Pumpkins and Handcuffs

How did so much happen in the span of one week?

My boss got married to my sister; my boss gave me the best orgasm of my life in his office; my sister got me sent back to England and gave my ex-boyfriend my new location. It's only a matter of time until he finds me.

What did I do to anyone?

I cry harder, looking at the emails on my screen once again.

This is the last straw, young lady. I'm extremely disappointed, but not surprised. I'm cutting you off; I will not be risking my family name because of this.


Hello there, pumpkin, missed me?


Enjoy the flight home.


I was so close—so close to exposing her. Now I'm back in England with no money, no one in my corner, and a broken heart, all because I care about Ryan too much.

If only I had never fallen in love with him or listened to my stupid heart, none of this would've happened.