Chapter 13: Genetic Potion

"Sniper rifle, pistol, rifle." Fang Chong stared at the items appearing on the screen, his mouth agape, as it was visually stunning. These were things usually seen on TV, and now they appeared in the internal system of Maya, making Fang Chong even more skeptical about what this Maya System really was.

"Maya, are these things I can exchange for?" Fang Chong took a while to recover from his shock.

"Yes, as long as you have enough reward points, you can exchange for them," nodded Maya.

"What can I exchange for with my two reward points?" Fang Chong looked at the firearms on the screen. He really wanted to have them. Setting aside the childhood dream of going to battle with a gun, having firearms now would make survival and killing zombies much more convenient. However, knowing he didn't have many reward points, Fang Chong didn't expect to get heavy machine guns or rifles. If he could get a pistol, he would be grateful.

"Under each item, there are corresponding exchange points. The host can check them for yourself," reminded the Maya System without explicitly indicating them for Fang Chong.

"Does that mean two reward points can exchange for many things?" Fang Chong, after hearing the Maya System's reminder, had a thought. However, when he carefully looked at the screen, his expression became even more vivid.

"A pistol requires one hundred and twenty reward points, a rifle two hundred reward points, and a machine gun one thousand two hundred reward points," Fang Chong read out the exchange points needed for firearms, his voice trembling a bit.

His two reward points seemed pitiful at this moment.

"There must be something I can exchange for," Fang Chong wasn't ready to give up. He continued to scroll down. After seeing the firearms on the screen earlier, other items seemed less attractive. However, now the situation was different; the hope of having firearms was temporarily shattered. Fang Chong had to see what else he could exchange for. Looking at the items listed on the screen, everything available for exchange seemed to be related to survival.

"Food section" aligned with Fang Chong's thoughts. As he continued scrolling down, he encountered a variety of items related to food. However, with no immediate concerns about food, Fang Chong decided to ignore these items.

Continuing further, Fang Chong was not only shocked but also more impressed. Beyond the food section, he found a diverse range of items, including cars, boats, and even airplanes. However, the reward points required for these items were astronomical for Fang Chong in his current situation. After hastily browsing through them, his gaze settled at the bottom of the screen.

At the bottom was a section related to pharmaceuticals, and Fang Chong's heart started pounding when he saw the four large red characters, "Gene Elixir."

Taking several deep breaths, he calmed his racing heartbeat. The term "Gene Elixir" was not unfamiliar to Fang Chong. On the first day, the Maya System had informed him that the Earth had fallen into an apocalypse due to the powerful "gene virus" carried by the Zark Tribe's spaceship entering the Earth's atmosphere.

Because of this, Fang Chong had a heightened sensitivity to the term "Gene Elixir."

Knowing about the Gene Elixir raised many questions for Fang Chong. "Maya, what exactly are these Gene Elixirs?" he inquired.

"They are potions that alter human genes. By injecting a specific Gene Elixir, one can obtain corresponding abilities," replied the Maya System. "For example, with the Gene Elixir of the Great Roc, upon success, you would gain the ability of high-speed flight."

"Is there such a thing?" Fang Chong found it quite unbelievable. Flying has always been a dream for many humans, and now, in the apocalypse, it seemed that anything was possible.

"Injecting these substances won't turn you into a zombie, right?" Fang Chong raised a crucial concern. The Gene Elixirs sounded incredibly enticing, but the potential risks might be considerable.

"No, it won't. However, there is a one in ten chance of failure, and your physical fitness must be above level ten," answered Maya straightforwardly.

"What happens if it fails?" Fang Chong asked quickly.


"Death," Fang Chong murmured to himself. The strong desire he felt just moments ago to possess the ability of flight was slowly dissipating, cooling down. Regardless of his physical fitness not meeting the required level of ten, even if it did, Fang Chong wouldn't hastily attempt it. Success might be rewarding, but failure could be irreversible, and there were no second chances.

Moreover, Fang Chong was unsure which Gene Elixir would be most suitable for him. While he carefully examined the names of the Gene Elixirs, most of them were related to animals and plants, presenting him with numerous options that made it challenging to decide.

"Forget it, I'll set aside thoughts of Gene Elixirs for now," Fang Chong concluded after pondering for a moment. "Maya, store those two reward points for me." Realizing there was nothing suitable for exchange, Fang Chong instructed Maya to save the points for later.

"Host, you can now repair the Gene Elixirs," Maya informed Fang Chong just as he was about to exit the Maya System's interface.

"Repair Gene Elixirs?" Fang Chong wondered, as he didn't recall seeing such a type of elixir during his examination.

"Can repair bodily injuries and enhance resistance to viral infections," Maya reminded Fang Chong.

"There's such a elixir?" Fang Chong, who had been worried about how today's injuries might affect his plans for the next day, found this reminder to be a welcome relief.

"Yes," nodded Maya.

"Then, I'll take it," Fang Chong decided that nothing was more crucial than ensuring his survival.

"Normally, repairing Gene Elixir would require five exchange points, but there are no strict requirements for the first transaction," Maya explained. As she finished speaking, a blue vial appeared in Fang Chong's hand.

"In that case, could I have chosen the heavy machine gun earlier?" Fang Chong asked, wondering if he could have gotten both the elixir and the heavy machine gun.

"Yes," nodded Maya.

"Uh..." After exiting the system, Fang Chong still wore a regretful expression, lamenting not choosing the heavy machine gun just moments ago.

With a moment of decision, Fang Chong consumed the Gene Elixir to repair his injuries. The blue elixir entered his body, and he immediately felt a gentle warmth spreading within him. The discomfort in his chest and back, where he had been injured, gradually faded away.

After a few minutes, the pain in his chest was completely gone. Fang Chong checked and found that the red scar from the injury had vanished, and his skin had returned to its normal color.