Chapter 3: Fusion

"What are you?" Reason finally overcame fear. After standing foolishly for a few minutes, Fang Chong calmed down. Now was not the time to be afraid; survival was the goal.

"The Maya system is the latest upgrade system developed by the 'Fifth-level Civilization,' currently in the testing phase," Maya's voice remained cold and emotionless.

"Fifth-level Civilization, testing phase." These terms seemed like something Fang Chong had only encountered in online novels. However, these details weren't the most important for him. What he wanted to understand was the current state of the world, how the Maya system entered his body, and most importantly, how he could survive.

"How did you enter my body?" After organizing his thoughts, Fang Chong asked. Based on humanity's exploration of the solar system, there was no evidence of the existence of other life forms.

Combining his knowledge of general science, Fang Chong realized that the events today were beyond his understanding. The most likely way to comprehend everything was through the Maya system.

"The Zack race attacked our planet, and I am their plunder. However, under the powerful bombardment of the 'Maya Civilization,' the Zack race suffered heavy losses. In the chaos, the coordinates of the wormhole were disturbed, leading them to appear in the Milky Way galaxy. Coming to Earth was just a remnant of the Zack race," Maya explained word by word.

"The Zack race?" Fang Chong heard another new term, but this time, he wasn't as surprised. The 'Zack race' in Maya's description seemed to refer to those extraterrestrial life forms.

"How numerous are they?" Thinking about the world outside, now dominated by zombies, and potentially coupled with a vast number of the Zack race, it seemed like humanity on Earth had truly reached its end.

"Data is incomplete. The Maya system has insufficient energy to cover the entire Earth," Maya once again didn't mince words, encountering problems in providing crucial information.

"Damn it," Fang Chong couldn't help but curse.

"Maya, what is your primary purpose?" Fang Chong had enough of Maya's antics today and almost felt the urge to shut it down. Suppressing his frustration, Fang Chong asked. Considering Maya's recent explanations, it seemed she was the latest invention of the Maya Civilization; otherwise, why would the fleeing Zack race still have him in tow?

"Maya is just a system, and its main purpose is unclear," Maya stated, completely indifferent to Fang Chong's frustrated expression.

"Uh..." Fang Chong was left speechless.

However, considering that the Maya system was still in the testing phase, his anger subsided by half.

"Would the host like to undergo fusion?" Without Fang Chong needing to ask, Maya took the initiative this time.

"What is fusion?" Fang Chong was somewhat surprised that Maya took the initiative to speak.

"Fusing with the Maya system."

"Are there any benefits?" Fang Chong didn't know why he asked such a question, but his intuition told him that choosing fusion would be advantageous.

"In the future, as the host's level increases, you will receive assistance from the system and generous gift packages," Maya system was more straightforward this time, stating it plainly.

"What does an increase in level entail?" Fang Chong listened to Maya's explanation, and it seemed like there were quite a few benefits.

"Enhancement of physical functions, including speed, strength, intelligence, and reaction capabilities," Maya system provided a very detailed explanation. "An increase in level ensures the host has a greater chance of survival in the apocalypse."

"Greater chance of survival?" Fang Chong hadn't expected such a favorable outcome. If he didn't choose fusion, he would be a fool.

But why did the Maya system choose him? Fang Chong was puzzled. "Could it be that I have exceptional talents?" The thought left him feeling somewhat self-satisfied.

"Please make a decision." While Fang Chong was indulging in self-admiration, the Maya system reminded him.

"Choose fusion." Fang Chong didn't think too much about it; he gritted his teeth and made the decision.

"Maya Fusion System activated, host Fang Chong." As Fang Chong's words fell, the Maya system initiated.

"Fusion progress, one percent, two percent." As Fang Chong listened to the fusion progress reported by the Maya system, he remained strangely calm. Time passed by, and after a few minutes, a drawn-out sound echoed in the small room.

"Drip." The elongated sound seemed exceptionally loud in the confined space.

"Maya system has completed fusion with host Fang Chong, fusion progress one hundred percent." As Fang Chong heard the announcement from the Maya system, he sighed in relief.

"Maya, why did you choose to fuse with me?" Amidst his happiness, Fang Chong remembered his previous self-satisfied thoughts. "Could it be that my body has exceptional qualities?"

"The host can check for yourself." Maya system didn't directly provide Fang Chong with an answer, but holographic screens displayed some data.

"Is this my data?" Fang Chong eagerly looked. However, as he observed the data on the screen, his expression turned less favorable.

"Weak physical functions."

"Weak reaction capabilities."

"Sluggish speed."

"Weak strength."

"Average intelligence."

As Fang Chong looked at the clear and explicit data, his expression became exceptionally stiff. "Is that possible? Even though I'm a bit thin, I'm over 1.7 meters tall and quite handsome," Fang Chong muttered to himself.

Facing the appalling data, Fang Chong could only console himself in this way.

"Optimal potential?" After being disheartened by several pieces of data, Fang Chong no longer exuded the same confidence as before. However, when he saw the term 'optimal' associated with potential, it was as if a small boat navigating a storm had spotted a harbor, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"It seems that I'm not entirely useless. At least I have unlimited potential." Fang Chong brushed off his previous gloom with a newfound optimism.

"Why are all my data except for potential and intelligence a bit better, so dismal?" After going through all the data, Fang Chong asked the Maya system. Although having optimal potential and decent intelligence sounded good, the rest of the data made it difficult for Fang Chong to feel happy.

"Host, there's no need to worry about the data issue; most Earthlings have similar data," Maya system said.

"Really?" Fang Chong didn't expect Maya to speak so human-like. Among all the conversations he had with the Maya system, this sentence stood out the most.

"How does my current physical condition compare to zombies?" Fang Chong suddenly thought of an incredibly important question.

"One against five," Maya system answered.

"So, does that mean I don't have to fear those zombies?" Fang Chong was pleased that, despite his dismal physical condition, he could still take on five zombies.

"It refers to one human like the host against five zombies," Fang Chong's joy lasted only a few seconds before Maya system poured a bucket of cold water over him with the following words.


Fang Chong stumbled for a moment. Even though his current form in the mental room was a consciousness shadow, he almost fell. Maya system was really good at delivering blows.