:Tessa's Naked Body

In an abyss filled with dotted stars, a golden cup could be seen floating in a fixed position amidst the vast darkness. Encircling this golden cup were seven beings adorned in white garments.

Aside from the long white garments with golden stripes, these beings also possessed not just two pairs of wings; their faces were masked with white poker masks and floating crowns on their heads.

The silence shared among them came to an end with the ti-ring notification sound of a white popped-up notification appearing above the golden cup. This was the means the one called the unknown used to communicate with the absolute beings of the universe.

The notification displayed some stats of a man; the shared information of Cyrus and his image were displayed.

- [What are your thoughts on this being...?]

- [Name: Cyrus----

- [Image-----

- [Threat Rate: Multi-Universal Threat

- [Status: Demon King Of Rebirth----