Unexpected Reunion

Haruto’s POV

A decade had stealthily slipped away, dragging my childhood friend with it when my dad decided Tokyo was the place to be. The longing for her is etched into my very soul, a quiet yearning that I carry daily. There's a tangible reminder in the form of a bracelet she left me—an emblem of our promise to reunite. Then enters Hinata, casting ripples of confusion across the calm surface of my memories. Her features, her eyes, and that cascade of familiar hair—they all echo a melody of recognition, yet her name slips through my fingers like grains of sand. A sigh escapes me as I sit back, pondering the elusive connection between this enigmatic girl and the friend I lost a lifetime ago.

Hinata’s POV

Haruto? His face hits me with a wave of recognition, but his name? Gone with the wind. By the way, I'm Hinata, rolling with a childhood buddy named Haruto. But could he have a twin or something? The whole situation's a head-scratcher, and my musings wander into the realm of questioning if this encounter is legit. The air hangs heavy with the scent of nostalgia as I try to piece together the puzzle of this unexpected reunion.

Haruto’s POV

The day unfolds like any other, mundane and uneventful. Home beckons, and in the simplicity of eating, some reading, and a comforting cocoon of sleep, I find solace. Routine becomes a sanctuary, a predictable haven in the midst of life's uncertainties.


The next day arrives, marked by the echoing chime of the school bell, signaling the return to class. Ms. Hana, our homeroom teacher, ushers us into the ritual of introductions.

“First day of school, peeps! Aoi, hit us up with an introduction,” Ms. Hana declares with an air of enthusiasm that contrasts with my own half-awake state.

The monotony of the first school day rocks me into a drowsy stupor, introductions fading into background noise. My mind wanders, detached from the unfolding scene, as the drone of voices becomes a lullaby to my sleepy consciousness.

Hinata's POV

Suddenly, like a thunderclap in the midst of a quiet storm, Ms. Hina hollers out a name – “Haruto!” My eyes snap open, locking onto a groggy, half-awake figure making their way to the front. Questions flood in like a relentless tide. Could this be the Haruto from way back when the friend I lost in the shuffle of time? Lost in thought, I inadvertently miss the details of his introduction. “Thanks, Haruto, grab a seat,” says Ms. Hina, her voice weaving through the fabric of my contemplation.

Haruto’s POV

I plop into my seat, the awkwardness of the moment settling around me like a cloud of uncertainty. The gears of my mind churn, wondering who's next. To my disbelief, Ms. Hina announces, “Hinata, you’re up.” Hold up. Did I mishear? I stare at her, baffled. Coincidence? Same name, same face as the Hinata from a decade ago. Wrap your head around that one. The school day kicks off, and we find ourselves trapped in a silent dance of recognition and confusion.


As the day progresses, the classroom buzzes with activity. Teachers introduce themselves, classmates exchange greetings, and the excitement of a new school year fills the air. Haruto and Hinata steal glances at each other, their eyes meeting for brief moments that hold a universe of unspoken words. The connection between them grows stronger, like a thread weaving its way through the fabric of their lives.


After school, the library becomes my sanctuary once more. Alone with my thoughts, I find solace in the quiet haven of books and contemplation. The familiar scent of aged pages and the soft murmur of turning leaves envelop me, transporting me to a world where the boundaries of reality blur. I search for solace in the words of authors who have walked this path before me, hoping to find answers to the questions swirling in my mind.

Hinata’s POV

Why's Haruto glued to the library for hours? Thoughts of him linger in my mind like an unresolved melody, a curious fascination developing. This unexpected connection adds a layer of intrigue to my routine, a touch of mystery to the canvas of everyday life. The library, once a solitary refuge, now bears the imprints of a story yet to unfold. As the day turns to dusk, the corridors of curiosity echo with the footsteps of an unexpected bond.


Haruto's POV

Why do the days seem to pass so slowly? It's only the third day of school!

"I'm sorry, but can I use the restroom? I have a stomachache," I requested, standing up.

Ms. Hana responded with a warm smile, "Of course, go ahead."

As I walked towards the door, I pretended to hold my stomach. Actually, my stomach was perfectly fine today, but I was just bored of attending this tedious math class, it’s killing me! I had no idea what we were even studying.

"Is that Hinata?" I noticed Hinata walking towards me in the hallway. "What is she doing here?" I whispered to myself, puzzled.

Hinata’s POV

What was he doing here? Why does he always appear out of nowhere? I was bewildered, wondering why the school seemed so small that I kept running into him for no apparent reason. His thick, black hair glistened as the sunlight streamed through the window. And… why was I suddenly curious about him?! I couldn't help but wonder about his true nature.

As Haruto approached, our eyes met, and we stared at each other for a moment before nodding in acknowledgment.

This is so awkward! What is he up to?

Haruto’s POV

"Phew, That was close," I sighed in relief. I thought she had seen through my fake illness. Oh right, the restroom. I almost forgot about that part.

Today's school day is as boring as ever. Why do people even go to school? Just to become slaves, going back and forth without any clear purpose, I just don’t understand that! Before I realized it, I was lost in thoughts as I quickly snapped out of it. I left the classroom for a while now, I should probably go back to class before Ms. Hina notices my absence. At least I should clear my name from being blacklisted to avoid unnecessary trouble.


"Don't forget to do your homework!"

Finally, it's over. School is boring. How can the other students not get bored at all? More homework, great. I guess I'll do it in the library. Hopefully, nobody else is there.

I packed my belongings into my bag as I made my way to the library. I could already feel the tranquility and peaceful atmosphere of my favorite spot in the corner. But then I realized that I had left my glasses somewhere in the classroom. I hurried back, with one thought in mind: Don't take my favorite seat!

As I entered the library, I quickly took a glance at my spot, checking whether it was empty for me to use. Seriously? Can't I have a few moments alone? Why is Hinata here? And why is she sitting in my favorite spot? The library is so vast with countless seats, but she chose mine!

With a heavy sigh, I settled for a seat at the far end of the library. Of course, I couldn't resist the allure of the corner, we’re inseparable. If one seat is taken, I still have three other options.

Hinata’s POV

Just as planned. This way, I can get to know him better... his interests, his favorite books, and... wait a second, why am I even bothering? Am I going crazy? I've never done anything like this before, it’s embarrassing.

I stole a quick glance at Haruto in the corner of the room. Is he actually studying? And doing his homework? I can't believe it! He seemed like someone who didn't care about anything but turns out, he knows his priority!

Haruto’s POV

My priority is to relax at home! “There’s no place for you in my house,” I whispered, hoping my textbook to understand human language.

"Finally, all done," I muttered as I closed my notebook and placed my pen on the table. Now, I can go home. I hate bringing schoolwork home. My house is meant for relaxation and other things besides school. Suddenly, my phone vibrated, notifying me of a message that said: Haru! Buy me these ingredients before going home!

“So many,” I whispered to myself, keeping my voice low. I should leave now, I packed all my stuff and I rushed outside the library for groceries.

Hinata’s POV

He's leaving? I started following him around, trying to get to know him better. Sometimes, he's actually a diligent boy, that’s unexpected. He spends most of his time in the library and he even goes grocery shopping. Hmm…what time is it now, I pulled my phone out from my pocket. Wait, is it already seven o'clock? Oh no! My mom is going to kill me! She always tells me to be home before seven. It may be boring, but I know she does it for my own good.

Today was a wasted effort. I spent hours, but I still have no idea where he lives. I guess I'll have to try again tomorrow and hopefully, I'll have better luck.

Haruto's POV

The day had just begun, and Ms. Hina stood in front of the class, announcing, "Tomorrow, we will be going on a three-day school trip. Make sure you all come prepared. See you tomorrow!"

This is one of the reasons why I dislike school. Well, I guess that's just how life works.


As the sun dips below the horizon, casting shadows that dance along the edges of possibility, the threads of Haruto and Hinata's stories intertwine in a tale waiting to be written. The shelves of the library, laden with the weight of countless narratives, become the silent witnesses to the unfolding chapters of their intertwined destinies.

To be continued...