Office trip

I pull her to my side as we walk along the small path and up to the door. “Ready?” She nods eagerly, so without further ado, I open the door, and the gasp that leaves her mouth is priceless. I stare at her as she takes in the place. "Oh my"

"Do you like it, precious?" "I love it!" She was in a fully furnished place. "It's as if we never moved." "You should see the view." I sweep her up off her feet and carry her to our bedroom's balcony. "Oh wow," "beautiful, isn't it?" I smile, looking at the best view ever. "Uh huh." I pull her in from behind, rubbing her stomach, then pull her into me.

Just where she's supposed to be.


"Precious." "Monique, don't." "Why not?" "If you wet me up, darling, I'm going to put your snacks so high up." I roll my eyes in defeat, slowly putting my cup of water back down and fold my arms.