
Casper returned in hand with a stack of envelopes and handed them over to Daniella. His gaze then turned to us, his eyes full of expectation. 

"So? How is it? Will you sign with us?" 

I did not give both Clara and Casper a reply yet. I wrapped my arms around Lumi and waited for Daniella. She took her sweet time opening and reading through the letters. I saw on the occasion that she would shed a tear. Or her eyes would burst into flames. Or she would rip apart the letters like a frustrated puppy.

"That little b*tch," she muttered, as she finished reading the last letter. She tore it in half and stood upwards. 

Lumi's eyes widened at the swearing. I was swift in covering her mouth, hoping she would not imitate her. I began to regret my decision in making Daniella as Lumi's role model. Appearances sure were deceiving. The modest, elegant, and refined Daniella when singing and playing the piano was nowhere to be seen. most of the time. She was calculating as well as had a short temper and a crazy sweet tooth. Now, I could even add a foul mouth to that list of red flags. 

Knowing her temper, I moved my hands to cover ears in preparations for a slew of curse words. Much to surprise, it did not happen. 

"Sign," Daniella told me. Her voice was calm, but anyone could tell that she tried to force her tone to be emotionless. "I hope their contract hasn't changed since then." 

I looked down towards Lumi, who gave a small but confident nod. 

"I trust sister Ella," she said, her voice still a little meek. 

Clara and Casper shared a look of joy as the latter ran off. He returned as swift as the wind with a pile of papers and slammed them on the coffee table in front of me. Written all over his face was an expression of urging and hurry. 

I set Lumi from my lap to my side and bit my lip. Casper tossed me a well-prepared pen. I caught it, clicking it, and twirling it around, before I set the pen down next to the contract documents. 

No one had said a word. Plus, I could notice the heavy breathing of Clara and Casper coming from in front of me. I did not know why, but it all seemed so fishy. Weren't they a little too desperate? 

I glanced at Daniella with the corner of my eyes for some reassurance, but she had sat back down with her eyes shut. The devil in me said she was in cahoots with them. The angel in me said she likely was reminiscing about her past with her senior sister Anisa.

Though Lumi was against it earlier, I still asked Clara and Casper about auditioning. 

"You're... you're not going to have Lumi audition first? I would expect an interview or something more formal in a process like this..." 


"There's no need," they answered in unison. "Just sign it." 

They were like salesmen to a cult or some marketing scheme. I hesitated once more, before I flipped over the contract documents and began to read over it. 

I was glad I remained careful. Casper lunged at me and swept all the documents away from my hands as I turned to the second page. 

"Silly mistake by me," he had said with the fakest smile I had ever seen. "That's the wrong contract." 

I was about to retort something out of anger when Clara bowed her head ninety degrees and thrusted her wheelchair forwards. She rammed into her husband and knocked him into the couch, snorting as angry as a bull. 

"You bastard! Don't play your stupid little tricks in situations like these! You're the one who is going to frighten them away!" she roared. 

Then Clara turned to me with a flattering smile. 

"Ignore him and his antics. My husband has uh... obsessive compulsive disorder. He was only trying to... to... to maximize his returns. Yes, he's a finance geek!" 

He was trying to scam us, Dad! 

You're right, dumpling. These people are no good. Let's leave—

"Ice cream, sing for them," Daniella interrupted all the sudden, her tone sharp. I had rose about half-way up from the sofa, but I sat back down. "Or else that money-grubber won't take you seriously." 

I turned to Lumi who still clutched my arms the instance Daniella finished speaking.

Are you comfortable with that, dumpling? 

She gave me another weak nod before she cleared her throat. 

"I cling to your poison like a moth to the flames~

In this twisted dance we play the same game~

Your words cut deep yet I crave their sting~

A masochistic melody that makes my heart sing~"

I saw Clara's eyes widen. Casper, who sat up rubbing his stomach, stiffened. I knew Lumi had aced the first verse. I watched her inhale a deep breath as she entered the chorus.

"Don't leave without me, baby~

Though the fire burns~

I'll stay ablaze in your inferno~

Your love was a wildfire, consuming all~

And I'm the moth drawn to your burning hate~

So don't leave without me~" 

Even I was taken aback. Lumi's high notes on leave and love were so smooth and stable. She made it look effortless. My eyes swept in Daniella's direction. Sure enough, she too was not without the slightest of a proud smirk. She gave Lumi a big thumbs up as began the second verse. 

You're my addiction, my sweetest sin~

A poison I can't help but drink in~

The scars you leave they map my skin~

Each bruise a testament to where we've been~

Why pull me close again~

"Don't leave without me, baby~

Though the fire burns~

I'll stay ablaze in your inferno~

Your love was a wildfire, consuming all~

And I'm the moth drawn to your burning hate~

So don't leave without me~" 

After the last note finished lingering in the air, Lumi jumped into my arms. I accepted her embrace with gusto. 

"H-how was it?" she asked, her head turning to me and to Daniella. 

This time, it was our turn to answer in unison.

"You were amazing."

I wanted to use our shared telepathy to further praise her into the heavens, but the wheels on Clara's wheelchair creaked by. She rolled in front of Lumi and I. 

"This unique, beautiful voice, it's demonic and addicting. Thank you, little Lumi, for letting me hear the voice I couldn't forget again."

Casper too rose from the sofa. He locked eyes with me. 

"My expectations were high, but still they were blown out of the water. Leave Without Me by Apele, that's a difficult song to cover. I apologize for that farce earlier."