The first attack

He looked at Owen hoping Owen would bail him, but at that moment Owen left the class. Hurry up Mr. chapperson, we don't have all day, his teacher said referring to Felix who was coming up with an answer to a question he doesn't even know.

  Two ? . Felix said anxiously waiting for his teacher's response.

Correct, round of applause. The teacher said commanding the students to clap for Felix.

At lunch, Owen came to Felix to ask how the class went. It went great. Felix replied rolling his eyes at Owen. Really, Owen exclaimed.

As Felix was about to reply Bella walked into the cafeteria with her perfectly packed lunch and sat right in between both of them and changed the topic.

So how was your shard study she asked Felix. What st..udy he stuttered. Come on tell me, the Felix I know will definitely do some research.Bella said boastfully.

Fine, I did some research and at some point the shard started glowing and I saw...


The bell rang ending the conversation.

Later at closing Felix continued his sentence saying he saw visions.

Ugh.... we have to find that jewel.Bella said

Wait don't we need approval from your parents too.Bella continued

My parents are always traveling and my brother wouldn't even care so I'm free to go. Felix said.

My dad isn't in the country and my mom  is always super busy and stressed from my four siblings. She wouldn't even notice if I left. Owen said.

We all know my mom will never allow me and my dad won't let me go either so I'm going nowhere . Bella said as they strolled to her house.

But on their way a not so familiar face stopped them and demanded Felix.

What do you want from me. Felix said

Oh nothing, just walk into the portal I just created and everyone will be happy and leave here unharmed or you choose not to and face consequences.

I would rather face consequences than go with you wherever your portal goes. Felix said

Fine then, the other way it is. The mysterious girl said.

The next second the mysterious girl dashed to punch him but he was faster and deflected the punch with a bone breaker which sent her flying to the closest building.

Bella and Safina engage in a fierce fist fight, their blows echoing through the city square. Safina pulls out her gun, using it to create portals that send Bella flying across the square. Bella quickly recovers and charges at Safina, but Safina creates another portal, dodging Bella's attack and striking her from behind.

Owen and Felix join the fight, trying to take down Safina, but her portal gun makes her a formidable opponent. As the fight intensifies, Bella uses her own portal abilities to counter Safina's attacks. The two fighters exchange blows, creating a series of portals that send them both flying around the square.

The battle rages on, with neither fighter giving in. Owen and Felix struggle to keep up with the fast-paced fight, but they refuse to back down.

Bella focuses her energy, creating a series of portals that generate a massive shockwave. The blast strikes Safina, sending her flying across the square. Safina struggles to get up, but the shockwave's force leaves her stunned and disoriented.

Owen and Felix seize the opportunity, rushing to Bella's side. Together, they approach Safina, ready to end the fight. Safina, however, refuses to yield. With a fierce cry, she uses her last bit of energy to fire her gun one more time... and then she's gone, disappearing into thin air. She is never seen again.

The city square erupts in cheers as the fighters stand victorious. Felix turns to his friends, grinning. "Thanks for having my back, guys. We make a pretty good team!" Owen and Bella smile, relieved that the battle is finally over.

They were still all amazed at what just happened then Felix said I think I know who is behind this.

Who ? Owen and Bella asked