Chapter 15: Muscular Transformation

After the evolution of zombies, their bodies no longer deteriorate like those of first-level zombies, and the skin ceases to emit a foul odor. Similar to the green zombie, post-evolution, the skin takes on a light green hue, significantly enhancing its toughness. When Fang Chong encountered a green zombie yesterday, without the blade 'Silent Annihilation' in his hand, a mere fruit knife with a pitted blade would likely struggle to cut through the green zombie's skin, not to mention decapitating it.

Monsters like zombies, despite being failed products of viral infection and evolution, owe their enhanced strength to the virus. The virus alters the genetic makeup of their body cells, contributing to a substantial increase in their power.

And as we reach the second-tier green zombies, their speed increases, indicating a more pronounced optimization of their body cells. The genetic virus plays a more significant role in their bodies. At this stage, a new type of cell called 'Optimized Genes' grows in the chest of the green zombies, commonly referred to as 'Muscularized Flesh' due to its appearance resembling fat.

If these cells could cover the entire body of a zombie, it would further evolve into an advanced form, becoming a terrifying super-evolved entity. These "Optimized Genes" not only enhance the abilities of zombies but also have effects on the human body. They not only satisfy hunger but have a more noticeable impact on ordinary humans.

The genetic virus brought to Earth by the Zack tribe is, in many ways, not a poison. It is a virus capable of altering cells, unlocking the hidden potential within every cell. However, due to the weak constitution of Earth's human bodies, they cannot withstand cell optimization, leading to a breakdown of the mind and transformation into thoughtless zombies.

The "Optimized Genes" extracted from zombies are already evolved. Consuming them poses no risk of turning into a zombie, making them a rapid source of enhanced strength that survivors in the apocalypse wouldn't resist.


As the afternoon approached, Fang Chong woke up. After a morning of rest, his mental state had improved considerably.

"Let's continue." Now that his physical abilities had reached level five, every ten zombies he killed would reward him with a point from the system. Fang Chong was eager to exchange these points for enticing items within the space.

Wasting resources was shameful. After filling his stomach, carrying a knife, Fang Chong left the warehouse once again. He had a plan in mind; he didn't intend to leave the Carrefour Shopping Mall area until reaching level ten. With safety and an abundance of food, staying a bit longer posed no problem. Moreover, he hoped that others might come here like him, searching for food.

Rather than actively seeking out humans, Fang Chong preferred to wait patiently, thinking it would be better if someone else stumbled upon him.

"Area Four, here I come." Fang Chong had no intention of rushing, so he decided not to disturb the first-level zombies, letting them remain undisturbed below.

After several days of growth, facing zombies no longer evoked any special feelings in Fang Chong. Entering Area Four and observing the wandering zombies inside, Fang Chong remained calm. Having acquired the strength of five people, he wanted to experience the sensation of having five hundred kilograms of strength.

Fang Chong's presence was quickly noticed by the zombies in Area Four. A young female zombie rushed out of a store, howling.

With the strength of five people, Fang Chong showed no hesitation. Holding a knife in his right hand, he focused on the approaching female zombie. As she closed in, he shifted his body slightly, and with a kick from his right leg, a resounding "bang" echoed. Fang Chong's precise kick landed in the abdomen of the female zombie, sending her, along with her body, flying. She crashed into several shelves in succession.

Witnessing the immense strength in his own kick, Fang Chong stared wide-eyed, finding it hard to believe. In this moment, he felt like one of those kung fu stars from the movies.


Perhaps feeling the pain from being thrown, the female zombie struggled to get up from the ground. After a howl, she aggressively attacked Fang Chong with teeth and claws. At this moment, other zombies in Area Four were drawn to the sounds emitted by the female zombie. Discovering the presence of a fleshy human like Fang Chong, they became even more aggressive.

Aware of the terror of his own strength, Fang Chong had no intention of playing with zombies. Holding his knife horizontally in front of his chest, as the female zombie lunged once again, Fang Chong effortlessly swung the blade into her neck, relocating her head.

Having gained the strength of two more people today, Fang Chong, now possessing the strength of five people, picked up the heavy blade 'Silent Annihilation' without any hindrance. With only a few zombies in Area Four, Fang Chong didn't pause after dealing with the first female zombie. He took the initiative, charging towards the nearest zombie.

With the continuous improvement of his physical abilities, not only could Fang Chong's arms unleash powerful strength, but the muscles in his legs also experienced significant growth. Fang Chong believed that if asked to participate in a hundred-meter race at this moment, he could probably finish it in less than five seconds – a terrifying speed.

Possessing strength equal to the zombies but moving at speeds several times faster, Fang Chong seemed like a tiger among sheep. The roles had completely reversed, and he ended the battle before the zombies could surround him. Over forty zombies met their demise under Fang Chong's blade.

Looking at the headless bodies and the dark bloodstains covering the ground, Fang Chong shook his head lightly and left Area Four.

On the fourth day, Fang Chong had become somewhat numb to the presence of zombies. Shaking his head lightly, he proceeded towards Area Five.

"Thud, thud."

As Fang Chong entered the stairwell leading to Area Five, he heard a series of loud footsteps. Having become adept at distinguishing zombie sounds, Fang Chong found the noise surprising – it was neither emitted by zombies nor humans.

Thinking this, Fang Chong's pupils slowly dilated, his eyes fixed on the front, gripping his knife tightly.

ps please collect it, thank you!