New Land Ahead

Mrs. Jist proceeded toward the hall of bells, her intent clear—to hold an important and somewhat ominous assembly, aiming to instill fear in the children.

Approaching the hall, she observed the students murmuring among themselves, their curiosity piqued by the unusual circumstances.

As she tapped the microphone, the students fell silent, their expressions a mix of apprehension and curiosity.

She smiled, finding satisfaction in the unease reflected on their faces.

"Well, today I've decided to show some leniency," she said, giving the students an odd look.

She continued, "Two of the children have managed to escape from this orphanage."

Whispers and gossip erupted among the students.

In a swift movement, Mrs. Jist silenced the crowd. "Today, we have decided to cancel school for tomorrow."

She anticipated cheers, but instead, the students remained tense and silent.

"You're dismissed."

The students shuffled against each other, unsure how to react, as Mrs. Jist made her way back to her office.

The bullets relentlessly punctured the jetski's paint.

"Why isn't anyone taking them down?" Kirk exclaimed into his walkie-talkie.

Bumble, clearly annoyed, replied, "Because you're not engaging them!"

Kirk glanced at Bumble momentarily.

"They don't have weapons, so just shoot their vehicle."

Kirk grinned.

"Thank you, second-in-command," he said with a broad smile.


The boat closed in on the area where Peter and Micah were.

Apprehensively, Peter looked back, witnessing something he hadn't expected.


Micah turned to look, almost speechless at the sight of him.

What was Kirk doing here?

"Hello, you little rascals!" Kirk boomed, their jetski nearly touching the back of the boat.

Micah quickly turned the jet ski to the side, trying to keep them off their tail. He switched to the third gear, and the jetski accelerated.

Bumble did the same, gently bumping the jetski's steering nozzle.

Bomp "Ah!" Peter shrieked, almost losing his grip on Micah's stomach.

"Hang on!" Micah shouted, feeling Peter slipping.

"Just keep bumping them!" Kirk shouted excitedly. Bumble complied, bumping into the back of the boat again.


This time, the impact caused the jetski to spin in a 360-degree move.

Peter, witnessing bullets whiz past him, leaned backward—dodging the flying projectiles.

The jetski returned to its normal posture, but the situation had grown riskier.

"We need to gain more distance on them," Kirk told Bumble.

"I actually agree for once!"

She steered the boat to the next lane, now side by side with the boat.

"Remember me!" Kirk yelled.

Yes, they remembered him, and they were most skeptical of him. "Go away!" Peter shouted.

Kirk shook his head.

"Ain't gonna leave that easy!"

Suddenly, their boat started moving toward Peter's side.

"Move!" Peter shrieked as their boat mirrored Kirk's direction.

It was almost like a race, but one fraught with danger.

"We need to escape from them," Peter said to Micah. Micah hesitated and then responded, "You think?"

Kirk was now only inches away from their boat. Slowly, Bumble raised something that made Peter's heart race.


The muzzle faced Peter so closely that a shot would be devastating.

"Stop the jetski, and I won't shoot," he said, his smile menacing.

Peter was trembling, his teeth chattering, and his grip on Micah barely there.

He looked back at Peter, seeing the gun aimed at him.

He needed to do something.

In a surge of anger and determination, he kicked his leg off from the step.


Bumble was hit in the face, releasing himself from the jetski.

He fell into the water, causing the boat to go out of control.

Kirk found himself swinging around until he splashed into the water.


Peter, unsure of what just happened, smiled with relief.

Then, he felt his eyes closing slowly, until darkness consumed him.

His grip was officially gone.

Micah quickly looked back in horror, grabbing Peter's wrist.

He scolded himself quietly, hoping to find a means of escape soon. On the horizon, he spotted a big orange sun.

They were almost out!

He switched gears, making the jetski lean over.

He tried to persevere, so that he wouldn't lose control of the handle.

But, he was almost there!

He pushed harder and harder.

His hands started burning with pain as he struggled to keep Peter on the boat.

"Come on—" he grunted in pain. "Keep going!"

His hands felt disconnected from his joints.

He closed his eyes, hoping to feel a bump of land, where he could rest.

Then, boom.

He felt a wave of sand splash onto his face. He felt himself thrown off the jetski, landing with a thud.

He could feel pain in his hand and head, struggling to open his eyes.

But, his eyes wouldn't cooperate, and he felt life slipping away.