
I highlight any errors I come across in each file until I'm being called by Ryan.

"Yes, sir?" I greet, closing the door behind me. "Fix something for me," he says, pointing to his computer, and my brows furrow. "A technical issue, sir?" He nods. "I think James is on the same floor; I can get him." "No, it's not a big issue. I just can't figure it out." I go over to his desk beside him and will myself to stay focused. He draws back his chair to allow me some space, and I do what I can.

The issue is indeed small, which confuses me. He's been in this business for less than a decade—about 8 years—and with his experience, he should've known how to solve this, but who am I to judge?

"All done, sir." I step away from the desk and turn around, bumping into a firm but soft chest. "Oh, sorry, sir." I back up and step to the side to create space between us. "Thank you, that's all." I nod and attempt to exit the room.

"Oh, and Ms. Moore." I release the door handle and turn around. "Yes, Boss?" "Fraternizing during work hours is not accepted." I frown in confusion but nod nevertheless and leave.

"When was I fraternizing? Is this about James helping me?" I roll my eyes at this confusing man.

One minute, he's looking at me as if I'm the only girl, and he'd want to have me three meals a day. The next, he wants nothing but business as a boss-employee, and the next, he's a jealous ass.

I can't deal with this. At this point, it's best if I leave men alone; I've already been traumatized by one, and I don't need another grumpy one whose emotions are worse than a pregnant woman's.

It's not like I had a chance anyway.

When lunchtime comes around, there's a knock on my door, and in comes James. "Hey, are you okay?" "Yeah, I'm fine." "I just came to drop this off." I take the file and look through it, then place it in my drawer. "You want to join me for lunch?" "Yes, thanks."

I grab my purse and follow him out, closing the door behind me, but the first person I see next is the last person I want to see right now.

"Mr. Lawson, Ms. Moore." We nod in acknowledgment, but his eyes don't leave mine, and his warning suddenly rings in my ears. 'Fraternizing during work hours is not accepted.' "Let's go, Mun." I turn to the blonde man, unaware of the whole situation, nervously, but a voice speaks up behind me.

"Are you two going somewhere?" "It's lunch break, sir," James says. "Right, you're excused." I gulp and walk to the elevator, trying not to limp, but I think it's already obvious, and when I turn around, he's still standing there with his hands in his pockets, glaring at me with a trace of concern in his expression.

"That was scary," James laughs out beside me once the elevator doors close, but I am nowhere close to finding humor in it, so I just nod my head.

"So, how's your project coming along?" I ask as we walk back into the building. "It's good; boss will love it." "That's wonderful." "I'm going to collect something from the technical department; take it easy." I chuckle and bid him goodbye, going over to the elevator at a steady pace.

Before getting inside, a pair of green eyes belonging to the only occupant of the lift glares at me for some time before stepping out.

It's like every chance he gets, he never fails to show that he dislikes me, ever since I started working here. For what? I still don't know. Even after months, it's been a one-sided hatred.

Inside the lift, my phone vibrates, grabbing my attention. "Did mom and dad give you an invite to dress shopping?" Isabelle asks as soon as I answer. "Yes." "Hm, don't show up." I roll my eyes. Either I don't show up, or my parents will blow up my phone later about my inconsistency, although they'd still be glad I don't come. Or I show up and anger Isabelle, which pushes her to send the pictures to our parents.

"Okay, should I also not come to the engagement dinner?" "Yes." Great! "Okay, is that all?"

The elevator stops on a floor, and someone gets in. "Yes, for now, I have to do my nails; thanks for the funds." The line cuts off, and I ball my fist, wanting it to be my hair. "If I wasn't so cursed, I wouldn't be in this mess," I groan, forgetting I'm not the only one in the lift. "What mess?"

My head snaps up at the husky voice, and I see my boss watching me with a familiar look I can't decipher.

"Family matters," I respond, clearing my throat and maintaining a professional stance. He doesn't pry this time, and we get off when the lift reaches.

Saying nothing, I step into my cabin, melting into the comfort of my seat. I have a meeting to attend, but I'm also in a lot of pain. When will the day end?

At least I don't have to work tomorrow since it's the weekend.

I groan and get my folder ready, looking over to Ryan and noticing the blinds open, but he's busy glaring at his phone. He looks both frustrated and sexy.

Something only he can pull off.

Another pain in my stomach pulls a groan and a wince from me. This is probably from missing countless breakfasts, including my own cramps.

You don't get the luxury of breakfast when you're always late for work. It hurts so bad, though.

Resting my head on the table, I clutch my stomach tightly, setting my body differently to accommodate each strike of pain. I need to eat better, especially with my body's requirements. I didn't think much of it when my doctor warned me, but now I certainly regret it.