I'm the Problem

Elestria sat down opposite Lusi. She was given two books. Her task was to match the data in book one with that in book two. The work required such concentration and precision that Elestria didn't notice her surroundings.

Lusi sat on a chair near the bookcase. Her hand reached for a worn black book. The cover was made of bearskin and 'History of the Clans' was engraved. When she opened the first page, she got lost in the reading.

Outside, the overcast sky was still there. Dante just watched upwards from inside the carriage. He then asked the coachman to speed up.

The capital of Emberfall was getting quieter. Everyone was afraid of the terrible sky. A loud flash of lightning woke Elestria and Lusi from their reverie.

Lusi exhaled. "The lightning was so loud."

Elestria looked up at the window. Water soaked the glass. The loud sound of raindrops could be heard in all directions. The storm was coming.

"Since I came, it seems like there have been many terrible things," Elestria whispered.

Scarlett responded, "That's a coincidence. Thieving vampire and storm are nothing compared to not meeting a mate yet."

"You're not the only one who needs a mate."

Scarlett nodded.

They returned to their original activities. The lanterns were running out of light over time. No one realized.

Lusi was curious about the interspecies couple. At first, wolves and humans were strange. Over time, other variations emerged. But, the variety of mates for vampires was very, very few.

Lusi's wolf named Suki asked, "You wish Elestria's mate was a vampire?"

"A little. Elestria wants to be rich, vampires are very rich."

"Lusi wishes your mate was a vampire," Scarlett whispered.


"She shouldn't have hoped. Our mate is a wolf."

"Where is he?" 

"No idea."

Elestria massaged her temples. Ever since she was a teenager, Scarlett liked to talk about their mate being a wolf. Surprisingly, she didn't know where he was. Back then, Elestria was tempted. Now, she hoped her mate was a good person.


The storm subsided in the afternoon. What it left behind were muddy roads, torn roofs, and dirty floors. The servants cleaned it up right away. Elestria wanted to help, but she remembered to finish her work in the study with Lusi.

Lusi saw her friend's indecision. She asked after taking a sip of tea, "Why, Els?"

Elestria looked up. "I feel guilty about the loss of your carriage. I wanna help at the boutique to make up for it."

"You already helped. I told you your job is to be my assistant."

"Your carriage must be expensive, Lusi."

"Stop worrying. Your brave story is worth more. I'm proud of you."

Elestria gasped. She thought her action was insignificant. She had captured the vampire because she was emotional and needed an outlet. She fiddled with a pencil. She said, "Thank... you."

"Because of your bravery, orders at the boutique have increased. You have to work extra."

"Of course, Lusi." She gave a big smile.

Lusi tilted her head. In her view, Eletsria's style of dress was too simple for the staff to consider her innocent. Also, as her assistant, Elestria should be dressed fashionably.

Since getting to know her, Lusi had seen Elestria wearing the same brown dress. The clothes she wore during the four seasons weren't even different. Lusi couldn't let it go on any longer.

The Autumn Girls' Edition was her first choice for Elestria. She thought there should be more choices. She must be pretty to meet her mate.

"Elestria, how many colors of dresses do you have?"

"There are several."

"What are they?"

Elestria counted on her fingers. "Chocolate, coffee, peanut, caramel, and cinnamon."

Lusi shook her head in disapproval. So, after dinner, she dragged Elestria to the measuring room. She measured Elestria and provided her with dress options.

A reluctant Elestria said, "I'm fine with my clothes now."

Lusi shook her head hard. "As a member of Alfafa Boutique, you must be fashionable."

"Lusi, everything here is nice and... luxurious."

Lusi just nodded. She knew Elestria was reluctant to accept this treatment. However, this was for her good.


"Let me dress you, honey," she cut in.


She missed her bedtime by a few minutes because Lusi was enthusiastic about choosing the color of her dress. Elestria didn't understand her purpose. She thought that Lusi was using her at the carriage's expense.

Elestria threw herself onto the bed. The bed was cold. After putting on the blanket, it took a while to feel warm. She curled up like a little wolf.

"She always has bright ideas," Elestria said.

Scarlett yawned. She had seen how Lusi measured and selected many styles of dresses for Elestria. Scarlett's conclusion came down to one thing.

"She wants you to be beautiful so you can meet your mate quickly."

Elestria's hands pinned the fabric of her clothes. The surface was rough from frequent wear. She realized that she had been making clothes without buying them. What else could it be if the money she had was enough to eat?

"I don't have much money," Elestria said gloomily.

"So Lusi lent it to you. She was well dressed, so she met Dante."

Elestria nodded. "I need to raise money to buy clothes, too. I need another job before I become a palace soldier."

"You will become a soldier, but buy a dress. You'd better work at the boutique with Lusi."

"I was wondering. The vampire was being chased by palace soldiers. Did he steal information from there?"

Scarlett yawned widely. Her eyelids were heavy. "I don't know. Just focus on your choice. Ultimately, it's up to you to see it through."

Elestria's body rolled to the left side. Her face faced the wall. The small lantern in the room cast a shadow on her body like a steep hill.

"Scarlett, it must be nice to have someone else to lean on."

The weak voice prevented Scarlett from sleeping although she didn't hear clearly. She only murmured faintly a moment after Elestria closed her eyes.