and catalogues any insights, he has of those around them.

Choi Young goes on to explain his thoughts to the Queen, "Although the previous attack was aimed at Queen, its purpose was to destabilise the Kings' throne in the eyes of Yuan. 

After all the Queen is from the Yuan Dynasty, which is a symbol of power. If the assassination had succeeded and she was to lose her wings and was to fall so would the Kingdom of Goyreo. Allowing Yuan to take over, that is probably how it was calculated."

The Queen suddenly asks, "Was it the Empress Ki's brother? Was it him?" Choi Young is surprised that she knows politics and looks at the Queen, to answer calmly, "I cannot think of anyone else in the world of Goryeo who would be worthy of that. His power is great and like a storm, but your power is weak." 

The Queen states, "I heard it looks like a candle in front of it." There is a pause before Choi Young answers, "There will be people who say that." The Queen is watches Choi Young eyes that are full of sadness instead of the emptiness she is used to seeing. She asks quietly, "How many Kings have you protected so far?" He is uncomfortable with the question when he answers, "・・・・・・That doesn't count." 

The Queen pushes, "Empress Ki's brother. If he kills us and becomes King, you will become a protector for him too, right?" Choi Young cannot answer at first knowing that is the vow he has fulfilled in the past. He has stayed up all night and risked his life for the Kings he has protected. He will fight against those who would be enemies of the Kings he has protected, just like she said…. unless he dies before them.

Distracted the next moment, takes Choi Young by surprise making him almost jumped up, when he feels a cool hand touch his head. The realisation that the Queen has stretched her hand across the table to touch his forehead with the back of it makes him protest. "Please do not touch your servant your highness." The Queen challenges him, "So you want to die?"

Unable to bear it, Choi Young pulls his body back attempting to stand at the same time to escape, but the Queen stands to move behind him to push his body back down to sit. The movement not only takes him by surprise it enables her to get a better feel at the temperature he is running, as she pushes his hair to place her hand flat on his forehead to ask, "Are you planning on dying? I heard that when it feels like a fireball like this that is what will happen if it does not receive treatment."

Choi Young says quietly but urgently, "Please take it away." The Queen remains where she is with her hand that feels cool still on his hot forehead and firmly commands, "Do not die. This is your Queen's order." The Queen then steps away withdrawing her presence to leave the room quietly with the Head Court Lady Choi, who had during this whole interaction stood just on the inside of the curtain but turned away to allow privacy. 

Choi Young remains seated in the now empty room, it takes a moment for him to collect his thoughts at the strange interaction and then stands himself to leave the room in a brisk walk, to make his way back to his duties.

It is his appearance which makes Taiwan who has been waiting impatiently for him in the shadows make his way in characteristically animalistic way but in a more hurried way which makes it apparent to Choi Young that the matter he is important, pausing momentarily to hear what has caused the other to seek him out. 

Taiwan whispers something in the captain's ear then hands him a tin container that holds the lunch for those on guard outside. After taking the tin container he walks quickly towards the river. He stands momentarily to scan the surroundings to first notice that the amount of time that has lapsed as the sun seems to have made its way across the sky to head west.

He notices that only nine people gathered in groups of three are standing in the palace's perimeter not far from the gold soldiers that stand guard. 

Noticing Joo-sang who is supposed to be back protecting Eun-soo surrounded by a group of people and all of these different group's attention seem to be focused on something with an air of surprise and excitement which is reflected in the way they chatter in a noticeable way amongst themselves. 

Choi Young follows their gazes to see what he had not noticed when he came out due to him still grappling with his disturbing thoughts. It was the Heavenly Lady, who seems to be wandering around the palace. His eyes widen at the sight, as she turns to go in the direction of the medical clinic.

His eyes change from surprise to quickly sharpen as he looks at Joo-sang who was supposed to be responsible for the afternoon meal of his subordinates but was instead to preoccupied with participating in the gossip. It is this gossip that fuels the environment and generates more talk which come across like children who are more interested in commenting and arguing who is right.

He was so preoccupied gossiping with another subordinate that he had not notice Choi Young approach him with until the displeased aura that has increased makes his presence silence the others making Joo-sang aware and belatedly, hurriedly bows, taking the tin container that is shoved into his hands.

Joo-sang taken by surprise at the tin container shoved into his hand's cries, "What?" still not comprehending as he is intimidated by his captains displease aura cries again, "What…...What…..." Choi Young gestures for him to open it, which the other does not comply with as he stutters under the captain's harsh look to try to explain, "They keep coming to ask about the person who came from heaven. 

They keep wanting to know if you really brought them from Heaven. They ask me if I really did see it clearly with both eyes? So, I told the kids...…." Stuttering to a stop he is unable to finish as the captain's displeasure takes a physical manifestation where he is kicked from behind the knee to make him kneel before he grabbed by the head to slam it to the ground, making the tin container he holds being crushed to the ground under him. 

His head is held to remain pressed to the ground as the captain demands in a menacingly way, "Why are you joining them. Who is it that is asking? Who is the first one to make a fuss?" Joo-sang who is crushed to the ground feels like he is dying answers, "It was not us. It was a Eunuchs." 

The captain menacingly demands low, "How?" The other answers, "The Eunuchs from the Inner court came out and made a fuss. I am just a kid." Which the captain who is displeased with this whole situation commands, "Do not talk back to me..."

Choi Young looks around as he still presses the mans' head to the ground, who mutters to defend himself because he is scared. The other Woodalchies catch Choi Young's attention as they approach him, he releases the man, he holds to hear them one by one to add their reports in this developing situation.

"The rumor spread throughout the palace." One says, while another reports, "The Lord Chief Minister himself called the one from Heaven... and also gave orders for us to report and serve…."

Another then reports a more concerning matter, "By now, the word has probably spread to the outskirts of Gaegyeong. The one from Heaven does not only just know medicine, but also with heavenly eyes can see the future and knows everything...…."

The person giving the last report did not even finish the sentence, as Choi Young swears under his breath and has taken off running in a sprint knowing the danger that this presents with those who like power.

Eun-soo who has returned to the medical clinic after her talk with the King, is currently watching the activity of people coming in to fulfill the tasks that she has requested. 

The small house is bustling while she tries to stand in the corner of it too keep out of the way, holding the medicinal herbs from Jeonuisi, watching with her mouth open in amazement at what is happening before her eyes.

A person dressed as a palace worker to supervise the work and delegate task to those people coming in and out. First the table and chairs that she had used at dinner and breakfast is removed with the screen that she had use to dress behind.

Next the construction of the bathroom was taking place with the introduction of a metal bathtub that was being filled with warmed water, towels and a more elaborate screen to bathe behind, towels and clean clothes. 

A lot of fancy furniture was being brought in with a new table and chairs, thicker blankets and bedding for her to use. On the new table objects like paintings, the blue and white Goryeon porcelain and a coveted silver celadon were being place with other decorations that showed that the King had been listening to her words and added them without her asking.

Choi Young was greeted to this sight of dozens of people milling about entering with objects and leaving empty handed. It had been hard initially to refuse the offer for her to reside in the medical clinic to take her to some kind of villa. 

The sight of all these people makes him regret the decision as it is solidifies the danger she is in after what he has heard. Dougie quickly grabs him anxious at all the strangers, pointing to inside the cottage. 

Her apparent anxiety feeds the anxiety he feels compound with what he heard turn to hysteria as he pushes through the people to enter the small cottage to find her standing awkwardly in the corner of the house as the bedding is swapped with a silk mattress and a blanket that is as thick as twenty centimeters. 

The anxiety he feels like triggers the pain in his solar plexus which twist and knott as sudden nausea hits to combine with the headache from earlier to make him bend over suffering from vertigo to try and regain his center of gravity. After regaining his equilibrium, he talks to Dougie quietly which results in the other entering the little cottage.

Eun-soo who is taken by surprise at the appearance of Dougie who came in to quickly take arm to pull her outside the cottage. The action enables her to try and comprehend what is happening as it seems that the whole experience of coming to terms with what is happened must start again, with this new information that has bombarded her and was not able to be catalogued appropriately in her brain.

Eun-soo felt that her mind is like an overclocked CPU that is running and running, where updated need to be loaded and the operator keeps postponing the updates. 

She regrets that she has a poor knowledge of the national history making her brain cells work overtime to recall if they have knowledge of the late Goryeo Dynasty period. The brain cell that was working hard to retrace the facts, while others were working on physics. 

All this knowledge is then being combined, tested and combined with the knowledge with that she has learned from basic science fiction movies and dramas like Back to the Future and Stargate where they incorporated quantum physics formula into their story telling with the theory of parallel universes, time travel may have relevancy as the same names of King Gongmin, King Woo, and Lee Seong seem to overlap with one another and in the same order.

At the same time the Goryeo celadon poses questions in her head about how much it would sell for and what she could use the money on, when suddenly the she is brought to the present when the sight of the Psycho standing there makes her almost scream in surprise but is instead left soundless as she stands silent with her mouth open at how tall he is, as he looks down at her in a disapproving way before saying, "I am leaving now."

Then proceeds to walk ahead as if he does not need to hear a response. Eun-soo who is standing like a statue, just watches unable to comprehend what is happening. It is not until he comes back to put his hand on her back that feels big is she snapped out of her stupor with the contact and yells in surprise, capturing his arm to say, "Hey, wait a minute."

He stops to disengage her hold on him when she suddenly asks "Your name is Cho Young…. Right...Is that right?..." He answers bluntly, knowing he told her name at the statue of Buddah when he made his covenant, "You are right." 

She persists, "Are there any other Choi Youngs around? So, in the palace...Among high-ranking people, there is no one else named Choi Young." 

Choi Young is perplexed with this line of questioning, making him look at her piercingly like he trying to decipher her thoughts. His silence seems to be confirmation that no other person exists with this name making her realise that this person is indeed the General Choi Young who appears in the national history book. 

Choi Young who seem to ignore her questions says to her, "I cannot leave right now. I will get some trustworthy men to protect you until I am able to leave."

Eun-soo grapples with what is being said to her as trying to understand what is happening in her head and with what is happening right now makes her stutter trying to comprehend what he is trying to communicate, "Putting it on… what…?" he himself is trying to make the urgency of what needs to be done clear, "Please you go first. I will follow you within a day or two if possible." 

She asks to clarify, "So you're telling me to leave right now?" his answer is to the point, "Yes." She persists, "Why?" which he answers, "This place is dangerous now. There will be people looking for you." Which make her confused, ""Me? Who? Why?"

Choi Young sighs as he tries to suppress his rising frustration, as he has never met anyone who picks on each word, sentence and question everything that is talked about like this and this is no enemy, so he says urgently, "You just have to do what I tell you." 

Eun-soo is not one to do what is demanded of her without knowing why, she will ask questions until she is satisfied with the reasons behind her compliance, so finding his answer unacceptable makes her turn towards him. 

The sudden action makes him collide with her, which causes physical pain shot through his body which makes him loose his balance for a moment to find his normally sure footing, making him embarrassed, but which is overlooked by Eun-soo who bombards him with questions, "Why am I in danger? Who should I be afraid of?" 

He answers simply after recovering from the embarrassment of nearly falling over with "You have to be careful."

So others cannot hear he needs to discuss with her, they have been walking the perimeter of the large herbal garden filled with various large and small herbs and had reached the point that they had started at when the one from Heaven stands with her hands on her hips, making him wonder what should he do with this person? 

The idea of putting a gag on her mouth and putting her in a sack for him to carry flashes across his mind when suddenly, he picks up on another person's presence that he can sense is beyond the western wall. Was it coming from the roof?

The next moment, Choi Young finds himself closing the distance between them to embrace Eun-soo to protect her and move her out of the way of the fireball that he has sensed rather than seen, for it to land not far from where they had been standing to explode on impact with a deafening sound. 

He then looks over his shoulder as his body still protects Eun-soo to look across the flower bed, to kick the empty heavy wooden cart used to transport pots and heavy bags to block the way of any further attempt to attack and to hide them from sight. 

The cart falls onto its side landing to hide him and Eun-soo, enabling him to move her stunned compliant form to the protection of a space behind a wall, while another fireball is being thrown at the same time.

The fireball hit the cart squarely, sending out a burnt smell in all directions. Choi Young quickly looks at the woman in his arms, noticing how scared her eyes look as they are look up at him.

Choi Young lifts his head to look at the cart then to look at her for a moment, noticing how she shrinks back to hide her face in his chest as a fireball is shot at them to hit his ear. 

He looks behind him to look at the girl in red who seems to be the opponent that is aiming to get his attention with her actions.

Eun-soo peeks to look past his shoulder in the direction that he looks in and notices the figure that stands there. It appears to be a girl dressed in red who she notices that is standing on the roof of the pharmacy and she had been throwing fireballs one after the other. 

It makes her wonder where she hides them but is unable to figure it out as she is to busy hiding from them as they explode loudly. The sound and the unexpected speed at how they appear and are thrown makes her scream. 

The smell of the cart as it catches fire is acrid which changes to one of sickening as she smells the burnt flesh of the fireball that was aimed at them, the whole experience is overwhelming and makes her whimper as she hides, "I cannot do this anymore." 

She feels panic when suddenly Choi Young lets her go, stepping away and about to leave as he says, "Please wait here until I come back." 

The action makes her grab his clothes asking in panic, "Where are you going?" He looks into those eyes amazed that she is not screaming for help and seems to be worried about him and answers simply with confidence, "I will be return." Accompanied with her hand that holds onto him being disengaged. 

Eun-soo watches in a daze as she cannot believe that he is not afraid at all and clearly intends to fight, this makes her chase after him to grab onto him more determinedly as he is on the verge of going out, to fight and hangs on to stop him from engaging with the opponent despite that on a certain level of awareness that she should not be a burden.

Another fireball flies upwards, making a crackling sound, before exploding, barely swallowing a scream that comes out. Hey! What is this?! A BOMB! HEY?! IT IS LIKE A GRENADE! During the Goryeo Dynasty. 

Choi Young then grabs a hay bale to throw it into the path of another fireball flying towards them, before grabbing her body up to bounce them both in the opposite direction.

The whole attack seemed unreal, how can anyone leap at a speed and height that is beyond normal movements and then crab walk to jump in the air to kick oncoming tree branches to change direction, watching him take another leap forward to kick the cart over.

Eun-soo can see the figure that is a young woman dressed in red standing on the roof with the hem of her skirt fluttering who jumps over the wall with no effort to land in a way that was light and in control, to then make eye contact with Eun-soo.

The look of mischievous intent is clearly reflected in those eyes as she laughs, before a fireball forms in the palm of her had to then be shot out of it towards Eun-soo. 

The sight boggles Eun-soos mind as it tries to make sense of a fireball being created with no other tools, seeming to appear out of thin air to then flying straight towards her with what seems to be little effort for the speed that it comes towards her at, making her freeze, unable to move. 

Choi Young comes in between her and the fireball to block it with his sword, to then change where it had been sent to miss its initial target to fly back towards the woman who stands across from the flower bed.

The woman in red laughs out in delight as she nimbly dodges her creation to fly her body over the wall to disappear, her laughter trailing behind her to fill the air like a child playing a game. She is happy to find an opponent that challenges her and thinks of how amazing the Geumgun leader is and how those dark eyes show a glimmer of light within their depths.

Choi Young eyes followed the figure of the girl whose body flew with no effort over the tall wall to disappeared. He quickly checks if the Heavenly Lady has been injured asking, "Are you okay?"

She is crouched on the ground and appears to only be in shock as she stutters in amazement, "What on earth is this? Fire shot out of that person's hand, and she flew to enter and jumped over that high wall without using a ladder."

His attention is caught when the Oriental doctor Jang Bin come running asking anxiously, "What is happening?" He quickly closes the distance between them and drops to kneel behind the cart that is still engulfed in flames.

The appearance of the oriental doctor seems to snap Eun-soo out of her shock as then did the realization of what she had witnessed was real. S

he raises her body to kneel as she looks at Jang-Bin with wide eyes and utters in a stammer, "X-Men...." the unknown reference makes him look at her with more concern as he answers, "What?" she answers, "X-Men...that woman made fire…..she has superpowers..."

He quickly glances at Choi Young, who also has no idea what she is talking about apart from the making fire part and watches as she seems to collapse against the other man's body making his arms to automatically come up to catch her, which makes Choi Young frown in either concern or displeasure it hard to decipher.

Choi Young quickly stands up, knowing that the Heavenly Lady is safe in with Jang-Bin, who will not leave her side.

Choi Young nimbly jumps on to the top of the tall wall that the girl in red had jumped over, with little effort to stand on the top of it momentarily to see the girl in red dart behind the herbal medicine room, to the climb over another wall he then seems to step off the wall to drop down to the other side to follow her. 

He runs lightly and swiftly while sorting through the information in his head that he has collected so far of those with a motive to infiltrate the Medical Clinic.

Choi Young remember being told that Deokseong Buwongun Ki-Cheol that had been responsible for recruiting and cultivating people that could use internal energy as part of their martial art skills. It was said that those he could not sway to his cause would be disposed of.

Among them, he had heard of Samae who is a known operative that no only has a close relationship with Ki-Cheol, but is a trusted aide who can channel his inner energy through music, to disable and even kill his opponet with the piercing music that his inner skill is able to transmit. 

The one he encountered was said to be Ki-Cheol's sister that could summon fire. Why was she targeting the Doctor of Heaven?

Before crossing the second fence, Choi Young he recalls how the gathered and imprisoned officials died. The thought makes his true energy of the Danjeon begin travel down his arm to shake momentarily before sparking in his hand, for him to extinguish it before it takes form. 

Jang-Bin had warned him earlier during breakfast, "Do not get angry. If your passion explodes like a dam bursting, you will not be able to it will get control of it." 

Choi Young has climbed over the second tall wall and has dropped down to the ground to unsheathe his sword, sensing his opponent is waiting for him out of sight but not far.

He hears the words "I am in front of you." Which makes him look in the direction the voice comes from to see the smiling face of the girl dressed in red, as she comes into his sight. He waits for her nest move. 

She stands where she has emerged, hands behind her back as she smiles in that amused way, that reflects the mischievous nature of her character. She approaches asking, "You are the Woodalchi Captain Choi Young. Are you not?" 

Choi Young responds by launching his body to attack her with his sword first, as he responds, "You get arrested first, and we will give public statement later."

The girl cleverly dodged the sword and jumps back to keep the distance, between them while smiling brightly in delight at him to taunt, "I heard the Leader of the Woodalchi was a man of who was such a kind person of strength and power. So, I thought he was a man with a black beard."

She looks at Choi Young, smiling brightly as she pulls a hand that is emitting the energy of heat of fire, without it being created to suddenly try to grab at him with it. He dodges it to quickly turn away from her attempts to attack him with the hand that she has channeled the energy to. 

Determined to win with speed he channels his lightning energy to travel down his sword to cut the air to deflect the escalation of her attack that has taken the start of manifestation of the fireball in her hand, to aim at her shoulders and neck.

The new tactic has made her unable to create the fireballs or start fires, as she is too busy avoiding his sword that is surrounded by light and emits sparks as it is wielded.

Choi Young's sword tenaciously follows the woman as she is dodging breathlessly while smiling coquettishly to say, "I came because I had something to tell you…" He firmly says "No."

She laughs as she counters, "That is too much." He states like it is obvious, as he wields his sword, "Then die…." the direction of the sword that seemed like it was going to strike from the side to change direction at an unbelievably unprecedented speed to stab directly at the girl which barely avoided its impact by jumping back to roll on the ground laughing, before crouching to jump up, to climb over the tall wall.

Choi Young tried to follow but had to bend over to catch his breath as the severe pain that radiates from his stomach takes him by surprise, losing the true energy Danjeon as it begins to fluctuate.

The sound of the whistle blowing as it notifies of the intruder pierce the air and the sound of the Woodalchi running to respond means that they have finally noticed the intruder.

Deok-man is the first to come running and was trying to climb over the fence that the woman had climbed over as Choi Young leans against the trunk of a tree to stop him from collapsing in pain. 

One of the men asks, "Leader, was it an assassin?" Choi Young commands, "Tell the manager and gather everyone into civil war to protect His Highness."

Another man asks, "What about you Leader?" Choi Young answers, "Yes. The assassin has left, but be perpared there will be another attempt." He raises his head to look at the western sky to notice that the sun will set soon.

Judging by what the girl in red said, it seems like they were targeting me, and it would be better to stay away from the Sky Lady as my presence will put you at risk. 

Choi Young did not know that the King, who heard the report, would come to visit him personally and was taken by surprise while he was eating breakfast with Jang Bin the next day. One of his men came to inform him that the King was in the herb garden looking at the burned cart and the areas that had come under attack. 

The report made him hurriedly run out to approach and then bow his head in respect to the King who then quietly asks, "I heard that Uiseon was attacked. It's my fault." (*Uiseon is Eun-soo), Choi Young remains silent as he holds some resentment towards the King and found it unnecessary to confirm it was the King that has made her existence public, despite knowing what the result would be.

Choi Young escorts the King to the waiting room of the main exhibition building, where everything has been arranged by the Woodalchi, to enable them to protect the King, the Queen and Eun-soo where they did not have to split up the protection needed which could cause an issue. 

After all any room in the Palace is beautiful, but the ability to protect them is now in question. The King entered the waiting room and lifted the chair in front of the simple table, to sit down at it, to ask, "Was it someone sent by Deokseong Buwongun? I heard that among Buwongun's assassins, there is one who can use fire." 

Choi Young answers, "I am thinking it was him. Why did you come here?" The King then states, "I have been wanting to see you all morning, to ask you is this the person who caused Seon Hye-Jeong's tragedy?"

Choi Young takes out the wheat paper from his arms and holds it up saying, "This was found in the burned place of Seon Hye-Jeong." He then places the paper on the table in front of the King.

The King looks the scorched paper, that appears to have spots of blood on it and proceeds to read its contents, after which his gaze shifts as he stares at the middle of the table in thought.

Choi Young waits for a long time as the King contemplates before finally asking, "Is this something left behind by those who died there?"

Choi Young answers, " It seems that the person who left it hoped that the person who found it would think so." The King then asks, "What does that mean?" Choi Young the explains, "Do you see the blood there?"

The King answers, "I can see it." Choi Young finds the wooden box he received from Jang Bin and puts it on the table to take out another piece of unused paper to lay on the table next to the original. The King is puzzled and asks, "What is that?"

Choi Young answers, "Proof." The King's eyes widen at his answer but not understanding, "Of what?"

Choi Young then takes out a knife to cut himself to bleed onto the lower part of the unused piece of paper and the opens the box to spill out centipedes that it contains.

The King watches in disbelief as the centipedes then seem to be attracted to the original piece of paper only. 

The King then looks at Choi Young who explains, "Centipedes are not attracted by human blood there is another blood they prefer it is chicken blood." 

The King understands what the proof is and to verify his understanding he says, "So the evidence has chicken blood on it, means that it was deliberately planted after the murder of the official." Choi Young answer, "Yes." The King then asks, "Who and why?

Choi Young states simply, "All we need to do is wait. Deokseong Buwongun will come to visit us sooner or later.

The evidence was primarily created to be talked about and when he comes to me to talk nonsense, I will show him that it is false by using the centipede's reaction, which will enable me to interrogate him. The other option is that you can just pretend not to know about it and listen to what he has to say."

The King looks at Choi Young in silence for a moment, who waits in silence while he makes the decision, which he will follow.

Finally, after a long silence of contemplation the King opened his mouth, to clarify his understanding of the two choices, "If you question him using this as evidence to prove that it is a lie, I would have decided to fight him. If I pretend not to know anything that mean that I have decided not to go against him. You want me to make this decision by myself?" 

Choi Young answers, "Yes." The King then clarifies, "my attitude depends on how I answer." Choi Young says, "Yes." Uttering the last word, he bows his head to indicate that whatever his decision Choi Young will comply with it. 

The King then gets a bit angry as the way the captain has presented the options he has and says in a confronting way, "Choi Young, no matter what I will decide, it means that you have completed the last mission that I have given you and you will leave regardless of my decision."

Choi Young feels trapped by the statement and answers simply like he is not affected by what has been said, "I understand that you gave permission in that way."

The King demands in a low voice, "Are you really going to leave?" Choi Young, who stands tall and bows his head, does not move a muscle as he states, "I will not go right away. I will wait until your position has been stabilized, but I will leave."

The King looks up at the man from where he sits, a feeling of helplessness washes over him to be replaces as his anger boils over.

It makes him want to vocalize his displeasure, loudly commanding the guards to arrest him in the name of the King. He does neither as he sits there quietly feeling like the centipedes have taken residence in his heart to wriggle in there.

Back in the herb garden the door is opened noisily as the running footsteps, of the soldiers all dressed in black come in to fill the corners of the herb garden. 

Eun-soo watches the appearance soldiers dressed in black armor of while she stands being supported by Jang-Bin as they both stand looking at all the now crowded herb garden.

Eun-soo recognizes some of the soldiers dressed in black who are the members of the Woodalchi unit which the captain is not only the leader of but is also the main bodyguard of the King, she learned that these soldiers were also called the Royal Guards. 

Jang-Bin who stands beside Eun-soo looks in amazement at the overcrowded medical herb garden that has never seen so many occupants at one time. The only time this happened was earlier when he had been by the side of the one from Heaven. 

Eun-soo asks Jang-Bin, "Why did so many of them come?" He is aware of only one reason why there are so many at once and answers, "His Majesty has arrived." Eun-soo looks at him with wide eyes as she asks, "The King has come here?" 

She looks at the soldiers that double as guards seeing how they are for the want of a better word fidgety, looking around, swords out, preparing for any attack or unwanted intrusion.

Before they both know it, the Woodalchis have formed a tight camp surrounding the main exhibition hall, their presence is unmistakable, making her ask, "Where are is the King?" she tries to exit the yard, but Jang-Bin move to block her asking, "What do you think you are going to do?" she answers, "I have something to tell him."

Jang-Bin tries to plea with her, "Uiseon…." As she slips pass him to exit and walks briskly, as he watches her, making no attempt to stop her. On the way she is blocked by two guards who will not let her enter the room front of her. 

Eun-soo determined to speak to the King inside makes her face take on the appearance of an authoritative doctor as she demands in a low voice full of authority, "Could you please move out of the way?" she looks at them without breaking eye contact, they look at each other with an embarrassed look on their face, but do not move. 

It is this standoff that Chung-Seok sees when he comes out of the room. Eun-soo recognizes him as soon as he exits and confronts him saying, "You are the manager, right?" then demands, "Please tell these people to get out of the way."

Chung-Seok tries not to make eye contact while he says firmly, "No one can go in." Eun-soo looks at him while he stands in front of her and decides to try another tactic, so she asks in a kind voice that she uses to establish some sort of common understanding between them, "You know who I am? Right?"

This question makes Chung-Seok look at her without realizing it, which makes her whole face brighten in success at making him look at her, which encourages her to continue her tactic to persuade him. 

She smiles and continue as she persuades the other man by saying, "You know I'm Uiseon, right?" Chung-Seok whose determination to follow his captains command finds his resolve severely tested, making him nervous as he answers, the Lady from Heaven "Ah... yes. I know."

Eun-soo has noticed the change in his demeanor from one that was not going to be moved to that of uncertainty and embarrassment.

The change encourages her to press him, "I, Uiseon, am asking you a favor, can I not? Or should I give an order? That if you do not get out of my way, you will not live. I do not want to go that far to show you that I have something of importance to tell the King."

In front of the entrance to the main building in Jeonui-si, it is apparant that the Woodalchi standing guard in layers. After Eun-soo asks her last questions which sound more like an ultimatum, Chung-Seok does not know what to answer and swallows, knowing it is impossible to allow her to enter nods at one of the two members of Woodalchi, who were standing guard initially to let the captain know.

Eun-soo who feels a bit sorry for bothering a good person and decides to wait. She notices the door open as the guard enters enabling her to raise her voice for it to carry into the room, "I have something to tell the King. It's very important I will wait. Until the King comes outside."

She contemplates how she is going to tell the King that she cannot stay here for another day, after the attack of the strange woman she is more determined to leave. She will leave alone, if possible, as she cannot wait for the captain who will become a great general to fulfill his promise. 

It would be better of course for the captain to be held responsible for his actions in kidnapping her, but what if he did not fully understand what he did? What if returning her personally changes his future?

She stands waiting patiently as all these thoughts run circles in her head, when the natural light in the area that they stand in seems to change to one of darkness making her aware that she has been waiting for some time and results in her calling out, "Are you in there?" 

She walks the outside of the room to see if she can see inside. Finally, she sees a light which she follows as if there is a light that means there is people. 

She follows where she can see the light coming from and notices that it is coming from a window which it sits on the opposite side of where she stands and notices that there are people in the room one of which by the profile is that person who had protected her from the fireballs.

The last time she had seen him was when the chased after the strange woman who had created and thrown those fireballs. She had been worried the whole time, while he had been gone. 

He had told her to stay, which she had complied with no questions asked, the reason had been self-evident. Even though Jang-Bin told her it was okay, she had been still worried.

Standing in the dark, looking at him in the lit room, it makes the importance his position that he will hold someday, weigh heavily on her conscious. Choi Young stands in the room back to the window that Eun-soo looks through, seemingly oblivious to her presence. 

Of course, he is fully aware that she is there, and that Taiwan is crouched on the roof like a shadow as he also watches the one who came from heaven, the one who should now be called Ikseon.

Taiwan is currently feeling restless, as he moves closer to where the one from Heaven stands wondering what he should do. 

He looks at the other Woodalchi's who stand further away, knowing that he guards her as they have all been commanded to keep some distance to stop the King's words to be leaked. 

It makes him wonder whether he should go down and stop it? Uiseon is positioned as if hiding behind a tree. He wonders if she stands at that distance, can she make out the talking in the room and whether he should chase her out? 

Taiwan is about to move when he notices that Uiseon is smiling as she looks inside the window, the sight of her smiling makes him wonder what she is smiling at and makes him peer in the window at what she looks at. 

He senses like an animal rather than sees that Uiseon smiling while she is looking at the captain and feel her relief that he is safe.

Choi Young has been fully aware of her presence, despite all outward appearances as he senses has picked up her energy that would make itself known, right from the beginning. He had a nagging feeling that trying to confine her to the medical clinic has proven to be flawed.

The reality of the Heavenly Doctor complying with any of his commands is proving to be unrealistic. It like the truth of his condition is forming cracks which he is trying to hold together and is failing as he feels the heat of the fever that he has been battling rise.

The King, who currently is sitting unaware of his inner battle was quietly lost in thought, eventually asks, "Are you disappointed?" Choi Young lifts his heavy head and looks at the King, realizing that he is still here talking to the King.

Choi Young notices his eyes are red, and asks, "You... are embarrassed." 

The King then says simply, "That's right. I did that. I did something to save my position. I used Gohan Uiseon. If the person from Heaven is next to me. Who will talk against me? I know I used a shallow move. After all I need you as someone, I can trust by my side. It because I am too weak, and I am trying to strengthen my position. Have I disappointed you? Is that why you want to leave the palace?"

The King says all this knowing that once a line was drawn, there were traces that could not be restored. After all, once it started to unfold, it would not be that bad either, to have it all laid out, so they both knew where they stood. Choi Young is standing there thinking about everything that has been said. 

He opens his mouth to speak, because he knows that is what the King wants, but ends up closing his mouths as he cannot think of what to say. He knows that his reasons have to do with all the untold stories within him...there were so many stories that he had sealed within himself, and he wondered if he would ever be able to forget them.