Rudra comes out from the fighter ship and starts hugging his mother and his friend, they all wishes him on his birthday. Rudra makes a eye contact with Aniruddh and asks him,

" why Bhavya is here?".

He replies through his eyes

" she insist to come here and also she asks with her mother to come and she won't resist".

Bhavya than asks " Rudra are you fine! As you gets separated from us while escaping from the restaurant".

Rudra goes and stands nearby Bhavya.

" Yeah! I am fine! How aboou?".

" I am also fine".

While they having a conversation, door opens and an officer enters inside the flight deck and informs Gautam and Arun.

" Sir! Head wants to talk to you about something very important, we connect their call with hologram. Please! Come fast".

" Okay! We are coming, you may leave".

" Yes sir!".

" Arun let's go and check what happens, kids you can have fun and do rest in your room".

Everybody leaves the flight deck and Gautam and Arun head to the cabin room where the call is connected with the head of the Indian headquarter of Starlight corporation and Others head to their room. Gautam order one of the subordinate stood at the entrance of the flight deck.

" show them there rooms".

" Okay sir!".

Arun and Gautam head to the first floor where the call is being received and other also head to the first floor for room. They use lift to reach quickly to their room, the lift is based on electro-magnetic principle. It's shape is of a cylinder and it was covered with transparent glass through which they can see every floor. There were total 100 set of 2 lift.

The lift is present at every kilometer and the size of ship is 10*10km and to travel inside the ship there are routes of small electric metros in it at every floor. This ship can carry population of whole Delhi, and Bharat have more than 200 of ships for emergency evacuation.

Scene shift to Gautam:-

Gautam and Arun enters inside the room and they saw their head (Abhijeet Sinha) on the hologram device. They both greets him and stand nearby the hologram.

" Both of you listen to me very carefully, I am going to give an important information so focus on my words".

" Ok sir!".

"Gautam and Arun you are S tier officer of the starlight corporation's security sector.

I trust all my subordinates and I already informed other 4 S tier officers, but you were busy in rescue operation.

So, the information is that our technical team received a purple crystal's or we can say dark energy wave. The point is, it is not an ordinary energy wave that releases by the demonic tree but, it comes from the same cave where he is being sealed".

Here Gautam interrupts Abhijeet and he add some of his point.

" Sorry sir for the interruption! I want to tell you something important".

" Yeah sure Gautam!".

" sir! The information I am going to give you is very important to this rescue operation as well as the energy wave you talk about".

" What it is Gautam?".

" Sir! I think they are trying to resurrect him".

" Gautam it is serious! I hope you understand but are you 💯 sure about it".

" Yes sir! Even I have proof".

" What kind of proof do you have?".

Here Gautam tells Abhijeet about the rescue operation and Abhijeet was only listening to him very carefully.

" Sir! When I tracked my son and goes to rescue him, I saw Mayaracha there and my son was doing a one on one fight with him".

" Gautam this is serious because Dark Ministers only comes in front of us when they plans something big and last time they appears 23 years ago. Your son was in an one on one battle with him, this what we can expect with our secret agent Rudra".

After listening the compliment Gautam smiles and laughs a little bit with Abhijeet's sync and all the member present in the cabin room also gives a little smile as Rudra was everyone's beloved.

" Gautam tell me what you want to share with us".

" Sir! when our ship was heading to the evacuation ship, Mayaracha came to our ship and I have an one on one fight with him.

He tells me that he want Rudra to make him a vessel and they are planning to revive him and I don't think this energy wave just a coincidence.

Sir! They are definitely planning to resurrect him, if he gets revive then earth will be in a total chaos".

" Gautam I think we are on right path and I will immediately send a fighter unit to the cave as well".

Arun request to Abhijeet to tighten the security for Rudra because once Rudra gets kidnapped by those demons than it will hard to rescue him from them.

" Don't worry Arun I make sure to protect Rudra and you two also take care of Rudra"

Gautam was trying understand the statement of the call that Mayaracha got during the fight.

"sir! When I was dealing with Mayaracha, there he pick a call and someone tells him that their mission completes and he need to come back to the base.

I am not getting why Mayaracha comes to our ship to kidnap Rudra if he already completed their mission and Mayaracha himself told me that he comes to kidnap my child".

" Gautam this proves that they are planning something big and they will try to distract us. First we need to find out what mission he was having".

Everybody was silent as they all were confused about Gautam told them and they were just creating their own scenario what could possibly those demons trying to do. Abhijeet then orders Gautam to call a person to come in that cabin, then Gautam call him.

Scene shifted to Aniruddh :- (when they separates from Gautam)

Aniruddh and others enters in their rooms, Rudra's room and Aniruddh's and Bhavya's family room was in respective sequence. They 3 enter in Aniruddh's room and their mother's enters in Rudra's room along with her father.

Rudra gets laid down on the bed as he was tired a little bit from fighting those demons, bhavya sit besides Rudra and Pats his head gently. Aniruddh also sit next to Rudra at his right side and says.

" Where we were in the restraunt and now we are here".

" Ahhhhh! You two still gets rescue from demon, I encounters with those demons, huh!".

Bhavya questions" Rudra did they attacks on you?".

He replies in a humorous way " I think they know whose son we are, that's why you also got rescue first".

They three laughs, and Rudra was in deep eye contact with Bhavya. Bhavya sets his hair and tells Rudra to rest and Aniruddh and Bhavya also laid down on the bed.

And then Aniruddh smart watch rings.

Thanks for reading till the end and next chapter will come soon.