

Lumi did not answer me. She stared at me with a fiery blaze in her eyes that demanded only one thing: for me to sing already.

Helpless, I could only clear my throat with two coughs, and opened my mouth.

"Twinkle, twinkle, little star~

How I wonder what you are~

Up above the world so high~

Like a diamond in the sky~

Twinkle, twinkle little star~

How I wonder what you are~

When the blazing sun is gone~

When he nothing shines upon~

Then you show your little light~

Twinkle, twinkle, all the night~

Twinkle, twinkle, little star~

How I wonder what you are~"

I wrapped my arms around her when I finished.

"How was it, dumpling? Did Dad surprise you with his singing, hm~?" I asked, releasing her, eager to see her look of admiration. My nose stood taller and pointier as I grew smugger by the moment.

Yet, she shattered my expectations. Lumi instead stared at me with the blankest look on her face. I could not get a read on her.

"Dumpling? Y-you didn't like it?"

Her lack of reaction was an iceberg, and my heart was the Titanic. I sank into the sulkiest sulk. One who drowned a forty-six-thousand-ton mega cruise ship.

I was ready to sing another song, one to make her proud and let her fawn all over me, when Lumi spoke first.

"I'm not a baby, Dad. Why did you sing a lullaby?"

I immediately shot my gaze downwards into my chest and lap, as she smiled over her shoulders. The glimmer and shine in her eyes were unmistakable.

As a grown man that lived a life already, a twinge of shame flickered in me, but I admit. I giggled when I made contact with those eyes of hers. I giggled like a little girl, barely restraining myself from squealing with excitement.

"Hehe~ that's because I've never done that before with you, dumpling," I said. I extended my arms upwards, holding her in the air. "I was not there for you when you were a baby, so I have so many firsts I want to do with you!"

It surprised me to find Lumi stiffening in the air, but through all the giddiness, I thought nothing more of it.

"E-eh? Did I say something wrong?" I craned my neck upwards and asked.

Lumi did not respond; it was clear that she was not sharing my excitement, so I had to bite the bullet. I had prepared myself to dive into her mind when she began to squirm.

N-no, Dad! Put me down! We can't do that!

She buried her face into her hands and twisted from side to side so much, I complied. I set her down on the sofa as my wonder turned into concern. The burst of emotion within her was a trainwreck; I could not discern a single bit out of the mess.

I entered her mind and almost regretted so. My eyes widened to the size of dollar coins. Half-amused, half-helpless, my immediate response was to give a wry laugh.

I flicked a finger hard on her forehead. "What's a little girl like you doing, thinking about that? You're making Dad look like bad man, a pervert!"

The reality of the situation hit me, and we fell into a disarrayed silence.

Somehow, somewhat, Lumi associated 'the first' of my words to the bird and the bees. Knocking boots. Shaking the sheets.

Ah! The euphemisms only made the awkward, shameful, and uncomfortable situation worst. I knew had to do something to kill it.

I kneeled in front in front of her and rested my palm on the top of her bowed head. "Dumpling, tell me. Where did you learn that?"

"F-from your memories," she mumbled through her fingers, as quiet as a mouse. "I-I don't know why I keep thinking about it."

I bit my lip. It was normal for a girl her age to be curious, especially considering matters like that. It was like a whole new world to her. My hands fell still, and my lips opened halfway. I hesitated on what to do and what not to say.

I wanted to take the opportunity to explain to her about it. To teach her to respect and protect herself. But then I remembered she could read my mind. Dumping all that once would do nothing more but overload her. Traumatize her. I did not want any more of that.

She could read my mind. She would learn it all and process it herself as she experiences the world more. I inhaled a deep breath.

What I needed to do was to relieve her uneasiness. To ensure that she would never feel uneasy, embarrassed, and apprehensive around me.

"It's alright, dumpling. You can keep thinking about it. Don't be shy with Dad. It's a normal process about discovering yourself." I paused. "And like how you're learning more about yourself, Dad wants to let you know he will never hurt you. Okay? I will never do anything that will make you uncomfortable."

"... but you like teasing me so much," Lumi answered, saying something at last.

She had widened her fingers a bit such that I could see the exasperation of her eyes.

My lips curled into a deep smile. I knew my message; my intentions had got through with her. I leaned forwards, tightening my arms around her all the sudden. I nuzzled myself against her neck.

"You're so cute, dumpling. Dad loves your shy but righteous look. You say that as if you don't like me teasing you, hmm~? Didn't he tell you that he will never do anything you don't want?"

"D-dad—!" Lumi whimpered.

"You can try to hide it all you want, but I know you like playing jokes and my hugs. So come closer. There, there."

Once again, I pulled her into my lap and into a tight embrace. But this time around, she did not resist.

We stayed like that for God-knows-how long. I felt her erratic breathing and blushing heart return at ease again. When it did, I opened my mouth and began to sing again.

It was a simple, classic song dear to me, one I had sung thousands of times during the last years of my past life.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine~

You make me happy when skies are grey~

You'll never know dear, how much I love you~

Please don't take my sunshine away~

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping~

I dreamed I held you in my arms~

When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken~

And I hung my head and cried~

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine~

You make me happy when skies are grey~

You'll never know dear, how much I love you~

Please don't take my sunshine away~

I'll always love you and make you happy~

If you will only say the same~

But if you leave me to love another~

You'll regret it all some day..."

I was now at the third chorus. Although Lumi enjoyed the song with her eyes shut, I grasped her palms in my hands anyways. I beckoned her to join me.

"What are you waiting for, dumpling? Come join me. We were singing, right?"