Hopping Because of Her

The eagle flapped its wings as it flew from Gideon's arms. He quickly went to Wan's house because he had no meat.

It chose a simple settlement near the valley. It descended into a courtyard of a house near the road.

Gideon looked up at the sky. The grey sky that the eagle was set against remained the same. He exhaled. White-coloured steam came out of his mouth.

He expedited his business in Emberfall and entrusted it to Orion. That day, he rushed to the village where Wan was staying. He didn't want to be separated from his mate for too long.

Thinking of that adorable brown wolf made him smile. Gideon swapped shifts with Dev. A white wolf ran over the snowy ground.

A simple village gate made of wood was in sight. Dev stepped wider as he ran. His heart beat twice as fast as he thought of Scarlett.

People on the street glanced at him. In an instant, they looked away.