The Dream

A young explorer could be seen running away from something in the jungle towards an ancient temple in the heart of the jungle inside the temple there was a jewel he had dreamt of getting all his life but it was taken by a familiar face not yet recognized by him.

   "Ahhhh" a terrible scream could be heard from Alex room which woke his brother Felix from his room which was directly beside Alex on hearing this Felix ran to his brother's room to see him in the pool of his own sweat.

   Felix asked him of what had happened but Alex said it was nothing. Then Felix tried to embrace his brother but at that same moment Alex had a flashback of the familiar face that he saw take the jewel. He had a thousand thoughts go through his head so he made no action as Felix embraced and tried to calm him down then Felix told him to calm down,freshen up and come down for breakfast.

   While coming down for breakfast Alex was thinking about the dream that he had while coming down for breakfast with felix,when they got downstairs a beautiful blonde hair blue eyes woman in her early 40's (the

brothers mom) jokingly said to them "what took you so long" then Felix said "Alex woke up in a scream" then she chuckled and said I wonder what that could be about. The room went quiet then their dad came down with a joyful mood their dad was a handsome darked haired man in his late 40's , he came down happily shaking Alex as they normally played,then he noticed Alex wasn't happy and asked him what happened why was he in a bad mood and tried to cheer him up by saying "frowning is not good for your health " then Alex replied saying " I see mom frowning all the time " then mom said I heard that while Felix giggled.

   They had breakfast and dashed off to school since Felix was in the 6th grade  and Alex was in the 5th grade they walked to school together ,so when they got to school they both went to their different classes .