Breaking the Breakthrough

Micah and Peter cautiously traced the sharp edges of their swords with their fingers, narrowly avoiding injury.

“Well, hopefully the Ikes have fun with this,” Peter quipped, attempting to conceal his mounting unease. "Well, I must say, I never imagined finding myself in this situation." Micah chuckled awkwardly, "You can say that again."

A moment of quiet lingered as dread started to eat away at them.

“If we kick the bucket in this skirmish,” Peter inquired with a trembling voice, “it was a pleasure being a sibling to you.”

Micah's fear quickly morphed into concern. Well, I simply can't perish. I must use this power to rescue them, and I refuse to disappoint them.

“Don’t fret,” Peter assured him, regaining his composure. “I’ll ensure no Ike comes near you.”

“Thanks,” Micah replied, finding comfort in Peter’s words. Yet, worry persisted. What was Peter's grand plan for self-preservation?

As the march continued, the initial whispers of weariness began to spread among the group. “My legs are on fire,” Peter whined.

Micah couldn't resist a chuckle as he replied, "You can say that again."

Vienne and Xavier hopped on board for the march, their expressions a delightful blend of excitement and nerves.

“Ahh yes, battle is soon to begin,” Xavier declared. "So, what's your next move?"

Peter boldly declared, "I'm just going to eliminate every Ike I see," exuding unwavering confidence. Xavier let out a chuckle, lifting their spirits momentarily.

“Oh, we were having such a good time!” they chuckled, but the serious thoughts quickly returned.

“I hope we survive this,” Vienne admitted.

“Ditto,” they all chimed together, a harmonious agreement that provided comfort.

Suddenly, the march came to an abrupt stop, with shouts of orders echoing through the army. Peter, initially perplexed, was suddenly overcome with a wave of inquisitiveness.

With a puzzled expression, he inquired, "What's going on?" as he maneuvered through the crowd, his curiosity piqued.

Standing at the front of the line, he was taken aback by the sight before him. A multitude of Ikes were lined up, with one particular figure taking center stage. “Who’s up front?” he asked, surprised when Jack responded.

General Stricker's great-grandfather had quite the impact on our army during the past war, nearly wiping us out completely. He's definitely someone worth keeping an eye on.

Peter glanced back at General Stricker, captivated by this new opponent. The general sported tousled dirty-blonde hair and a matching scruffy beard. With a smirk that could make Peter's spine shiver, his voice was even more unsettling.

“Well, might as well put a stop to him,” Peter muttered.

"So, are these the great Hemorrians who've come to stop our army of global domination!?" General Stricker bellowed. Well, color me intrigued.

Asiris confidently made his way to the front next to General Visch, immediately grabbing Peter's attention.

“Alright, what brings you here?” Asiris bellowed, the sound echoing deep into the heart of the Ikes’ formations.

General Stricker's reply didn't shed much light on the situation. “So it’s true; the Heathers have come to help you guys,” he sneered.

Oh, come on now - just answer my question. What brings you all to this place? "Asiris demanded, irritation evident in his voice," he said with a hint of impatience.

“Because we know about your plan, oh great commander of the Heathers,” General Stricker taunted Asiris’s position. Having only yourself to face us is probably your best bet, not relying on your feeble allies.

General Visch was not pleased with the situation, but Stricker's even louder snorts started to make Visch uneasy.

"You see, you guys have done this world to a crisp." You possess no authority, in fact, you can't even retain your own royalty.

Asiris couldn't help but let out a few snorts, even louder than Stricker's, which only increased the tension.

“We’ll establish a fresh order, a new law!” Stricker exclaimed, prompting the Ikes to erupt in cheers as they raised their swords in triumph. "And you'd wish you'd been a part of it," he added, holding his sword high.

“Stations!” With a simple command from Asiris, both armies swiftly took their positions. General Visch, with his impressive dual swords, caught Asiris' attention.

Tension filled the air as the soldiers prepared for battle, their gazes locked on their foes, ready for the impending clash of swords.

Counting away like a mathematician...

“Now,” Asiris whispered, and the silence was shattered by deafening screams as the Heathers and Ikes charged at each other with determination and fury.

The battle raged on, carving a destructive path through the Ikes as if they were mere flesh. There seemed to be no clear demarcation line anymore, just a trail of disorder.

Stricker, being the observant soul he was, spotted the situation from afar and casually signaled for a messenger to come his way.

“Yes?” inquired the messenger.

Stricker quipped, "Why don't we send some soldiers to the frontlines and break the breakthrough?"

“Yes, sir,” confirmed the messenger.

He thundered onto the battlefield atop his horse, commanding the troops, "Send reinforcements to the front, shatter their advance!"

The Ikes perked up at the sound and turned their gaze towards the frontlines, preparing for whatever the Hemorrians had planned next. Get ready, the showdown is about to get even more intense.